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Stupid stupid person

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by joshhunt, May 13, 2008.

  1. joshhunt

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    May 3, 2008
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    Im not sure if this is the right place for this, but here i go anyway.

    So, there is this kid at school who tried to kill himself.
    lol, bet you wernt expecting that...

    Anyway, before that happened i didn't really like him, but i decided to myself that i will 'try' to become friends with him.

    So he apparently tried to kill himself on like the weekend by overdosing (on some random medicine) at someone elses place (attention much?) and was then taken to hospital.
    But then he told us that he was aware that he might endanger himself, so he admitted himself to hospital.

    I have also heard him talking about 'when he tried to kill himself', and he openly said that 'trying to kill yourself definitely isn't the best thing to do'. So... i dont really know what happened.

    Anyway, after all that, he came out saying that he is gay (or bi, no one knows) and he is being very open about it. He is telling us all about his boyfriend that conveniently live ages away, and how he had to choose between this guy and another guy.

    I never believed him and i always dismissed the topic when he started talking about it. I didnt believe him because... i don't know. He just wasn't all the believable (even though everyone else believed him). Now he is going around with this gaping hickey on his neck (which was there for AGES) and telling everyone about how he had sex with his bf.

    Now today he was carrying about random newspapers and 'worrying' and 'fretting' about the merging of Westpak and St George (two banks), which is kinda random and stupid.

    So yeah, that is my bitch about him.
  2. Jim1454

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    Mar 13, 2007
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    I can understand how you'd find that behaviour annoying. However, he's obviously dealing with some problems, because people that have perfectly good lives don't need to carry on like that, and don't try to kill themselves.

    So try to be as sympathetic as you can be towards this person. He's obviously troubled. And even if you can't feel sympathy towards him, don't waste your own energy being bothered by him. It's not worth it. Just let it go.
  3. Louise

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    Sep 19, 2007
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    If there is no natural feeling of friendship towards this person then I wouldn't bother, you can't look after every lame duck you come across and this guy does seem particularly unstable. People like him have a tendancy to drag the people around them down with them.

    We all of us have problems in our lives and we all try and manage as best we can so I would avoid taking on this guy's problems as well as your own. He sounds like a complete attention seeker to me.
  4. Helen

    Helen Guest

    Oh, I know a girl who is the most attention seeking, stuck up, spoilt, rude, bad tempered, snobby little bitch I've ever met (I'm hardly ever that mean about people, but this one is an exception, seriously). We were quite the duo a few years back, but I didn't realise that she was treating me like crap (I didn't have many other friends back then, and automatically thought that she must be right about everything). She still does, of course, tells me I'm immature because I'm a bit loud and not afraid to be a little crazy sometimes, treats me like a complete idiot, oh, and she has to be better at every single thing I'm good at, of course.

    Point is, nobody in my year can stand her, because absolutely everything she does is just a plea for attention (she *always* feels 'insulted' whenever the guys make fun of her, which they do to just about everyone, and exaggerates injuries and stuff like that). Do not give this person the satisfaction of knowing that they've gotten loads of attention, even if it's the wrong kind. Ignore him, and encourage others to do the same. It's the only way to make him realise what an idiot he's being.

    Sounds harsh, but I have absolutely no patience with people like that.
  5. Lexington

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    Well, congratulations on being better than this person, I guess.

    He's obviously got problems. Mainly it looks like he desperately needs attention. If you want to give him some, fine. But park your superiority at the door. You're not aware of what's going through his head, and what he might have to do in order to make it through the day.

  6. joshhunt

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    May 3, 2008
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    Ugh yeah, you see thats the problem...

    He wasnt all that overly liked before the incident, but afterwoods alot of people started talking to him and what not (that only happened for a week, it has since died down).

    But now its not that i dont like it, because he can be good company, its just that... He can be really annoying at times with his all "Ohhh look at me, money money money money" and talking waaaay too openly about his 'boyfriend'.

    Ugh. He just really does piss me off
  7. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    It sounds as if you are bit torn between wanting his company but though yet there is his annoying behavior that probably leads you to question whether or not he is worth your time. I agree with the above points that usually people who have their lives pretty well together don't go about in this manner. It seems (and as mentioned above as well) that he's desperate for attention. Try talking to him and see if he opens up a bit and maybe he'll let you in on what's really going on in his life. This could allow you to see him in a different light and it might not annoy as much.
  8. paint

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    Mar 26, 2008
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    XD That was funny.