Coming out as Genderfluid/flux to.. parents..

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by AiOre, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. AiOre

    AiOre Guest

    Jun 2, 2015
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    So.. I've told my closer friends about me being genderfluid/genderflux and demisexual. They've all supported me luckily so far but there's been a few times where I've wanted to tell my parents. I'm too nervous and scared of how they'll react. I've tried to drop hints about it, such as trying to persuade them to let me get shorter, more masculine hair styles and binding my chest down a bit with sports bras, cosplaying as male characters, etc.

    But, yeah.. There's been some times where I've opened my mouth to tell my mom and then I close my mouth, too scared. My parents have already told me (from cosplaying) that I can dress more masculine for cosplay, but if I become a guy, they say no. I think my mom might be transphobic but.. I'm not entirely sure..

    :/ Any tips or help on how I should tell them..? Thanks