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Is God a merciless killer?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Dantir, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. Dantir

    Regular Member

    Jun 4, 2007
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    I hope I don't offend anyone with the thread title (or the whole thread in any case), I just want to catch people's interest.

    After responding to a religous post with a link about hating homosexuals (etc) and reading the web page, it made me wonder.

    If God created the universe and man with his supreme power, then he must have done it with his own free will. He created man making each of them a sinner. However he doesn't want them to sin and he wants them to repent if they do. That means each and every person must repent for the rest of their lives in order to be "saved", as to go to Heaven and forgiven.

    But why did God create man? Why did he create us to tell us we must not do this huge list of things and if we do then we go to Hell? Are we his toys? He makes it inevitable for us to do at least one of those sins and will send us sinners straight to Hell. This seems like he created us for the sole reason to destroy us. I always thought God to be merciful and that we should ignore what preachers say because it's a load of crap... but now I'm a little... I dunno... concerned?
  2. CrimsonThunder

    Full Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    South Australian!
    God was a killer once and that was the big flood. (not merciless he did it for our own good) He was never going to do it again.

    And you gotta remember that the bible is not MENT to be 100% taken for real, that could have just been a story Jesus said. I dunno.
  3. Micah

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    Feb 8, 2005
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    I understand it to be something similar to this:

    Essentially, god had two choices: Create man as servants (similar to angels) without entire freewill and an innate desire to serve him. Or, create man with total free will and give them the choice of whether or not they want to serve him.

    If god instilled an irresistible urge to serve and be perfect in humans, then at the end of the day, we would be serving him because of the urge he instilled in u, not because we wanted to.

    If god let us have free reign over our lifes and total freedom of choice (thus, inperfection), then those who choose to serve him do so because they want to, not because god is somewhat forcing them to.

    However, there is also a down down side to granting humans imperfection, in that Heaven is a perfect place. Therefore an imperfect human soul cannot enter it. So in order to let imperfect souls into heaven, God devised a way for humans to "repent" for their sins and essentially have their "slate cleaned". In the old times, this was through sacrificing a lamb. By killing the lamb (with the intent of offering it to god) the human was essentially "shifting their sins" onto the lamb itself - so in god's eyes that human was made perfect again.

    Of course, you can see the problem in everyone continuously sacrificing animals. This is where (atleast in the christian faith) Jesus comes in. Jesus was 'sacrificed' on the cross as an "eternal lamb' - allowing christians to shift their sins onto him if they believe that was the reason he died.

    So the term "believe and you are saved" was coined, as it wasn't because god didnt want to let you into heaven if you didnt believe...rather that he couldnt.

    ....or so the bible says.
  4. beckyg

    beckyg Guest

    Mar 19, 2007
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    I have my own beliefs that really have nothing to do with the Bible. It's very hard for me to look at the beautiful world we live in and not believe in a higher source. Even looking up at the clouds give me a very real sense of being part of something that God must of created. However, I believe God to be part of what is inside of me too. It is me who knows what is right and wrong. It is me who chooses to connect with my source energy and to participate in things that make me happy. I don't believe in judgment. I don't believe in an all powerful God who is just waiting for us to do something wrong so he can eternally send us to a fiery death in hell. I don't even believe in hell. Not really sure I believe in heaven either. Maybe what I do believe in is creating our own reality. So if you are person that is quite convinced you are going to walk through the pearly gates and be reunited with Jesus, then maybe that is what happens after death. Or maybe if you are like me, who believe in living more than one life, we come back to experience it again. I just know that the stuff I was taught in church about an "all loving God" didn't resonate with me ever! He sounded so mean and why would somebody that supposedly loved me so much be so mean? I just think you have to connect with what religion or spirituality that resonates within YOU. It doesn't matter what others believe or don't believe. When it feels good to you and resonates with you, you just know the path that you should be on.
  5. xequar

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    Mar 20, 2007
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    Pretty much at this point, I take the Bible as little more than a guidebook. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our redemption from sin, and that God created the universe. Beyond that, I tend to dismiss the dogma of Christianity. I also have a belief in a sort of dharmic universal balance that is sort of separate from God, although God might intervene if it gets too far askew...

    I dunno... I guess that's kind of my take based on my own experiences, and based on my fervent belief that people get far too caught up in the minutia of the Christian faith. Various denominations get hung up on things like the symbolism of Holy Communion. I mean, some believe that you're eating and drinking Christ, some believe that the bread and wine are symbols, and others say that it's bread and wine until it hits your stomach, where they become Christ. But really, WHO CARES? Is it that big of a deal? IMO, no. Yet, the various denominations essentially forbid you from communing at the wrong denomination, saying that doing so will pervert a gift from God and make you a great candidate for hell.

    And it's stuff like that that turns people away from religion and spirituality. And honestly, what the hell does it matter if you're eating Christ's flesh or a wafer with a cross on it (or if you turn it 45 degrees to the right, an X on it)? Answer-IT DOESN'T! There's a far bigger picture than the dogmatic crap will allow one to see, as far as I'm concerned.
  6. JayHew

    In Loving Memory Regular Member

    Mar 20, 2007
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    Glennallen, Alaska
    The Bible represents three eras, the time before Moses, the Law of Moses and the time of Jesus Christ. Prior to the appearance of Christ, in the time before Moses was the time of atonement with sacrifice to God to atone for any sin. With Moses and his laws, it was a time of retribution for sins. With the coming of Christ it was the time of love and mercy. As yet all of the current religions grouped in the Christian tent have yet to take into consideration the events of the last supper when Jesus said to perform the blessing of the bread and wine to remember him, but also that Jesus declared that he was the new and everlasting covenant with all people, thus putting an end to Mosaic Law. Christians have not given up on the Laws of Moses, nor for the most part, taken Christ down off the cross. Anyway, it is supposed to be love and mercy for today.

    In creation of man, in order for that to happen, a part of God Himself has to be a part of the creation and it is impossible for Him to destroy a part of Himself. Besides who said He would want to. Dogma is the sources for this. Man made rules.

    I agree with Becky concerning most of what is said. There were many things changed in belief and teachings once the Council of Nica took place in 500 AD and the Emperor Constantine had a great deal of sway as to what would be taught and what would not and what books would be the main portion of the New Testament. History is being exposed each day.

    Just understand, discussion of this nature is not conducive to a quick answer or discussion. Understanding or trying to understand the infinite by finite means is a bit difficult. There are schools within religious organizations devoted to the various questions raised and they are dedicated to the hairsplitting of them, alas the information is not shared with the general populace because for the most part, it would reveal we as individuals have the right to go direct to the creator ourselves and don't need a religion per se.

    What is taught now is in error and it is self perpetuating. The King James Bible has been used almost exclusively for centuries and has many glaring mistakes in it. If you seek understanding, read the Sermon on the Mount, the details of the Last Supper and what Jesus admonished his disciples to do prior to his departure to heaven and meditate upon them.

    Sorry, sort of a long jumbled reply here.
  7. Negasta

    Regular Member

    Aug 19, 2006
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    If you look at the Old Testament, God is a genocidal maniac to rival Hitler and Stalin.

    In the New Testament he seems to have sated his blood lust, but be still kills quite a bit.
  8. SpikySpice

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    Jax, FL
    And remember one thing that the Bible said God always forgive your sin, that's why Jesus was sent to Earth and die for you to rescue you

    And another thing God has taught us not only to forgive others but forgive them seven time seven, or forgive forever, which mean, God also forgive you as well.

    Well, personaly was taught in the church, there are heaven and hell. The reason there is hell cuz it is something that teach you not to make sin on Earth so you wont go to hell but heaven

    And as I read what Becky said,
    I have learned something today

  9. Kimi

    Full Member

    Feb 17, 2007
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    Mhm...I suppose so.

    But I don't really believe in god anyways:dry: