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Phone conversation

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by NJCentralGary, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. NJCentralGary

    Regular Member

    Nov 5, 2009
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    New Jersey
    Sexual Orientation:
    I just hung up the phone with one of my best friends (he lives in another state), I have known him for about 20 years. He is as straight as they come...anyway, we were having a conversation about stuff, mostly football and fantasy football and as he is talking to me I am thinking about how this conversation would be different If i just told him I was gay. I think he would be totally accepting of me, although everything would be different. How would the next conversation be? Would things be wierd? As long as I've known him I have not had any girlfriends, he's had several and is now married with three kids. He's never asked me about why I don't have a girlfriend. I made myself a promise a long time ago that If anyone ever asked me straight out "Are you gay" I would NOT lie. Not one of my friends have EVER asked me. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  2. paco

    paco Guest

    he may already know.

    you say you believe he would be completely accepting, maybe he already is accepting and he's just respecting your privacy. a lot of my closest friends already knew, but they would feel bad if they found out they were wrong.

    who knows, things may not change at all between you two at all. we all have that fear, but you know your best friend pretty well; whatever your instinct tells you about him is probably pretty close to true.

    being gay isn't actually as much of a divider of friends as you might think. in fact, sometimes it brings you closer because you don't have to worry all the time about holding this charade you're putting up to hide the truth. just think about telling him, and once you feel ready, go for it. good luck.
  3. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    northern CA
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Actually i think you'll be really surprised and almost nothing will be different. I hemmed and hawed about telling one of my best (and very straight) friends back some time ago, and when I did, he was a lil surprised (he had sorta suspected but it was still a bit of a shock), but he was fine with it. He's a very sarcastic and funny person, and I knew things were totally cool when a couple weeks later he started making gay jokes at my expense :slight_smile: And every other person I've told has had the same response.
  4. x2x2x2x2y2

    Full Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    Wonderland (and California, USA)
    Holy crap, I promised myself the same exact thing. I would tell him If you think he's accepting.
  5. EM68

    Full Member

    Jun 19, 2008
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    Stoughton, Massachusetts USA
    That is how I felt about coming out to my best friend from H.S. I came out to him a couple of days ago and he was totally accepting. He said it came as a surprise to him that I am gay but was glad I was so happy and had a bf. He did tell me however that he probably would not be giving me relationship advice. :lol:
  6. J Schuelke

    Full Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    A little while ago I was talking to a straight guy friend of mine and we got talking about how he found out and stuff. Before he knew he thought I was straight as an arrow, and that's why he was a little wierded out when he found out. He said at first it was a little weird for him, even though he was pretty accepting, he just didn't feel comfortable at first. But then later he had an epiphany and realized that I was still his friend and we are still friends to this day.

    Granted now the conversations are a little different because he has to curb use of the word fag or saying "that's gay" now. But overall I think it brought us a little closer because we both understand each other better.

    If you guys are good friends it shouldn't matter if you are gay or straight. And if he gets weirded out, just give him some time to warm up about it. If he doesn't come around then he might not have been the best friend after all. It's hard to tell how anyone will react, but if you trust him, then just follow instincts and see what happens.