I want to raise money.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by hairdye, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    So, this morning, my cousins whom I live with were going to church.
    One is 40 something, the other is 21 and so is his wife. They're mormon.
    I myself am not incredibly religious, but I go with them from time to time, just for kicks.
    This morning however, I wasn't in the mood, nor did I have anything to wear.

    So my cousins went and I stayed.
    After they got home a bit ago, my cousins wife informed me of something.
    Their ward has started raising money AGAINST gay marriage.

    I noted to her that it's a good thing I didn't go. I would've made a scene. ;x
    So, heres what I'm requesting of you my dear EC members;
    you opinions and thoughts on this, of course.
    strong arguments you have heard or created, FOR GAY MARRIAGE.
    and plans of attack that can help me raise money to support it.

    as far as arguments go, I need counter arguments for;
    "If I really love my dog, should I be able to marry my dog?"
    "Should a 2 year old and a 60 year old be allowed to get married?"
    "Marriage is a religious union, being gay is a sin."
    "It was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve."

    and other such arguments. I have some of yours, but I need other ideas to.
    if there is anyone in the southern California area, I would love to get some kind of group started. This has fueled the fire within me. It's like being president of GSA all over again. ;x
  2. Lexington

    Full Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Out to everyone
    "If I really love my dog, should I be able to marry my dog?"
    If your dog can legally sign a document saying that he or she wishes to be in a relationship with you, then by all means.

    "Should a 2 year old and a 60 year old be allowed to get married?"
    If the 2-year-old can legally sign a document saying that he or she wishes to get married to the 60-year-old, then by all means.

    "Marriage is a religious union, being gay is a sin."
    Many marriages take place outside of the church, at a "justice of the peace" or with non-religious officiants. Are those sins, as well? Why aren't religious people fighting those? And what about Muslim marriages? Or is any religion better than no religion? And if marriage is a religious union, what is a divorce? A do-over?

    "It was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve."
    Adam and Eve were told to "be fruitful and multiply. We now have six billion people - that's plenty, I think. Adam and Steve will make sure not to add to the problem.

  3. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    My points exactly. You explained them in such a hilarious way though!
    yay Lex. I knew you'd be of help. as you usually are. you're so damn witty. <3
  4. The dog one like Lex said makes no sense because dogs can't sign a marriage certificate. Same with the 2 and 60 year old. A 2 year old can't sign a marriage certificate. As for marriage being a religious union that's a crock. There were ceremonies uniting man and woman before mainstream religion existed. Also I'm sure there are numerous hetero couples who aren't religious at all and they're married. Oh and also, as I'm sure quite a few religious officials will tell you BEING gay is not a sin. The ACT of gay sex is what they consider a sin. Lex covered the Adam and Steve one nicely, that's what I was going to say about that one.
  5. Geist

    Regular Member

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Spokane WA United States
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    And in addition to the argument about marriage being a religious institution and being gay a sin. You also have to realize that any religion can marry and yet being gay isn't a sin in every religion so even if it was considered a religious institution and not a state controlled one then you are saying that Christianity is the preferred one by quoting the bible to say it is a sin and you are saying that the religious opinions of other religions are null. And if it is a state controlled institution than you are segregating the gay population by saying that they can't get married.
  6. hairdye

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Orange County, CA
    all very good points.
    now how do I raise money FOR gay marriage?
    I want to do what the churches are doing, in reverse. ;x
  7. BitterEdge

    BitterEdge Guest

    I'm sure there are equality orgs in your area...look into some...I'm sure they not only would love donations but also if you volunteered your time.
  8. the ry guy

    Regular Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Chicago, IL
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    A few people
    Kind like how in 16th century America the Catholic Church said it was a sin to be Black, and that they could get married to white people because it was disgusting and used that excuse to enslave an entire race base on skin color. It wasn't until after Martin Luther King jr lead the african-american civil rights movement that the church said that African americans could get married but even then faced discrimination Case in point the KKK (klu klux klan) went around buring crosses into people's yard. oh and heres a kicker there all going to hell, reason being the official catholic religion is roman catholic, the vatican in rome doesn't actually consider methodist, protestant, baptist, or morroms to be part of the church to essiantialy one could say they praying to a false god which is plight against the roman catholic church. also, they don't do this anymore but if u can find a bible from the 1920s you might want to consider buying it, then getting it authenticated by the vatican, u get a letter from the POPE saying it's authenticate (but its a royal pain in the ass and pretty pricy) it used to say that the teachings in the bible were actually the church's interpetation of the scriptures and not the scriptures themselves which would mean that the bible is not GOD's law but in fact is Man's law and was simply someone else's opinion and had no merit being used as an arguement. I personally don't see why the church bothers, they don't own a patent on getting marrage, also the koran has supposedly been in exsitence for like 4000 years. if you can't prove your religion even exist's how is it supposed to be better than others? and was actually wondering even though this a little off topic, why doesn't the LGBT community just make a religion? if so and so said its, against their religion why not just make our own religion that says we can get a whole lotta people to join it, the federal government couldn't make laws against that cause it would be discriminating against a relgion, or better yet since morroms and baptists are just a variation of christianity just make another variation of christianity that endorses LGBT then again maybe i'm just crazy, insomnia's a bitch , sorry now i'm just ranting hope some of this helps
  9. Derek the Wolf

    Full Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    Major thing to point out: they're using religious reasons to counter civil marriages. We have separation of the church and state in the western world, and therefore all their arguments are invalid.
    This seems like an appropriate thread to promote myself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTmSfOO9gM8