Hypocracy, isn't it? Well isn't it?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Phoenix92, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Phoenix92

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    Apr 6, 2013
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    So, I got ordained over the Internet, so that way I can perform marriages for friends, family and the like.
    Another reason is because same sex marriage has recently been legalized in New Mexico (win!!!). But anyway, my dad, who doesn't like the fact that my sister is lesbian, he "tolerates" it, just barely, told me that if I were to preform a ceremony like that I'd be kicked out. His argument is because it is forbidden by Old Testament law, which only needs to be followed by Jews(not trying to seem anti-semetic).
    This coming from a man who gets enjoyment out of seeing homo-erotic displays of manly-ness every Sunday, in fact anytime there is a football game on.

    I wanted to tell him that according to this Old Testament law, that football can also be considered an abomination. Another thing from Old Testament law, as I am the first born male in his blood line, I should be given the same amount of respect as he'd give his father(I am not shown any respect, he gives off vibes that I am a failure). Not only that, but he breaks probably one of the worst Old Testament laws that can be broken, he does work on the sabbath. And that is a big no-no.
    I wanted to tell him all of these things, show him the error in his argument, but I held my tongue, because if I did speak out against him on these things, I may have gotten kicked out, and he'd have broken yet another OT law.

    The hypocracy of some people is staggering, what are your thoughts on this situation?
  2. Jinkies

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    Oct 27, 2011
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    Jesus worked on the Sabbath.. So, right then and there, he was giving the message that people need to be kind to each other, not follow rules for the sake of following rules.

    I think it's pretty cool you got ordained. My only question is how long the bishops are going to let you keep your position until homophobia kicks in.