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Religious "Friend"

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Colton, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. Colton

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    Jan 1, 2010
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    So, at school today, my friend was going around school asking people if they were either Christians, Catholics, or Jewish. So when she asked me, I told her none, I'm more of a Realist, and Realism is more of a philosophy, so i have no, one true religion. She asked me what i meant by that, and I told her all about it, and shared with her a writing about it I had in my backpack, this is what it said.

    The difference between evolution and Creationism is that evolution is real and Creationism is not real. Creationism is based on the Bible that says that God created the world in 6 days about 10,000 years ago. Clearly the world was not created in 6 days about 10,000 years ago, so therefore the Bible is just plain wrong. If the world were merely 10,000 years old then how do you explain the dinosaurs that are millions of years old? We've discovered life fossils that date back billions of years. Even the skeletons of modern humans date back before the time of Adam and Eve.

    If we were to believe the Bible, then we would have to believe the Earth was created before the stars, which is the wrong order. If the stars were created 10,000 years ago, we wouldn't be able to see stars that are more than 10,000 light years away. That's because if a star was further away than 10,000 light years, the light from that star wouldn't have got here yet. Our galaxy alone is about 100,000 light years across. If the Bible were true, we wouldn't be able to see but 1/10th the way across our own galaxy. We surely wouldn't be able to see other galaxies or galactic clusters or know that the universe is expanding.

    Our modern technology has proved the Bible wrong. That means that if there is a God, he didn't write the Bible and the Bible is not his word. If the Bible were the word of God and the Bible is wrong, then God is wrong. And if God can't be wrong, then the Bible, which is wrong, can't be the word of God.

    Men who lived thousands of years ago wrote the Bible. The authors had limited knowledge of the nature of the universe and wrote the Bible based on what they believed at the time. They didn't know the Earth was round and that it orbited the Sun, which is a star among billions of stars in the galaxy, which is but one galaxy in billions of galaxies that have existed for billions of years. To them, the world was flat. There was up and there was down and God lived in the sky. They didn't know the world was round and there was no such thing as "up". They didn't know that the sky was a thin layer of gas that surrounds the surface of this planet. We have been to the sky and we have been above the sky and God isn't living there.

    And then she just walked away and wouldn't talk to me. What should I do.
  2. Greggers

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    Dec 10, 2008
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    Well no WONDER she is not talking to you! Just look at the first line of that paper...

    If this person is a friend, part of the deal in that is respecting her beliefs. Not handing her something that is very offensive and expecting her to just...take it. Im not going to go into what that paper you have says, because i would be here all day arguing about it.
    I can tell you don't believe in the bible, and I do believe in the bible. So the respectful thing to do is agree to disagree and stay away from topics that will end in banging our heads together, because no one can win a fight like that.

    If someone came up to you and started to push their religion on you, telling you things like "accept god or you will burn in hell", I would not expect you to just take it. This is the same thing. She obviously does not want to sit there and take you blasting her religion.

    If she is a friend, and you do want to remain that way, then an apology is definitely in order. You might want to ask her if you can stay friends, but just agree to disagree on this topic. Maybe try telling her you believe strongly in what you do and you don't want her pushing religion on you and in return you wont push her away from hers? That seems fair to me.
  3. Sicsemper79

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    Dec 30, 2009
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    Haha, sounds like you threw her for a little bit of a loop. If I can offer a piece of advice, don't be so sure in your faith that you feel the need to shake the faith of others. When it comes to religion / philosophy, I tend to be more of a deist, but that does not mean that I am right and others are wrong.

    The fact is that none of us know the answer to the "big" questions out there. Why are we here? Is my soul really special or am I just a collection of atoms in an evolutionary coincidence? What happens when we die? These are all questions that people far smarter than you or I have attempted and failed to answer. Be spiritually curious. There is a lot for us all to learn out there.

    The only people who I am particularly wary of are the ones who claim to know the answers to those "big" questions. I have visited or worked all over the world. I have friends from a "rainbow" of faiths. One thing that I have found to be true is that we all want love, acceptance, and to provide for those we care about. Religion, in extremes on any end of the spectrum, stands in the way of that.

    One thing I am pretty certain about though... with all the love, pain, joy, life, death, war, sickness, fun, hunger, evil, and goodness in this world... I am pretty certain God doesn't care who we sleep with. Shy of that, who the hell knows?
  4. Shevanel

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    Dec 4, 2008
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    I completely agree with Greg ^
  5. Maddy

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    I also agree with Greg. If you want someone to respect your beliefs, openly disrespecting theirs is not going to help at all. If the shoe was on the other foot and she'd been dissing your beliefs you'd be pretty offended, so why on earth would you expect her to not feel the same way? Respect goes both ways. I'm not religious but I have my beliefs, and this kind of situation is why I don't share them with anyone - I'm not using my beliefs to hurt anyone, and I don't want people insulting them or me because they don't share them.
  6. Chip

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    The best scientists in the world will rarely speak in absolutes about anything, because they realize that today's "absolute facts" may be tomorrow's ignorant assumptions.

    I remember when I went to college (almost 10 years after high school) and was worried about not remembering high school biology, I talked to my bio professor, and he said "Let me see... you were in high school in 1977? Yeah, most everything we were teaching then was wrong anyway, so it's no problem that you don't remember it."

    So... both because a lot of scientific "proof" turns out to later be wrong, and because, out of respect to friends, it's nice not to make people wrong, I agree with the other posters that you'll make more friends by at least showing an openness to respect another person's views, even if you don't share or agree with their views.
  7. Connor22

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    Nov 17, 2009
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    ^ wow I wish someone told me that going into my GCSE's cus there's no way I'm gonna remember it all, but yeah, try not to be so closed minded about creation and philosophy, the 6 days thing, most people believe was just a metaphor anyway and it does say in the bible that time works differently for god, so 6 days for him might be billions of billions of billions of years for us in this universe. Just something for you to think about and Good luck with her too, you're gonna need it :slight_smile:
  8. zoeee

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    Nov 24, 2008
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    to me it doesn't seem like he was pushing her away from her religion but more like he was trying to explain to her why he doesn't believe in god. if she asks him, what his beliefs are, and he says none, she wants it explained, then what's wrong with telling her why he doesn't think that the bible is true and god exists...?
    i bet if she had told him why she does believe in god, people would never say it was offensiv of her and she wasn't respecting his "atheist beliefs"...
    i always get the feeling people who talk about why they DON'T believe in god are marked as ignorant, disrespectful, close mindet people but people who DO believe and also talk about it, are not.-which seems unfair to me
  9. Colton

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    Jan 1, 2010
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    When you said "respecting her beliefs" shouldn't that go the same way for her?
    And I don't see how it was really that offensive, when I told her, "these are only my beliefs."
  10. Zume

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    Dec 26, 2009
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    Of course people have all different types of beliefs just like if someone said they were Pagan or Christian, Jewish, Atheist or in your case Realist..any and all beliefs fall into this catagory.. and they should all be respected whether they are yours or not .. she walked away because she wasn't expecting to get an answer that contradicted what she was asking..many people who have a belief are like that..they normally cant accept any other answer than the one they were raised to expect. Simply just appologise if it offended her in any way and explain that you have your beliefs and she has hers..everyone is entitled to their own. :slight_smile:
  11. littledinosaurs

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    Sep 17, 2008
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  12. Colton

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    Jan 1, 2010
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    Well, I took your advice and apologized to her. And you know what? It was a total waste of breath. She told me that the only reason that she asked me was because she knew I didin't believe in God, so she started this to try to convince me to believe in him. She told me that all the numbers of people who believe in that religion were just fake, so that she would try to convince me to believe in God by saying everybody else did. She told me that the only reason she walked away was because it didn't work, and also to laugh at me. She didn't find it offensive, but she found it rediculous. She said my beliefs are the most retarded she has ever heard. She also said, that because I don't believe in God, that I will burn in hell with all of the other people that don't believe in him. Some friend she is...

    And I probably should have asked her before I started this thread. So I apologize for that.
  13. Lexington

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    Frankly, anyone who considers Christians and Catholics to be two separate entities would have a hard time convincing me of much in way of religion, anyway.

  14. Zume

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    Dec 26, 2009
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    No reason to appologise.. just sit back and have a good laugh..if she's trying to convert you, and you are set in your ways..you are the real victor today :icon_wink Grats!
  15. Colton

    Full Member

    Jan 1, 2010
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    Haha. Thanks:icon_bigg
  16. Holmes

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    Aug 19, 2009
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    OK, maybe it wasn't just a casual question from her point of view, but it's still better to avoid a screed. I'm an atheist myself, probably most of my friends would be actually, but I have a few good Catholic friends. If you're questioned about it, it's probably just better to say, It just doesn't make sense for me.

    The one thing you should remember is that many practising Christians don't take a literalist view, so they'd ignore any criticism based on a refutation of creationism, thinking that you don't really understand them.

    I read a good book recently, 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in God, by Guy Harrison. If you can get a hand on it, it gives good answers in a calm reasoned fashion to the various questions believers pose to atheists.
  17. Jiggles

    Jiggles Guest

    Thats what you think, thats what YOU think. Simple as. Sure you might of laid it on bit thick but meh. She asked, she got! Of course certain situations you have to hi=old your tongue but really this wasn't one of them. Tbh what she said you you was just as bad as what you said to her. Win some, loose a lot. :grin:
  18. Greggers

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    Dec 10, 2008
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    Well, like i said in my first post, respect goes both ways. She should not push her religion on you, and you should not push her away from hers.

    She clearly wants to push hers on you. And you should not have to take that. Its your turn to just walk away.
  19. Pseudojim

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    I personally don't see the difference (in terms of respect or lack thereof) between making the assertion that christianity is not real to a christian and making the assertion that christianity IS real to a non christian.

    I really don't buy into the whole disrespect thing Greggers and Surferdude said. So long as you put forth your view in a polite way, imo the disrespect is non-existent.
  20. LostandFound

    LostandFound Guest

    It seems like she is just getting really defensive because you called something she holds to be very important in her life made up and not real.

    You said, "The difference between evolution and Creationism is that evolution is real and Creationism is not real." You probably could have phrased it better saying something like "I think evolution is real and creationism isn't". You didn't make it seem like you were open minded enough to listen to what she had to say.

    Just from what you wrote it seems like you both have the exact same attitude except that her views are 10x more important to her than your atheism is to you (and your views don't end up with her in hell). Both of you could stand to be a little more open-minded because she is taking a very narrow view of Christianity and your anti-religion argument is quite logically flawed.