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How Was 2013 For You?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Martin, Dec 26, 2013.


How was 2013 for you?

  1. 1 - Worst Year Ever

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

  5. 5 - Average

  6. 6

  7. 7

  8. 8

  9. 9

  10. 10 - Best Year Ever

  1. Martin

    Board Member Admin Team Full Member

    Nov 14, 2007
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    Merseyside, UK
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    Out to everyone
    Wassupski peeps,

    As it's that time of year again I thought I'd get this thread posted for its 6th edition! :grin:

    So yeah, like previous years, vote on the poll above and answer the questions below! :wink:

    2008 thread is here: http://emptyclosets.com/forum/chit-chat/18762-how-2008-you.html
    2009 thread is here: http://emptyclosets.com/forum/chit-chat/30684-how-2009-you.html
    2010 thread is here: http://emptyclosets.com/forum/chit-chat/41714-how-2010-you.html
    2011 thread is here: http://emptyclosets.com/forum/chit-chat/55456-how-2011-you.html
    2012 thread is here: http://emptyclosets.com/forum/chit-chat/78591-how-2012-you.html


    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?

    2. What did you do over the summer?

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?

    5. Favourite song from the year?

    6. Favourite artist this year?

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?

    15. What was your most stupid incident?

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different?

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?
  2. Hexagon

    Full Member

    May 1, 2011
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    The poll says 2012...
  3. timo

    Full Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    2013 was quite good - I voted 8. Don't have time to answer the questions now but will do that later.
  4. Hexagon

    Full Member

    May 1, 2011
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year? I got surgery

    2. What did you do over the summer? I got surgery

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends? None

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013? The NSA/Edward Snowden thing, I guess

    5. Favourite song from the year? I dunno.

    6. Favourite artist this year? I dunno

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them? I went vegan

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months? That my parents can't be trusted

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013? I think, technically speaking, everything everyone experiences is life changing.

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do? No

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications? No

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year? When I masturbated, last night

    15. What was your most stupid incident? My answer to No. 14

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment? My laptop, my phone and my pen

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year? Nothing

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different? Nah

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?
  5. Tzoa

    Full Member

    Aug 27, 2013
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    North Carolina
    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?
    I found out I was bi. That was a pretty big change.

    2. What did you do over the summer?
    I visited my dad for his wedding. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be, and I reconnected with one of my aunts there. We still talk quite a lot on Facebook (which I didn't join until this summer).

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?
    What relationships? :grin: Well, I almost got a boyfriend, but I'm so glad things didn't work out with us. He was incredibly clingy and opposed gay marriage.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?
    The Boston marathon bombing. Shortly after that happened there was a bomb threat where my mom worked. It turned out to be a prank.

    5. Favourite song from the year?
    The Wire - Haim

    6. Favourite artist this year?

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?
    I didn't make any resolutions.

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?
    Completing two honors projects under unfortunate circumstances. The instructor for my first honors class died about a month and a half before the project was due. The instructor for me second honors class got a new job at another school about a month and a half before my project was due.

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?
    My brother.

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?
    I came out. Never thought I'd do that. I also visited New Orleans and took a ghost tour on Halloween night. Spooky.

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?
    Ohhhh yeah. Several.

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?
    Visiting New Orleans. I want to go back!

    15. What was your most stupid incident?
    Getting drunk at my dad's wedding I almost told him just how I felt about his parenting skills. Not sure if that counts, since I didn't really say anything. Hm. I waited till the last minute to do pretty much everything in school, two terms in a row.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?
    My mom, school, my new friends.

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?
    For Christmas my mom and I relaxed, exchanged a couple gifts and watched Harry Potter movies. Those magical kids celebrate Christmas in some of the movies, so they count as Christmas movies!

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different?
    I am. I hope I can get back into writing, and be more active. I used to be both creative and active. Even though I've had a great year, I still feel like too much of my time is spent being stressed or unwinding by losing myself in video games and surfing the web. So, in short, I'd like to be more productive outside of school.

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?
    #5 Tzoa, Dec 26, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  6. man dolen

    Full Member

    Dec 13, 2013
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    1. New school.
    2. Sleep, Party, Getting drunk.
    3. With who ? :grin:
    4. None
    5. Family friend- The Vaccines
    6. Two Door Cinema Club
    7. None
    8. I've got to High School
    9. No one
    10. You shouldn't deny who you are.
    11. I accepted my sexuality
    12. Dyed my hair green(for like 3 days), because of protest to legalize weed.
    13. No... :frowning2:
    14. My teacher told me, that I'm one of best students, he had in 12 years.(May sound stupid but for me it was huge boost, because he's master in animation)
    15. Red wine + pineapple juice + vodka...
    16. Fact that I'm still alive
    17. Sleeping, sleeping and sleeping
    18. Come out to someone. Hope, my life won't be such a boring mess.
    19. 7
    20. For sure
  7. Nick07

    Full Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    It was a roller-coaster.
  8. musicrebel

    Full Member

    Aug 19, 2013
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?
    I think realizing that I was genderqueer was the biggest change in my life this year.

    2. What did you do over the summer?
    This summer was THE BEST! I hung out with friends and I went to summer camp, which changed my perspective on life. I didn't stay home a lot; I was outside the majority of the summer.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?
    I only had this one 'thing' with this girl. I tried having a relationship with her, but it never reached that level because we argued a lot and we were just a mess. I want to wait until I am comfortable with myself to start dating people and this year has helped with that. So now I'm 70% comfortable with myself.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?
    My state passing gay marriage! *does happy dance* I was up at my summer camp when they finalized the law and we had this whole ceremony at midnight with a campfire and everything. It was perfect. I'll never forget it.

    5. Favourite song from the year?
    I like a lot of older/rock music, but from this year, it would have to be "Counting Stars" by One Republic. I've liked their music since 2007. Every time this song came on the radio, I would jam to it.

    6. Favourite artist this year?
    I don't think I can answer that. I got into way too many artists this year to even think who's my favorite of this year.

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?
    Being fit/healthy was my new years resolution this year and I think I stuck to it for the most part. I began watching my diet and I started to work out a lot in the gym in April through June and I stayed active until September. That was when my mental health started deteriorating again (I have depression + SAD). So I went to therapy more frequently and it's been helping me get back on track. My therapist has helped suggest healthy options to keep my mind healthy. I've always eaten healthy food, so that wasn't a problem, but my sleep was and I had to change my sleep routine.

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)? I'm proud of not giving up. I take whatever advice I can get and I try to do them, I don't just sit and whine--I learned it takes time and effort to make a difference within myself. I'm proud that I'm able to recognize that kind of stuff.

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?
    I'm most proud of my sister because she's always been there for people and she's always been strong. She gets really good grades, gets herself involved in activities, etc. I am always proud of her and I look up to her.

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?
    Yes! The biggest lesson I learned this year was: The grass isn't always greener on the other side.

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?
    Summer camp. As I mentioned previously, it changed my perspective. I learned that there's so much to life that it isn't worth giving up or calling the quits. I got so much love from the people there and I had so much fun. I never felt so happy in my life.

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?
    I never thought I'd change styles every 2 months. I experimented a lot with my clothes this year that I never thought I'd even do that since I'm not the kind of person who likes change every so often.

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?
    Learning the basics of guitar was probably the biggest qualification. Also singing in front of an actual crowd of people for the first time ever was a big qualification as well.

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?
    Summer camp.

    15. What was your most stupid incident?
    I had lots! But the most stupidest was probably being a dick at this one party I went to. I liked a girl and I knew she didn't like me back, so I was being kind of a jerk to her and everyone was like, "Wtf is your problem?" and I was just being real shitty. I regret it, but she forgave me.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?
    The things I have, like a house, food, clothes, all the necessities. I appreciate having a family that cares about me.

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?
    Xmas was alright this year. Just the usual spending time with family. This new years, I'm going to a friends house :slight_smile:

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different?
    I want to be healthy/fit, so that'll be my new years resolutions again. Being mentally healthy is a big resolution I have as well. I hope this new year will be better...but I dunno, life is weird sometimes.

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?
    I gave it a 7 because it was a lot better than last year. The beginning and middle of this year was great, but it got worse towards the end.

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?
    I joined this year, so I definitely will be on here next year :slight_smile:
  9. Aussie792

    Full Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    Out to everyone
    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year? - I came out to everyone but my family and recovered from the worst of mental illness, which was a massive step.

    2. What did you do over the summer? - Summer has just started.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends? - Non-existent.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013? - The US, British, and Australian scramble to try to fix international relations after the Snowden leaks (not really one story, though).

    5. Favourite song from the year? - Don't really know.

    6. Favourite artist this year? - I can't choose.

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them? - No, I never did.

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)? - Got into the best school in Canberra (all I had to do was write a letter, but it's significant for what it'll do for me)

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)? - Myself. I finally have enough self-esteem and self-worth to recover and get back on my feet.

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months? - Yes, but it'd take too long to write what I feel about it.

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013? - Yes. Recovery from the depths of depression and eating disorders was a big step, and coming out (the two tied together) was amazing.

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do? - Come out and starting to feel good about myself.

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications? - I've got a job and I've got my year ten certificate.

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year? - I can't choose one.

    15. What was your most stupid incident? - I can't really say. The embarrassing moments are just funny now or mildly irritating to remember. Nothing really seems stupid as such.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment? - Peace of mind.

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year? - Just have a quiet summer and read.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different? - I won't make any resolutions, but I hope I don't have any relapses, and I'm determined to study hard and not be sick (physically or mentally)

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)? - 6.

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year? - I'm not sure. I think so, but I'll have so much less time next year.
  10. AwesomGaytheist

    Full Member

    May 19, 2013
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    Pittsburgh, PA
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    Out to everyone
    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?

    Going off to college as well as moving in with my boyfriend, which all happened at the same time.

    2. What did you do over the summer?

    Saw some family that I hadn't in over 10 years, had all my mom's siblings together at the same time for the first time since 1984, visited a foreign country, left the United States for the first time in 15 years, and that about covers it.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?

    Since moving in together in college, we've only grown closer, and the bond we share is so amazing. I love him so GD much.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?

    The Boston Marathon bombing and the madness over the next week that ensued. Man that was a crazy week. It was my last few weeks of high school, and most of the day, I sat in a computer lab finishing up on projects and listening to a live feed of CNN.

    5. Favourite song from the year?


    6. Favourite artist this year?

    The Imagine fucking Dragons. They are fucking awesome, and when I bought their album a couple days after Black Friday, I got the last one, and the guy behind the counter said there were people buying 7 or 8 copies at a time.

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?

    Nope, because I knew I wouldn't.

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?

    Taking steps towards solving a bunch of the problems in my life.

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?

    My boyfriend's mother. After a talking-to from her husband and reflecting on their own lives, she finally embraced me as a member of the family. She came around just in time for Christmas.

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?

    Oh boy, that list is so long. The biggest is that if someone is hurting you emotionally, and they're sadistic enough to think they're right and that you deserve it, they're never ever going to change, so stop giving them second chances.

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?

    Too many to list. Most of them involved the people who are absolute cancers in my life.

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?

    I joined an LGBT group on campus, and visited a gay bar.

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?

    I can put down for the "highest level of education" box, "Currently attending college."

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?

    Getting "married" at a faux marriages event on campus to raise awareness for LGBT issues. It was an unseasonably warm day-75 degrees on October 10, and we stood under a tent, held hands, and exchanged "vows." We even got a little "marriage certificate."

    15. What was your most stupid incident?

    I was volunteering that night, and when I took these guys home who had had waaaay too much to drink, one of them put his hand on my shoulder and said, "You are a saint, and you will be rewarded by Jesus Christ himself...eventually."

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?

    My boyfriend, my in-laws, and my EC family. When everyone else is too crazy and too dysfunctional, there's always people who care, you just have to find them.

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?

    Go to my grandma's house and have filet mignon. That was good.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different?

    I've got my plan all set and ready to go. This is going to be interesting.

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?

    7. The good outweighed the bad.

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?

    I sure hope so!
    #10 AwesomGaytheist, Dec 26, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  11. Jared

    Full Member

    Feb 29, 2012
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    Los Angeles
    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?
    I got a boyfriend, and I'm about 95% out.

    2. What did you do over the summer?
    Went to Vancouver, BC and Seattle for a week and then was in summer school in Aug/Sept, goofed off in July and was in school until late June.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?
    Pretty good, had a shitty relationship in January and found a great guy shortly after that ended. We've had our rough patches, broke up once and got back together, but I couldn't be happier.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?
    DOMA and Prop 8 being declared unconstitutional was probably the oat significant, but Tom Daley coming out sticks out quite a bit too.

    5. Favourite song from the year?
    Miss Jackson - Panic! At the Disco

    6. Favourite artist this year?
    Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?
    Yep and I lasted about a week haha

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?
    Confronting my mom about some the shit she puts me through and standing up to her.

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?
    My boyfriend, he finally realized that he need to get some help to deal with problems going on in his life and I know that was a really hard thing for him to do.

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?
    Yep, got used a few times and felt like shit, but came out stringer for it

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?
    I came out to my super religious god mother and my best friend. Both of them were great about it and can't wait to meet my boyfriend.

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?
    Metting my boyfriend, I love him

    15. What was your most stupid incident?
    Accidentally sent a text that was meant for my best friend talking about a date to my ex.... That was awkward.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?
    Boyfriend, friends, and my favorite cousin

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?
    Spending Xmas in Cancun with my family and New Years in Palm Springs with my boyfriend.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different?
    Trying to stick to a healthier diet and exercise regularly. Also taking care of myself mentally better than I did this year, I made a lot of progress in 2012 and regressed a bit this year. Also I need to tell my mom about my boyfriend, she knows I'm gay but I'm scared as to how she'll react to me actually dating a guy, especially one that isn't rich and white.

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?
  12. Some Dude

    Regular Member

    Nov 5, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?

    Well accepting that I am gay was pretty huge

    2. What did you do over the summer?

    A few vacations, other than that. Complete boredom and loneliness

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?

    There were none

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?

    Boston Bombings

    5. Favourite song from the year?

    Eh, I don't really listen to current music

    6. Favourite artist this year?

    Probably Kendrick Lamar

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?


    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?

    Doing well in school, accepting myself

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?

    I don't know

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?


    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?


    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?

    Not that I can recall

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?


    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?

    Don't even know

    15. What was your most stupid incident?

    I do a lot of stupid things plus I have an awful memory so I don't even remember half of the stupid stuff I did

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?

    I don't even know

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?

    My aunt had people over for Christmas Eve. It was really nice until a bunch of people I didnt know showed up and the place got extremely overcrowded. Food was good though. Christmas at my cousins wasnt bad. My parents are throwing a nye party which I'm not looking forward to at all

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different?

    I have a lot, get in better shape, make some new friends, work on becoming more sociable, and most importantly try to experience life more because I feel like I've been wasting it

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?

    I voted 5 but probably like a 3. The first half of the year was the worst time of my life probably. The summer was bad. But then once high school started I've been doing much better and actually for once instead of dreading going to school, I'm actually starting to enjoy it

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?

    I'd like to think so
  13. Sarcastic Luck

    Full Member

    Jun 3, 2013
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year? I graduated community college.

    2. What did you do over the summer? Came out to my mom as transgender, attempted to see a therapist, but quit after mom started being verbally abusive. Pretty much, I spent the summer in a severe depression.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends? What relationships?

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?None, honestly.

    5. Favourite song from the year? Witness by Mindless Self Indulgence.

    6. Favourite artist this year? Mindless Self Indulgence

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them? No.

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)? I did well on the PCAT

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)? The few supportive friends I have.

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months? That my mother is absolutely paranoid when it comes to men, can't be trusted with anything person because she'll blab it to the world and use it against me, and that she'll probably disown me when I transition.

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013? No, not really.

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do? I accepted that I'm transgender.

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications? Associate of Science degree

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year? Graduation, I guess, but it was quickly ruined by some stupid woman who kept fist pumping and knocking my cap off. Consequently, I went up on stage for pictures and all my pictures have my cap off center. Part of the reason why I haven't framed them.

    15. What was your most stupid incident? Had a guy I role played with that was a few years younger. Trusted each other pretty decently, and so I came out to him. What I didn't realize was that he was absolutely in love with me. So, I ended up breaking his heart and ruining the friendship.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment? Considering I've been severely depressed off and on since last week? Not much.

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year? Christmas was sitting in my room and drinking, which I did since Christmas was celebrated on the 22nd. Yesterday was just any ole day. New Years will probably be spent playing Skyrim.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different? I never keep them, so no. I honestly hope that my mom will start to come around to things, but I suppose the day that happens is the day I'll magically have a penis.

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)? 3

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year? Yes, assuming whatever university I get into doesn't have the website blocked.
  14. musicgirl18

    Full Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year? - Hmmm... I think the biggest change for me was finally accepting myself. :slight_smile:

    2. What did you do over the summer? - I spent almost the entire summer with my grandparents, traveling. I got to go to Chicago, Florida, St. Louis, and then with my family, I went to South Dakota and Mackinac.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends? -I had my first relationship ever, with a boy... It lasted two and a half months... After which I finally acknowledged that I don't like boys whatsoever.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013? - Nothing really, I try to avoid the news as much as possible

    5. Favourite song from the year? -I'm pretty sure this came out last year, but I first heard it this year, She Keeps Me Warm, by Mary Lambert.

    6. Favourite artist this year? - Mary Lambert

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them? -Yes, I did, and no, I didn't stick to them. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)? - I have come out to two people, and I'm really proud of myself for that. :slight_smile:

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?- My little sister, she got into states with her swimming, and someday I'm sure she will go far. :slight_smile:

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months? - Yes, I've had to learn that not everybody is accepting as they might appear, and not everyone who claims to be a Godly, Christian person actually is.

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013? - I'd say realizing who I am is pretty life changing. :grin:

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?- Nope, not really, other than repeating what I've said above. XD

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications? - Yes, I have the qualification of being able to drive, finally! Woo. Does that count?

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year? - Hmmm... Probably coming out to my first friend. It felt like a huge weight off my shoulders.

    15. What was your most stupid incident? - Dating the boy I did.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment? - I appreciate the fact that we still have our house, and that my dad could finally sell his business.

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year? - Lots of sleep and watching Doctor Who.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different? - Yes. Three, really. One, get through the pile of books I have to read. Two, come out to my parents. and Three, lose a bit of weight.

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)? - Ehh, it was probably a four or five. It wasn't absolutely horrible, and some great things happened, but it wasn't fantastic either. There were a lot of struggles.

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year? - I plan on it. :wink:
  15. Steele

    Full Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    West Coast, United States
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year? Realizing that I was gay and would come out eventually.

    2. What did you do over the summer? Interned.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends? I had none.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013? Probably one of the news stories regarding Russia.

    5. Favourite song from the year? ...Wow, I'm not sure.

    6. Favourite artist this year? ...Dammit, I'm terrible at choosing favorites.

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them? No.

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)? Coming out to my therapist and psychiatrist.

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)? Probably Tom Daley.

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months? Oh yeah, definitely. Though I'd rather not type them out...

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013? No, not really.

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do? Yeah. I made an account on this site and began acknowledging my sexuality.

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications? No.

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year? I guess playing cards against humanity with my friend...nothing special.

    15. What was your most stupid incident? I had a few meltdowns that, again, I'd rather not type out.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment? Probably having been born/raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, considering the fact that I'm gay.

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year? Christmas: the usual, get together with family. New years: get together with some friends and family, maybe see a movie.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different? Hopefully I'll get into a four-year college I desperately want to go to. Resolutions? I don't really do resolutions.

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)? -1 million. By far, hands down, the shittiest year of my life.

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year? Almost positive I will.

    ...Wow, sorry for sounding so dour. I hope I didn't kill anyone's mood.
  16. chercheur

    chercheur Guest

    Aug 8, 2013
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    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?

    Transition. I came out as transgender and started hormones and was fulltime for several months before detransition, but now I know what I wanted and I'm really excited to see what 2014 brings!!

    2. What did you do over the summer?

    Worked two really hard jobs as a dishwasher and another as food prep, basically saving for hormones and taking them in secret at my gramma's house for a while.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?

    Had my first kiss and lost my virginity but no real relationship/boyfriend to speak of :\

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?

    The gay rights issues in Russia and the royal baby.

    5. Favourite song from the year?

    Dope - Lady Gaga

    6. Favourite artist this year?

    Nobody from 2013 in particular, but I got into tooons of new artists this year. One that I got into this year that I really like is Sara Bareilles.

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?

    I made many resolutions in 2012 and kept every single one :wink:

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?

    Coming out as transgender. Of all the brave fucking shit I've done this year that's the one I look back on and am like "Damn girl, that shit took GUTS"

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?

    Anybody who has taken action toward realizing their dreams and becoming the person they want to be, even if it's hard. I say you GO and keep up the good work!

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?

    More than I'd like to count. Sometimes friends and family can be as cold and as careless as strangers. Don't rely too much on someone else and never invest in anyones dreams but you're own. Everybody's on their own, and support is a very fallible thing.

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?

    This year has been the most transformative of my entire life...

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?

    Fuck yes haven't you been reading XD??

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?

    Unfortunately, nothing useful in terms of careers :/

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?

    This hasn't been a year of happiness, really, per se. Whats brought me the most happiness this year is the time I've gotten to spend with my amazing little sister and niece!

    15. What was your most stupid incident?

    Saying "lets go" when my sister was like "lets go to Seattle and be homeless!" and better yet spending a K of my mothafuckin money on the trip and then having her back out and yeahh...

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?

    The people that still matter cuz they matter more than ever and the potential I've got going to get the things I want.

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?

    I got drunk and drank like a bottle of wine and smoked a pack of cigarettes on Christmas and it was, yeahh, lolol, just a hilarious holiday until I hit the wall and the sillies wore off and I got majorly depressed :/

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different?

    Within myself I have personal resolutions, that's how I do it. I don't show my hand. There's two secrets to success: never telling everything you know :wink:

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?

    Neutral. I can't rate it like that. It's been useful. For better or worse it's been a very crucial and important year.

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?

    I kinda doubt it for my own reasons. I'm going to be super busy after the new year with so many different things so I will prolly phase sites like this out.
  17. Myhipsdolie

    Full Member

    Nov 26, 2013
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    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?
    I suppoose breaking up with my ex. It literally made me so much happier and I learned so much from it even though it was horrible.
    2. What did you do over the summer?
    I went to Germany and met lots of German people my age! It was great.
    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?
    Well I broke up with my ex boyfriend and that's about it! Nearly a year of singleness.
    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?
    The launch of the Explorer Rocket NASA is sending to Mars. It's geeky I know, but It's interesting.
    5. Favourite song from the year?
    Probably Life by Ludovico Einaudi.
    6. Favourite artist this year?
    My good friend Kaylee Badshaw.
    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?
    I planned to get happier. I guess it kinda worked??
    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?
    I'm getting better at social situations.
    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?
    My mum and step-dad. They're both so strong.
    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?
    Quitting my job to study. I need the money but I need to pass my course. Was a tough decision.
    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?
    Hm. Probably gaining the balls to dump my dumb ass ex.
    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?
    I was brave enough to do the 'flying fox' course at a tree climbing day in Germany!
    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?
    A little bit more confidence. (that counts right?)
    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?
    When I got my hair cut short during summer and went camping that evening with some great friends.
    15. What was your most stupid incident?
    Ugh. Where to begin? Probably not talking to my best friend for ages because of a huge misunderstanding on my part
    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?
    I am coming to terms with my sexuality, my friends, my family and my education.
    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?
    Chillin' with my family cause I suck and don't party.
    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different?
    Yes a few!
    I hope that I will maybe meet someone who will make me even happier.
    I want to get fit and eat healthy. Only one body right? Treat it well.
    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?
    I'd optimistically say 8.
    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?
    Yes! I am quickly becoming an EC junkie.
    #17 Myhipsdolie, Dec 26, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  18. Jks115

    Regular Member

    Sep 5, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Sexual Orientation:
    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?
    Quite a few actually, but if I had to choose it would be moving away from home for uni

    2. What did you do over the summer?
    Went on a couple of holidays, lots of work, and equally lots of sitting around doing nothing.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?
    If only I was able to find someone...

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?
    The murder of a British solider in woolwich.

    5. Favourite song from the year?
    Sleepwalking - the chain gang of 1974

    6. Favourite artist this year?

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?
    No I did not. Or if I did I don't remember them

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?
    Few things... (In order)
    Finally having the courage to come out to my best friend
    Same as question 1, moving away from home
    Going on holiday to New York, not really something to be proud of in itself, but I went with a friend rather than family, and other than staying in a relatives apartment pretty much did everything by ourselves.

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?
    Myself, for one of the same reasons as the previous question (pretty obvious which one)

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?
    Nothing really difficult, but I learnt that one of my "friends" can be a massive dick. Both to me and others.

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?
    Well, going on holiday without my parents and moving away from home.

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?
    Afford car insurance? Lol
    Seriously, nothing that I can think of off the top of my head.

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?
    My holiday to New York is by far. I got a chance to drive an Aston Martin which was also very cool.

    15. What was your most stupid incident?
    Drunkenly deciding to sleep in the same bed as one of my mates on holiday, although with hindsight it may have been a good thing. Nothing happened, but subsequent events may have that partly to thank.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?
    Family, and friends (although not all of them)

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?
    Eat lots of food, play video games, and complete uni assignments.

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different? To be a bit healthier, perhaps join a gym or something, to come out to a few more people (eventually), and to tell one of my friends how I feel about them.

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?
    I think I voted 7. Some bits have been really shit, but looking back, the good times I've had outweigh the bad.

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?
    Most probably.
    #18 Jks115, Dec 26, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  19. Ethan

    Full Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    Metro Detroit, Michigan
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?
    I guess I started seriously pursuing a relationship.

    2. What did you do over the summer?
    Worked a lot more than I was scheduled and had my first kiss.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?
    First kiss and have a date tomorrow! So already 100% improved from any other year in my life.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?
    All the shootings and celebrity deaths are still pretty prominent.

    5. Favourite song from the year?
    I don't care for Miley Cyrus much but I honestly think Wrecking Ball was fantastic.

    6. Favourite artist this year?

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?
    Just to make 2013 better than 2012 was and I succeeded.

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?
    First kiss and first college 4.0!

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?
    Nobody, really.

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?
    Don't get so attached to people. Choose words very carefully so I don't regret them later.

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?
    Erm, the first kiss was alright but it's been mentioned already so maybe some of the kisses that came after.

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?
    Volunteered for a TA position.

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?
    Lots of boy stuff.

    15. What was your most stupid incident?
    I stupidly confessed attraction to someone I shouldn't have.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?
    My car's been having lots of trouble so when it works and I have a decent amount of money in the bank I am very appreciative.

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?
    Christmas was with family. New Year's, who knows!

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different?
    Make 2014 even better (and it's shaping up to be! :slight_smile:)

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?
    8 and depending on how tomorrow's date goes maybe a 9 0r 10. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?
    As if I could ever leave.
  20. girlonfire

    Full Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Likes Received:
    1. What was the biggest change in your life this year?

    Finally realizing I'm not straight. It took me a while.

    2. What did you do over the summer?

    I was a senior camper at my summer camp. We did things like a mini triathlon, 10, 20, 100 mile bike trips, put on a themed banquet for 400+ people....best summer of my life.

    3. How were relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends?

    Lol, as if.

    4. What news story sticks in your mind the most from 2013?

    Syria. The US has to be so goddamned stupid all the time.

    5. Favourite song from the year?

    Hmm...I think I gotta say Amsterdam by Imagine Dragons. That's my favorite that came out this year, anyway.

    6. Favourite artist this year?

    Coldplay. By far.

    7. Did you make any new years resolutions and if so, did you stick to them?

    I don't make those because I don't want to disappoint myself. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    8. What are you most proud of personally this year (i.e.- something you have done)?

    Winning my heat in the triathlon over the summer, and then finishing my city's turkey trot (5mi) in under an hour.

    9. Who are you most proud of (can be a famous or non- famous person)?

    Um...come back to me?

    10. Did you have to learn any hard life lessons in the past 12 months?

    Life sucks, get over it.

    11. Have you had any life-changing experiences in 2013?

    I think tiny depression counts, doesn't it?

    12. Did you do anything you never thought you would do?

    Fall in love with a girl...

    13. Did you gain any new qualifications?

    I got my red belt in taekwondo. Only a year away from black belt now!

    14. What is your happiest memory from the year?

    Sitting with my friends late at night in camp, talking about life.

    15. What was your most stupid incident?

    There's too many to choose from.

    16. What things do you appreciate most in your life at the moment?

    That there are people in my life I can tell I'm bisexual when I'm ready.

    17. What are/were your plans for xmas/ new year?

    I'm Jewish, so....Chinese food

    18. Are you making any new years resolutions for 2014? What do you hope will be different?

    I hope I'll stop liking my crush. It's annoying and she's straight

    19. How do you rate 2013 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best)?


    20. Will you still be on EC this time next year?

    I damn right hope so.