
Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by darkestknight, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. darkestknight

    Jan 28, 2008
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    Ah, I'm back ladies and gentlemen, after some hiatus. Glad everything is still ok here. Love it as the way it is! :grin:

    Now for the burning question!

    I don't know why, but at the age of 23, I felt like I'm 43 or something.

    First, I began not to feel like any 18 yr old guys (or anyone else) whom enjoys modern (or nowadays') cinema movies. Either I ran out of batteries, or something. I used to watch some movies at the cinema back in between '01 to '05, but that's about it when they don't dish out sequels of the movies, remakes, and more adaptations. Or, too much of any CGIs doesn't appeal to me anyway. Last time I watched in a cinema - late 05. And that's about it!

    Everytime my coursemates asked about what movies are good, they will either pester it to me: "Why not give it a try, nowadays cinema are very good, your opinions will be changed".

    My mind snapped to myself, "Haaahh?? What cinemas??" :roflmao:

    I still prefer Hallmark movies eventhough it's boring. Strangely, I could sit and watch those movies which 'has' at least a story written by original movie script writers, without myself ever knowing it. Hell, I missed those movies back in the early to late 90s. :slight_smile:

    And, the rest of myself is like I'm from the 90s. I don't use a handphone with blings all over it (in case u r curious, try to see Nokia 1112). And I wrote down notes on a piece of paper. And I don't draw anything fancy on my textbooks - I'm pretty seeeeeeerrious when I read stuff and could highlight or circle important phrases instead of underlining.

    Probably, my coursemates THINK I'm damn weird. But it's just the way I am.:roflmao:
  2. pookie

    pookie Guest

    You should watch "There will be blood". No CGI. Just amazing acting.
  3. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    There Will Be Blood is an INCREDIBLE movie. I recommend Black Snake Moan, Lake View Terrace, Inside Man, The Brave One to name a few. I feel like I am some 50 year old man too...I don't do many things kids my age do around here. I am a very big contradiction to the typical 'college kid' stereotype.
  4. riddlerno1

    Full Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    To be fair i tried desperatly to avoid the technology revolution when it all blew up. I didnt get an email address till like 2000 and i used the sameplain old mobile for like years until the buttons fell off. Ive never been one for really fancy things and still like watching movies from the past. Stand by Me- still brings a tear to my eye! But i guess with modern society ive had to change. Hey, wouldnt be on here otherwise talking to all you wonderful people!
  5. darkestknight

    Jan 28, 2008
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    Yeah, but technology revolution is getting wayyy too fast, even for me! :roflmao:

    In the end, I ended up still being old-school, and still follow the way of the new technology anyway! :thumbsup:
  6. LiquidAxis

    Regular Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    A lot of the technology craze is merely 'keeping up with the Jones'". You need the latest this and that gadget. Of course a well known idea is that all things control you more than enable you. So I say celebrate your independence! Children have wonderful imaginations and can entertain themselves with nearly anything (unless they are tired, and then they are just cranky!). Sometimes I feel the more advanced the technology gets, the more it replaces our natural abilities to dream, fantasize, create, and evolve.