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Coming out at work - good or bad?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by rangersgal, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. rangersgal

    Regular Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    ill be honest i don't hide who i am. i don't go telling people either, if they ask ill say if they don't they don't know. I believe in this day and age we should live and let live, we are who we are.

    My story of coming out to close work friends goes like this. No one will dare ask you in the workplace but we were on a night out and my friend asked what kind of man i like, i just replied I'm not into men.. and she laughed and said i knew it! Another girl saw me going red around a girl and asked me, i just said because i like her! haha, its all been on nights out though :slight_smile: so it makes it easier.

    question is - has anyone made life difficult for you at work after you have came out?

    PS no one ever asks me have a boyfriend in work - so maybe its obvious!
  2. PatrickUK

    Full Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    I have an awkward working relationship with a few colleagues, but I really don't care as long as they remain professional. I'm there to do a job like them and if they don't cause problems for me in carrying out my duties, so be it.
  3. guitar

    Full Member

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Southern Ontario, Canada
    Over the course of the past year, word of my sexuality spread, but several people knew I was gay before I started. I really try and shy away from my personal life at work. What I do and who I sleep with is my own business. About 3 months ago word finally slipped out to everybody that I'm a 'mo, which is fine. I'm out to everyone else in my life.

    Anyways, when official word got out to the entire office, my coworker - who I otherwise get along with really well - came into work and said weird things like how a fist bump is gay (which is weird because that's always been our standard greeting), commenting how I must like some guy's butt, and that Magic Mike must be my favorite movie. I bit my lip that day because we were so busy, but vowed if it happened again I would talk to him. We've been back to normal since so I'm assuming he was sort of in shock upon confirmation I'm gay... I hope.
  4. Daemon

    Regular Member

    Dec 3, 2015
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    In my case people are constantly asking about my sexuality or asking other other co-workers my sexuality even customers ask. Anyway at the point in my life I was not ready to come out I knew I liked women and men although I was in denial. I made such a huge deal about being straight now I don't think I could tell anyone the truth. Which is okay but I want to tell someone but there is no one I trust enough who I know will be supportive. So now I either continue to lie even though I'm ready to let people know my sexuality or I tell the truth and make a fool of myself for all of the lying I did. Which then means I'll have to explain to everyone why I lied and a lot of other personal questions that I don't want to answer.

    They all know I'm not gay though as I was in a long hetero relationship. I'm just bisexual. I've never said that out loud but it's even liberating to type out. <3
  5. crazydog15

    Regular Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    Out Status:
    Some people
    It's kind of a weird situation for me; coming out at work where I work would definitely not be a good idea. Too many old-fashioned or excessively macho people around. But at the same time, I don't lie; I just don't give complete answers. Typically if someone says something about me needing to "find yourself a woman," I deflect it onto something else. It doesn't feel good to respond that way, but it feels a hell of a lot better than overtly denying that I'm gay.

    Really, though, I probably need to get myself a new job...
  6. OGS

    Full Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Chicago, IL
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    Out to everyone
    I'm out at work and it really hasn't presented any issues. It's a little surprising. I work in securities and finance and frankly it's all sort of former frat boy type straight guys. Everyone's cool. As far as clients go it comes up when it comes up and I tend not to know who it has come up with and who it hasn't. I have clients who ask after my husband but as far as the others I don't honestly know (or really care) who knows and who doesn't. It's not like I come out to clients really but I do say things like "my partner and I have always wanted to try that restaurant, he loves Thai food." And people kind of cock their head to one side and you can see them assimilating the new information. Just as of late it's pretty much come up with everyone that it hadn't already come up with. When I got married I hyphenated my name, so now pretty much everyone asks.

    The other day I had a funny incident. A client that I hadn't seen for a while was in my office, noted the new name etched in the glass and commented on it. I explained that I had gotten married a few weeks ago. He started in sort of about the politics of it all--in a supportive way. How does it work with different states and all that. About midway through his little ramble, he paused and said "before I go any further and put my foot even further in my mouth, it occurs to me that I don't think we've ever really discussed this... so I should probably ask: you did marry another guy, right?":lol: It was just about the funniest thing I've ever seen how relieved he was when I said yes.
  7. guitar

    Full Member

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Southern Ontario, Canada
    I'm absolutely dying reading this, that's hysterical!:roflmao: