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Transgender people...would you have the surgery?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by AwesomGaytheist, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. AwesomGaytheist

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    May 19, 2013
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    Pittsburgh, PA
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    I'm watching a video on YouTube of MTF surgery...(shudder). If you have had the surgery, whichever way you are, MTF, FTM, whatever, what was the post-operation like? How long did it take for the pain to go away? I'm just wondering here.
  2. Maddy

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    Mar 23, 2008
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    Genital surgery, top surgery, facial feminization surgery? There are a lot of different gender confirmation surgeries.
  3. drwinchester

    drwinchester Guest

    Which one we talking?

    As for me, definitely going for top. I want a mother fluffing flat chest and I'm going to have it, damn it. Hysterectomy? Definite. They can tear out my ovaries and stop on them for all I care.

    Now phalloplasty was something I was skeptical about. Didn't think it was worth getting but doing my research, I believe it's worth another glance. I would rather like a dick and should I have the funds, I wouldn't mind taking skin off my arm to get one. It's a semi functional penis versus a part of my anatomy I'm not overly fond of... Well, let's think about that, shall we? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  4. Hexagon

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    May 1, 2011
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    I'm having top surgery in approx. 3 months. There are two methods, I don't know which one I'll get - whichever the doctor wants. I believe they have pain medication for after the surgery. And recovery time is about three weeks.

    As for the other surgeries: I don't have any reproductive organs as far as I know, but some time in the future, I will get that checked, and anything I have will go. I may get a metoidoplasty (alternative to the phalloplasty), and I'd really like a vaginectomy, but I don't think I will because the risks are too high. :frowning2:
  5. Eatthechildren

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    Dec 9, 2012
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    I don't think I'd physically transition at all... I'm too scared too. Plus I'm learning to accept my body for how it is and that feels great :slight_smile:
  6. Epiphany101

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    Apr 13, 2013
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    Australia, perhaps I'll reveal more....Later. ;)
    I wish I was born a girl and I will continue to do so, however I accept that I am Male.
    My personal opinion (no offense to anyone else) is that for the time being (who knows about the future?) we cannot physically swap genders. It would feel just like a disguise.
  7. Just Jess

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    Jan 19, 2013
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    Ahh the fine line between discussing genital surgeries and TMI. I feel like I'm getting better at walking it but it's not easy. Plus I like avoiding $10 words that end in "ectomy" if possible. And I don't wanna feel like crap talking about them. At least the hardest one is first and I can get it over with.

    So I'm MTF. The surgeries I want, in order, are removing the testicles, facial feminization surgery, and the girl parts surgery everyone thinks of when they think about sex change surgery.

    The timetables are as soon as possible, if I need it once I've saved up and after I've come out at work, and as a kind of retirement reward unless other things like swimming and using the bathroom make this too much of a PITA after I'm full time, in which case I may save up and try to do this faster.

    And my reasons for each are so my hormones work better without blockers and I'm healthier long term, to make it easier to live full time, and to motivate me to do well with my job and to keep doing things for myself instead of just other people.

    ---------- Post added 30th Jun 2013 at 06:49 AM ----------

    Wait I forgot one, but that's because I'm already doing it. And I guess I can answer your other question.

    So my facial hair was bothering me soooooo much. Laser hair removal gets easier with every session. They say it's like getting hit in the face with a rubber band and that's really accurate. I mean it takes some getting used to and you'll jerk at first but after a while it's just annoying. There's like no recovery time and I can put cover-up on the same day if I want. I usually just use sunscreen to both keep it moisturized and to keep from getting the skin tan so the laser itself works better.

    I think all that stuff's different if you do electrolysis. I have really white skin and dark hair so that's why I went with laser.
    #7 Just Jess, Jun 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2013
  8. Pret Allez

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    Apr 19, 2012
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    Seattle, WA
    Female (trans*)
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    Some people
    No, I wouldn't.
  9. StefaniW

    StefaniW Guest

    I plan on having GRS as soon as I possibly can. It won't be for at least 2 years (and probably longer than that) but it is something I *really* want and am extremely impatient for XD

    From what I hear? Recovery isn't all that bad they say. They said it's more uncomfortable than anything and a pain in the ass but not very painful. And after it's healed (if done properly) it functions exactly like any other vagina (including the ability to orgasm) and after a few years they say gynecologists can have a hard time telling the difference.

    It's a whooole different story with GRS with transMEN though...

    ---------- Post added 30th Jun 2013 at 11:32 AM ----------

    And it's weird cuz everyone I know who says they watched those videos are always like "OMG that was so gross I almost threw up" (like my sister) but when I watch them I'm like "Whatever". I guess....if you fantasized about doing similar things to yourself when you were young watching someone do it professionally with the help of an anesthetic isn't really a biggie. I just want to do it myself XD I have no fear of the pain whatsoever XD

    ---------- Post added 30th Jun 2013 at 11:36 AM ----------

    Yeah...you know, you can SAY no offense, but that doesn't make it actually happen. HRT and GRS work wonders on a girl. Honestly, a post-op transwoman who started young is usually going to be indistinguishable from any other woman, cis or trans, and many women go totally stealth after their surgery and never even tell their spouses.

    So yeah maybe you are only saying this cuz you aren't very educated on the subject? And also you ARE right about one thing. You can NOT swap genders. I am female and always have been, and beginning my transition was just a recognition of that fact. I don't appreciate being told my presentation as a girl is a disguise, and that is probably one of THE most offensive things you could say to a transperson :dry:
    #9 StefaniW, Jun 30, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2013
  10. TheMightyBoosh

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    Mar 31, 2013
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    London (near ish)
    (Ftm) I haven't had the surgery done, YET

    Well for me I'd pretty much have everything done i think...
    And i want it done as soon as so i can get a move on in my life *sighs*

    I just want to feel "right"
    and accepted most importantly

    the only thing is, i know there will be a long wait and it'll take time for everything
    plus i need it to be a damn fine good job *coughs* it has... to look...*coughs* good down there
    if you know what i mean...:thumbsup: (and everything else has to of course)

    I would have it done tomorrow! :rolle: If possible, I know other Ftm's (who are damn fine! I had to say it) :icon_wink and i know Mtf's who i never would have know unless they told me :icon_bigg but from what i have heard the pain isn't too bad and wears off plus taking pain medication so...but mainly from watching videos and asking
    I've found that most mtf/ftm's after surgery they are so happy the are like " :***: the pain, it was worth it to be the real me" :')
  11. Just Jess

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    Jan 19, 2013
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    You know I hear that a lot but I guess they're getting better with both the surgery where they make a whole new penis, and the one where they just make what he's already got work more like a normal penis (phalloplasty/metoidioplasty).

    From what I read the trade off is that with phalloplasty it's easier to penetrate a partner, and you have feeling through the whole penis, but it's only sexually sensitive at the base. And with metoidioplasty, it's sexually senstiive through the whole thing and you can get erections naturally, and it's safer, but it's harder to penetrate a partner.

    But I mean both ways I read over 90% of the guys out there are happy with what they get after surgery. And both sets of complications are things you can work around. Plus I think with both of them they're good at making it look like a normal guy's penis now, and you can pee standing up.

    One thing with both men and women is what we do with the balls. Some of us ladies (me included) want to get rid of them a long time before they have the other "down there" surgeries. This can save money over the long run if you are taking hormones for several years, but most people this approach costs money. And I guess if you don't keep stuff stretched out down there you won't have as much depth inside you later when you get the other surgery. For the fellas it's the same boat; a lot of surgeons want to do stuff like scrotoplasty (where they give you, well, a scrotum) at the same time as some other surgeries.
  12. I want to do the surgery, but I don't have money. At all. I'm dependant on the federal government to pay for school, and after that I'll probably have just enough money to live off of and not more. I won't be able to pay for the surgery at any time in the forseeable future.
  13. justjade

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    May 18, 2013
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    North Canton, Ohio, US
    I was born female but identify better with males. I'd much rather be a guy, but I'd rather just transition socially if at all. The farthest I'd ever go is getting top surgery. I wouldn't get GRS, at least not as far as I can say right now. However, I'm pretty back and forth about that.
  14. Oddish

    Oddish Guest

    Top surgery and (possibly) a hysterectomy are the only surgeries I want. I don't care much about GRS right now; that I can wait on. I may never even decide on it.
  15. Haley M

    Haley M Guest

    I would love to have the surgery but am way to scared! I do feel as if transitioning with surgery would make me feel like the girl inside me is free! I just wish I wasn't so scared!
  16. Hexagon

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    May 1, 2011
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    What are you scared of?
  17. MerBear

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    Dec 25, 2012
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    east coast
    Someone commented on a video that Vagina is like a inside out penis. hmm.
  18. Just Jess

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    Jan 19, 2013
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    Almost. A penis is closer to being a stretched out clitoris.

    Just under the right hormones when someone's very young, the body pulls and stretches the clitoris out of itself, connects the seed tubes to the bladder tube with another tube called a urethra, and glues the stretched out clitorus to the urethra. And then we call the result a "penis" and the owner of the penis a "boy".

    And if that doesn't happen, well then we call the person who has seed cells are on the inside instead of the outside, that never had the tubes running to her seed cells connected to her bladder tube, whose clitoris has never been stretched out, a "girl".

    So literally the only physical sex difference between boys and girls, that most people recognize, is completely caused by hormones. And we know how to use medicine to do almost the exact same thing nature does, and how to reverse the process.

    Basically everywhere in the body, it's the exact same thing. The body starts out kinda gender neutral, and all the parts are there to make either a girl or a boy. Then hormones kick in, and a person becomes one or the other. And the right hormones early on will turn you into a girl even if your chromosomes are XY. It's just that the chromosomes are what's telling the body what hormones to give you to begin with.

    And some food for thought. You remember how we were talking about the dramatic stuff that hormones do down under? Well the one part of the body with more hormone receptors than any other part, that is the most affected by hormones period, is the brain.
  19. Tetraquark

    Tetraquark Guest

    I sit in the space between trans* and cis, but I have considered surgery. When I was a young teenager I used to think about getting a breast reduction or full mastectomy once I was an adult. I also wasn't particularly fond of having a uterus, especially since a) I was never going to use it and b) it comes with a rather annoying monthly condition.

    I put these thoughts out of my head during high school because they weren't that strong, but recently I've started thinking about surgery again. While I've made peace with my external parts, fluctuating from having a vague discomfort with them to actually liking them, I would still be more than happy to have my uterus gone. Unfortunately, finding a doctor who would be willing to perform a hysterectomy on a childless 20-year-old would be next to impossible, as would be getting the funds for the procedure. It's not a big deal since it's not like I even realize it's there most of the time, but if I ever win the lottery, I will definitely come back to it.
  20. Hexagon

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    May 1, 2011
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    Actually, without hormone intervention, foetuses are female rather than gender neutral(excluding chromosomes). Or at least as far as I know, I'm not an expert.

    Yeah, I definitely concur about the brain being on hormones. Since taking T about fifteen months ago, my sex drive has WAY increased, my attention span has gone to hell, I've been really moody, I've been nearly unable to cry etc.