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Relationship with parent/s

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by PatrickUK, Jan 12, 2015.


How do you see your relationship with parents

  1. Very good

    50 vote(s)
  2. Good

    37 vote(s)
  3. Fair

    38 vote(s)
  4. Poor

    14 vote(s)
  5. Very poor/broken

    7 vote(s)
  1. PatrickUK

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    Feb 25, 2014
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    As you read threads and postings on this forum it becomes clear that members have very different relationships with their parents. Some parent/child relationships are great, others are very badly broken. Often, the break occurs as a result of coming out, but there are other factors too.

    Just out of interest, how do you see your relationship with your parents? If your parents have passed away, how was the relationship with them?

    It might be a bit personal, but you can add comments, if you wish. Especially interested to know if coming out significantly changed the relationship.
  2. imnotreallysure

    Dec 27, 2013
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    I have a good relationship with my mother. We argue a lot, and there have been times when my anger problems have seriously strained our relationship in the past, but we're on very good terms, and coming out to her didn't seem to impact it, for better or worse.
  3. White Knight

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    Mar 18, 2014
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    My relationship with mom is very good... We are more like good friends most of the time.

    My relationship with father was bad... to me he was a drunkard who lacks control so beat up his children and wife. His acceptance of me or good deed after his dead only mildly affected me. After mid 20s I started to question our relationship and what it could be... I love him in my own way, he was a good man even if he wasn't the best dad... Still he taught me very valuable lessons.
  4. OGS

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    Feb 1, 2014
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    My relationship with my parents is/was very good (my Mother has passed away).

    Coming out actually improved my relationship with my parents significantly. First off, I think there was a sort of sense that we had gone through the worst of it and made it through intact. Second, I think there was a sense that they finally knew me. I remember my Father commenting not too long after I came out that there had always been this thing about me that he just didn't understand and because of that he just couldn't really bridge the gap. His thought on my coming out was basically that now he knows what that was, now we can talk about it, now we can deal with it. Oh, and they adore(d) my partner.
  5. MyLittleWorld

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    Sep 16, 2013
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    I will be honest.

    My parents divorced when I was 1 y/o. Both of them manipulated me, and lied to me. My mother abused me, and father wanted a boy, and never really cared for me, always made me feel worthless. So, my relationship with them is really poor. We have no trust, no understanding, and probably no love. Sh*t happens....
  6. fair but sometimes poor.
    not good but not really bad. we dont get on but weve learnt to put our difference aside.

    my parents where always the ones super protective and it made me scared to tell them something if it was bad/i had done wrong or something cuz i feel like they expected me to be perfect as an only child.

    i mean im gay, dont follow the religion i was brought up into, am in the process of starting to get tattoos. all of which even if my rents dont 'say' it i can feel it are really frowned upon. its not what people say sometimes its how they act/react to things.

    my parents expect me to tell them everything and i never did as a child cuz of the reactions i always got which werent how i expected them. so i closed down toward them. still am closed off toward them. do hint at some things but they never catch on. im going away and at 23, i still somehow am expected to tell my rents what im doing where im going who im goign with e.t.c. i dont have any privacy unless i spring something on them the last min, oh wont be home from work going straight to leeds or something like that. if my rents knew what i did when i go away they would seriously flip out even though its nothing bad at all. i just go to gigs and sometimes dont get in till like midnight or 2am. always have to text/let them know when im back/where i am, its annoying but i know they care just a bit ott now im in my 20s.

    when i came out it was 'okay' cuz i was 12 and came out as bi and i think my rents thought 'oh shes just straight really' or something. but then at 16 i came out properly and it was all 'no youre not' 'youve had boyfriends' 'youre not like the girls whose daughters are lesbians i know' 'youre bi'. so no it wasnt so good when i came out properly at 16. at all. it was bad.

    have met people off dating sites a lot and told my mum once and she flipped out saying 'what if you met a pedophile' 'she could of been a pedophile' 'i didnt know where you were' 'anything could of happened to you'. i got in at like 8.45pm which is late according to my mum, which is barely 9pm! funnily enough i always meet in public and im not stupid enough to go off alone with them the first few meetings. but parents dont listen sometimes and i just tend to think they think im stupid, but they would know im not that stupid if they listened to me lol.

    moving out late this year though so hopefully my realtionship will improve once out the house.
  7. Spartan 117

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    Oct 25, 2014
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    I often feel like I'm not that close (emotionally) to my mum and dad, but reading other people's horror stories makes me realise how lucky I really am.

    I voted "good". :slight_smile:
  8. Justinian20

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    Oct 24, 2014
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    It's hurtling down to poor, I hate my mother and can't deal with her, I want to leave the house because they are repressing everything I do. My mother is super controlling trying to keep me from contacting other gay groups. She thinks she is protecting me but she is doing the reverse and even when I've told her she doesn't listen, in fact when I leave forever I will never talk to her again so it's very poor to broken with my mother, my father on the other hand, he brings it up by me having an alright relationship, we really don't do all that much but we do watch sport together, cricket, football, and other things. We sometimes talk but altogether I actually love my dad a lot and if he wants to see my wedding with my bae he can.
  9. Young Blood

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    Apr 14, 2014
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    My relationship is horrible. My mom walked out when I was 8 and my parents got divorced soon after. She got deported back to the UK where I'm originally from. I talked to her a bit when she left but broke it off completely with her about a year ago, but I haven't talked to her I'd say in almost two years. She was never really pleased with me. She always wanted this girly girl but I was this full out tomboy. So she didn't like that and always favoured my brother after. My mom verbally abused me too. My dad passed away when I was 11, but I was super super close with my dad. The relationship with my stepmom is pretty bad too. We've never gotten along and she's kicked me out several times. She's also verbally and physically abused me. She also did not take my coming out very well either so that separated us even more :/ And she's always super controlling of everything I do. I feel like I can't grow in that house the way I'm supposed to and I can't live my life. So yeah, my relationship is pretty poor...
    #9 Young Blood, Jan 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2015
  10. Vampire

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    Jul 2, 2014
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    Duke Dantalion's Castle, Hell.
    My father and I never really spoke much to each other. Our conversations, if you can call them that, mostly include him shouting at me for random things, so I would say that there is no relationship between him and me.

    The relationship between Mum and I is very poor, considering the fact that I never tell her anything, not good, not bad. I feel forced to keep everything a secret, especially since she forced me back into the closet by denying the fact that I'm gay (Yeah, thanks, Mum!).
  11. ZenMusic

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    Jul 28, 2013
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    I refuse to trust my mother with sensitive information again, and she can be extremely childish sometimes, but I do not hate her, I just don't trust her. I cannot stand my Dad, as my Mum was not responsible for my Dad's reaction to the information, and my Dad made me very depressed long before my attempt at suicide. So, no not good.
  12. It's mostly fair but, it often varies. LGBT issues can push us down to very poor but, they can also bring us up to very good. My father is very shut down, like a typical stoic father. He really could care less what I do in regards to the people I choose to have relationships with. My mother is just very judgmental and passive aggressive. I feel like my parents are kind of proud of me and I feel like they accept me to an extent but, not as much as I would like. They smother me, but not in a loving way, in a controlling way. They don't let me breathe, which always led to the majority of our problems.
  13. ALiamToRemember

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    Jan 11, 2015
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    I feel better about my relationship with my parents now :slight_smile:

    My parents got divorced when I was about six, and it screwed me up because I always thought that it was my fault, that I was some massive fuck up. My mum then went on to have a relationship with this guy who we all got on with, but he got into trouble with the law and shit and now my mum has trust issues and is really bitter about everything.

    My dad got remarried and I now have a half brother, but I dont know...it feels like they don't even want me there. My dad's side of the family are all 'shit stirrers', so for example, my dad told my grandparents that I was trans. I had no idea how they would react, and that terrifies me. He can't seem to understand that if I want someone to know something - I'll tell them myself!

    My parents and my stepmum won't call me Liam or use male pronouns and it's really getting to me.

    Our relationship isn't broken, but I don't trust any of them.

    ~Liam x
  14. Rainbows~Exist

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    Oct 17, 2013
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    Wales... unfortunately
    Very Good! Gotta love the ol' parents :slight_smile:
  15. Browncoat

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    I love my mother.

    My father has a similar personality to me, but he's disgustingly racist. That makes it hard for me not to hate him.
  16. Fallingdown7

    Fallingdown7 Guest

    Honestly very good. I feel like I can talk to them about everything, including intimate or sexual issues and they won't judge. They were both fighting against homophobia before I came out, so it made it easier.
  17. Kabuki

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    Mar 15, 2014
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    Mine was not good if you looked at it on a deeper level. Yes, we could talk in family, make jokes, be open about things, but things like being gay was something I kept to myself. Thankfully, after coming out, it has all become better. :grin:

    My mom was always the most active with us (since my mom and dad separated, and divorced recently). My dad, because of that, was more distant and we had less conversations. Now, my dad and my mom both talk a bit more with me (without it being a family gathering), they comment about my boyfriend, and I'm just much more open than before. Do we argue? Of course! When mother's, out of nowhere, find things to argue about; when they exaggerate things and make it seem like the house is a mess (when it's not true) and all those things. :lol: But, all in all, it has improved a lot.

    The only thing I don't like, that my boyfriend does like, is that my mom interrupts my Skyping time with him and does crazy things. She also wants to keep him for herself, too bad he doesn't like girls. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :wink:
  18. RedDev84

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    Feb 12, 2014
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    I'd say it's overall good. I have a lot of questions and things I consider issues. Main example is the underlying secrecy of everything that is personal. I find out fairly significant issues of their past and present which I almost always have to find out myself. As a result, I feel like I cannot be open which is probably the largest contribution to having not told them I am gay.

    That said, as I started with on this post, I do get on with them very well, especially Mum. We do talk a lot in general about fairly trivial, everyday things but rarely anything serious.
  19. Thedistra

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    Oct 23, 2013
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    I have a good relationship with my dad and a poor one with my mother.
  20. Lawrence

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    Jan 16, 2014
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    Very good. It would be difficult to find better parents. I've always worked well with my parents. I could brag about my ability to get up at 7am and how we made a killing at car boot sales. If they were an amazon product, I'd give them 5 out of 5 stars for educational value.

    Our arguments can be a little scary. Although they've never physically abused me. Quite frankly, I felt appalled when I had to explain on psychological tests that my parents are good people. I understand that not everyone is as lucky as me, so, they need to ask those questions.

    We don't talk about emotions much. That doesn't mean my parents don't care about me. It seems weird to me when people say they love their parents. We joke about killing each other and burying the corpse under the floorboards. My dad says I better dance on his grave!

    My sexual orientation isn't a serious concern. I tried to come out to my mother and she went on about her hobbies and how there is more to life than relationships. I was expecting more of a reaction. I didn't have to explain to my dad because I knew he would accept it. Actually, he used to say annoying things such as I'd find the perfect guy one day and he only stopped when I brought a guy home.

    It didn't go quite so well coming out as a trans guy. At best it's an agree to disagree situation. I can't really blame them because of how they were raised. The root of the problem is they're concerned about my safety. With that said, they've never seriously restricted me like some horror stories I've read about trans guy not even allowed to wear more masculine clothes. Perhaps they took it personally when I cooked a barbie doll in the microwave :lol: