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Do I Stay or Do I Go?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by GhostDog, May 2, 2009.

  1. GhostDog

    Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
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    DFW area, Texas
    Not precisely sexuality related, but I figured it was worth asking here nonetheless. Apologies if it's inappropriate!

    So, here is the situation. I'm 21, a full-time college student, and... still living at home, because it's a 45-50 minute drive to school and I spend less on gas than I would on rent. Financially? Makes sense. Emotionally? Killin' me, agh! I never see anybody. =/

    All the people I know in this town are my classmates who stayed to go to community college, and frankly, most of them are working minimum wage for drug money. Not really the crowd I wanna get involved in. But mostly what is bothering me about all this is that after four-ish years of questioning, I'm fairly sure I prefer women, but I have no, ah, field experience? And I know that living closer to campus would make, uh, testing that a little easier (sure as hell couldn't bring a date back here, even if it weren't an hour away). Heh, not gonna share with the family that it's the real reason I wanna move out, but there you go.

    But my family's broke. I'm broke. The economy sucks. The jobs I can find near campus are generally looking pretty minimum-wage-y, 20-hours-a-week type jobs. I doubt I could even share an apartment with somebody while earning what looks like ~$550 a month, and be able to feed myself and pay for classes. Dad says that getting a loan to help pay for living expenses would be ill-advised, as well, but I'm not sure if there's really another way out? I can't get a nicely paid, full-time job -- I don't have the experience, and since I'm going to college, I don't have the time.

    I'm not entirely sure what to do, here. I'd hate to sign a lease for something and end up not being able to pay up, is all. :/ But I'm feeling really lonely and really stir-crazy here, I wanna go live on my own, dangit! But I am not sure what's the wisest course of action.

    Any input at all would be appreciated. :grin:
  2. Melissa

    Full Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    North Carolina
    <~ Has the EXACT same problem. I wish I had some advice for you, but seeing as I'm in the same boat... Ugh... Personally, I'm not willing to risk going out into such an unstable economy. For the moment I'm just dealing with it. When classes end however, I'm going for volunteering at a semi-local GLBT center. See if that gets me anywhere... Perhaps you could try the same? Good luck. I know it's tough. ><
  3. olides84

    Full Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Well, I'd say make the move for all those personal/social reasons you discuss.

    Of course, it doesn't have to be forever. Maybe just try it out for a semester or term or whatever and see if you can make it financially work.

    Also, you should be looking at renting a room, not signing a lease. I bet there are really cheap rooms or sublets (especially if you are going to school for the summer) you could get for the cost you are paying for driving. Car costs are a lot more than gas - it's insurance, maintenance, parking.

    Finally, a loan is not at all ill-advised. That's what student loans are for - low rates and delayed payback until you are graduated and working full-time. Good luck :slight_smile:
  4. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Northern Hemisphere
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Hi there! In some ways you can still gain the experience when you are on campus. I don't know what kind of financial arraignments you have with your parents, but you have mentioned that you do have your own transportation. After your classes stay a bit longer on campus, try to find a LGBT group. You could even just drive into town and try to join a LGBT social group.

    Before you decide on anything try to put together a realistic budget with all of the expenses (living, rent, college fees,....) that you would have. From that you will see as to how much money you would need for a term, for example.

    Given the tough economic times, I think staying at your parent's place for a bit longer might not be such a bad idea. The amount of money you would be earning might not be enough to cover everything. Maybe still try to get a job on or off campus so that you do have some income but if you could avoid moving out at this time, I think it might be better. Try to save some money before moving out. Moving out looks simple, but once you move out, there are a lot of things you will be paying that you might not be paying for now.

    Taking out a loan to cover your living costs and college fees is always an option but in the end of it, you will be paying it back for some time to come. Having a student loan and depending on the size of it can have an impact on your financial outlook once you finish college.

    Rather than taking out a loan, try looking into scholarships and bursaries that colleges/universities offer throughout the school year. Maybe try that first before signing up for a loan.

    I hope this helps a bit!
  5. GhostDog

    Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
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    DFW area, Texas
    Hmm, fair points, all. Wellp, next semester, I only have class two days a week (yet still managed to have 12 hours!), so perhaps if I work through this summer, live at home next semester and work on my non-class days, I can save up enough to live near campus next spring. Makes the most sense, probably, even if I'm feeling like gnawing off my own leg to get outta here, haha.

    That is a good idea about calculating the cost, too. I'll have to talk with my dad about that, he's a lot better at this stuff than me. Haha I'm an art major, I haven't had to use math in years. >.<

    I just... really don't wanna be like my uncle. He was 30 before grandma kicked him out. >.> I feel like a bit of a loser living at home, but I'd probably feel like an even bigger loser digging myself into debt so soon, so, eh.

    Thanks for the advice, all. :grin:
  6. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Northern Hemisphere
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Not sure why you would feel like a loser living at home. Living at home does have some advantages, in particular if you are in school. Living at home takes off some of the pressures/commitments associated with living on your own. Actually in a lot of societies, family move in, not out! :slight_smile:

    Try to look at all of your options and then chose the one that you think is best for you.