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The Bathroom Debate

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Gen, Aug 2, 2015.


My Bathroom Habits...

  1. Are what I feel is most logical.

    37 vote(s)
  2. Are what I was simply taught to do.

    8 vote(s)
  3. Are random and non-specific.

    7 vote(s)
  4. Are probably completely wrong, but dammit I try my best!

    10 vote(s)
  1. Gen

    Full Member

    May 20, 2012
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    This thread was inspired by a heated discussion that I recently about bathroom etiquette and hygiene. It seems as though everyone has a process and they are extremely strict in following it, so I thought it would be fun to hear the different responses from the various members of EC. I have very strong beliefs on this subject, so I will update with views in a later post.

    When Washing My Body, I...

    A. Apply the soap to an applicator. (Washcloth, Loofah, etc)
    B. Rub a bar of soap directly on my body.
    C. Apply liquid soap to my hands and rub.
    D. Fuck soap.
    E. None of the Above.

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    A. Use a new towel every day.
    B. Use the same towel for 2-3 days.
    C. Use the same towel for 4-5 days.
    D. Use the same towel for a week.
    E. Switch out towels whenever they smell.

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    A. Wet the toothbrush then apply toothpaste.
    B. Apply toothpaste then wet the toothbrush.
    C. Apply the toothpaste then brush immediately with dry bristles from hell.
    D. It is 6 o'clock in the morning. Who f%&$king cares?

    *Let me preface this final question by making it clear that I didn't want to include this question, but people seem to be pretty passionate about their process on it. Personally. I would know nothing about this. I happen to be to cute and proper to defecate. You could claim that is scientifically impossible, but you don't know my life and you have no proof.

    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    A. Wipe sitting down.
    B. Stand up and lean forward.
    C. Squat.
    D. Wiping is for the weak.
    E. Other.

    The best part about these questions is hearing people explain why they do the things that they do and how they feel about the other popular ways that things are done. So, make sure to explain the reasoning behind your habits.
  2. QueerTransEnby

    Full Member

    May 15, 2014
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    Michigan, USA
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    Some people
    Washing my body...I have used bar soap and liquid soap before. So that would be B right now, but I split time with C. I am a whore for sales, so give me the cheapest.

    Drying myself...Since it is just me, I use a towel once a week. D This can change especially if I have company over.

    Brushing...I have electric toothbrush. It's a Sonic one, so water must be applied first just by habit. Get the crusty out, then wet again while I have the faucet on. Then put the toothpaste on. Then start the spinning only after it is in my mouth. So choice A.

    After Using the Bathroom....Choice B: Stand up and lean forward. I won't explain my reasoning because I am a gentleman, and there are ladies present. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  3. Nocturnal

    Nocturnal Guest

    When Washing My Body, I...

    A. Apply the soap to an applicator. (Washcloth, Loofah, etc)

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    B. Use the same towel for 2-3 days.

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    A. Wet the toothbrush then apply toothpaste.

    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    A. Wipe sitting down.


    Before I watched this video, I thought everyone wiped sitting down. I think it's odd there's people who wipe standing up. lmao.
  4. MetalRice

    Full Member

    Apr 30, 2015
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    When Washing My Body, I...

    A. Apply the soap to an applicator. (Washcloth, Loofah, etc)

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    E. Switch out towels whenever they smell.

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    B. Apply toothpaste then wet the toothbrush.

    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    D. Wiping is for the weak.
  5. Wallace N

    Wallace N Guest

    Jul 14, 2015
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    Silicon Valley
    Sexual Orientation:
    When Washing My Body, I...

    A. I always apply soap or body wash to a cloth. I have used my hands before and I find it ineffective and I can't understand how people regularly wash that way.

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    D. I switch my towel out once a week. I am not averse to using them for a while. My roommates all do the same thing. I have probably become a bit lazier since living away from home.

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    B. I always put toothpaste on first, then wet the toothbrush, often to the point that it flattens the bit of toothpaste I put on there.

    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    A and B. It depends. It's somewhat random. Until recently I never did anything other than A, but I've switched it up since. I don't know why. And I can't believe I just shared that.

    Everyone Poops
    #5 Wallace N, Aug 2, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2015
  6. AlamoCity

    Full Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    Lone Star State
    When Washing My Body, I... Apply liquid soap to my hands and rub. I used to use bar soap for my body and Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash (meant for face) and use it on my whole body also. My reasoning was that, since I was using one product for the face and another for the body, why not use the face soap for the body; it's gentle enough. I have bad skin so some soaps are bad for me and Neutrogena has been good. I will sometimes use Dr. Bronner's Castille Liquid Soap with Eucalyptus when I wanna try something else. I actually use it on my face sometimes because it doesn't sud as much and that means it rinses faster from my beard.

    When Drying Myself Off, I... Use the same towel for 2-3 days. If I'm not lazy, I will actually hang it on a hanger near the door and let it air out so it doesn't get that "wet dog smell." But, right now I have about 4 towels in my room so I probably use a towel every 1-2 days (which is equal to 2-4 showers since I bathe twice daily, at least).

    When Preparing To Brush, I... Apply toothpaste then wet the toothbrush. Unfortunately, I have about a 50% success rate of having the toothpaste not wash out. But, I've always done it this way.

    After Using the Bathroom, I.... it's actually a mixture of "squat" and "stand up and lean forward." I will actually begin to stand and then wipe.
  7. Ashley2103

    Full Member

    Sep 24, 2014
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    My Room

    I don't use a towel or dry myself off.

    A....but I also wet the toothpaste after wetting the toothbrush

    A and B
  8. CodeForLife

    Regular Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    Bay Area, CA, USA
    Sexual Orientation:
    Ok, besides the questions being mildly personal, I'll join the club and answer :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

    When Washing My Body, I...

    B. Rub a bar of soap directly on my body.

    I don't see anything wrong with this. This is what I have always done. However, if other people are using the bar of soap too, which is the case in my household, you need to be sure there are no hairs left on there because that's just gross.


    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    D. Use the same towel for a week.

    The towel is washed weekly, thus, I use it for a week straight. It doesn't smell, but I do use a more coarse towel.


    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    B. Apply toothpaste then wet the toothbrush.

    I know there's controversy about this. No, I don't have issues with the toothpaste sticking to the brush. After I'm done brushing, I do flush the brush with quite a bit of water and run my finger through it a few times to dry it.


    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    B. Stand up and lean forward.

    This just seems logical to me. If you want to be sure to have a clean bum, this gives you better leverage.
  9. Blue787Bunny

    Regular Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Sexual Orientation:
    When Washing My Body, I...

    B. Rub a bar of soap directly on my body.

    Facial Wash for my Face. I use 2 different soaps--- One for my arms and hands, another soap for by body and lower extremities.

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    A. Use a new towel every day.

    One for the face and a different one for the body.

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    B. Apply toothpaste then wet the toothbrush.

    Plus I also floss before brushing my teeth.

    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    Depends on what "bathroom" means...

    If it's #1 Of course I stand then I wipe the toilet seat. (I grew up with sisters and it became a habit to do so)

    If it's #2 I wash with soap and water, then wipe (sitting down). Then I wipe the toilet seat once again.

    Yes I tend to be anal retentive (OC).
  10. Reciprocal

    Full Member

    Apr 8, 2015
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    East Anglia
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    Out to everyone
    When Washing My Body, I...

    B. Rub a bar of soap directly on my body. (Unless I have to share soap with someone else)

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    A. Use a new towel every day. (I'm a civilised human)

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    C. Apply the toothpaste then brush immediately with dry bristles from hell. (People wet the brush???)

    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    A. Wipe sitting down. (Odd question...)
  11. Ravienclaw

    Regular Member

    May 31, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:
  12. Qwertazoo

    Regular Member

    Jun 19, 2015
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    North Carolina
    Washing my body...D. Who cares about soap. Though sometimes a mix of A (apply it to an appicator) or B (rub it directly on my body).

    Drying myself off...A. I switch towels everyday.

    Preparing to brush...A. I do indeed wet my toothbrush then apply the toothpaste.

    After using the bathroom...A. I wipe sitting down.

    So basically:
    -Quadruple A
    -Goat sound
    #12 Qwertazoo, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
  13. Greenapple

    Regular Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Auckland NZ
    Sexual Orientation:
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    Out to everyone
    When Washing My Body, I...

    A. Apply the soap to an applicator. (Washcloth, Loofah, etc)
    It feels like it does a better job than hands, though I use a fresh washcloth each time because loofah-like reusable items are gross as hell.

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    A. Use a new towel every day.
    I know I'm clean when I come out of the shower but I like a fresh fluffy towel (Usually warmed on the heated towel rail)

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    A. Wet the toothbrush then apply toothpaste.
    I used to wet after applying the toothpaste but I lost a lot of it down the drain that way

    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    I'm not answering this one on the grounds that I am classy and that question is super nope. :lol:
  14. acciocarrie

    Regular Member

    May 27, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:
    When Washing My Body, I...

    A. Apply the soap to an applicator. (Washcloth, Loofah, etc)

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    A. Use a new towel every day.

    + I use one towel for my hair + face and one for the rest of my body.

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    A. Wet the toothbrush then apply toothpaste.

    + I then wet the toothbrush/toothpaste again, lol.

    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    A. Wipe sitting down.
  15. CyanChachki

    Full Member

    Mar 25, 2014
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    British Columbia
    When Washing My Body, I...

    A & B - Apply soap to an applicator and I rub the bar on my body. It depends on how deep I feel I need to scrub. My face definitely gets the cloth.

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    A - Use a new towel every day. I can not stand the idea of using the same towel I did the day before or the day before that.

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    A or B - It doesn't matter to me all that much. Either way, I need the toothbrush wet and the toothpaste on the brush. I once had a friend that would put tooth paste on her brush every other day because she insisted that she had leftover tooth paste on the brush from the night before and she was merely saving tooth paste by doing this.

    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    A or B.
  16. sartorious

    Regular Member

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Sexual Orientation:
    C. Apply liquid soap to my hands and rub.

    never use a bar soap because i basically wont rub any bath equipment other people have rubbed

    B. Use the same towel for 2-3 days.

    My dermatology lecturer said that changing towels every day is the most ideal ways, but using the same towel for 2-3 days is more practical and have almost the same benefit as changing it everyday.

    A. Wet the toothbrush then apply the toothpaste.

    dont know why i particular did this

    A. Wipe sitting down

    come on you should wipe after you use the bathroom to keep the parts below clean and prevent skin infection or any other nasty things. Wipe while sitting down is pretty logical and easy to do compared to standing and squatting.
  17. redneck

    Regular Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Ft. Smith, Ar
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    When washing my body:

    Put liquid soap on the luffah then wash my body. Using a bar of soap just doesn't seem like I get a thorough scrub.

    When drying myself:

    Me, my roommate, and my boyfriend each have our own towel. They get used then hung back on the towel rack. This process is repeated until laundry day when they are washed then return to the towel rack. Laundry day is every 2 weeks or so.

    Brushing teeth:

    Usually wet the brush to soften it. Then apply toothpaste squeezing it into the bristles. Why would you put toothpaste on the brush just to wash it immediately down the sink?

    After using the bathroom:

    I stand and lean forward. I have no logical explanation of why. Guessing it's because when you are young you stand while your parents wipe you, then when I started doing it myself I stood so that they could watch to make sure I did it correctly, then it never occurred to me that I could sit and do it.
    The reality is that I never realized that people wiped while sitting until my ex-wife saw me standing and thought I was weird.
    #17 redneck, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
  18. Nekoko

    Regular Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    In the shadows!
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    When Washing My Body, I...

    A. Apply the soap to an applicator. (Washcloth, Loofah, etc)

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    A. Use a new towel every day.

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    A. Wet the toothbrush then apply toothpaste.

    I'm not answering the last one cause that is no ones business, I keep myself clean let's leave it at that... I don't want to know about anyone else's... Though for the love of all that exists clean yourself up... Blech... I don't handle this subject well... It grosses me out.. ><
  19. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    When Washing My Body, I...

    Clap my hands, upon whence a handsome male servant rubs me down. They also bring me gallons of orphan tears, as that is the only acceptable fluid to bathe in.

    When Drying Myself Off, I...

    Clap my hands twice, upon whence a beautiful woman servant dries me off. They also bring me the carcasses of bigots, as that is the only acceptable means to dry off.

    When Preparing To Brush, I...

    Rinse the toothbrush in the blood of my enemies.

    After Using the Bathroom, I....

    Feel awesome.
    #19 Kaiser, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
  20. Linthras

    Linthras Guest

    Apr 9, 2012
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    Leeuwarden (FR), the Netherlands
    C, used to be B, but C has proven to be far more practical imo.

    Have to be honest, usually C, because I'm to busy during the week to bother changing the towel. So I usually change towels monday and friday.

    A, since B tends to push paste of the brush.

    A, most practical/relaxed, imo.