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Is he ok with it or not??

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Hidden Angel, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. Hidden Angel

    Hidden Angel Guest

    I can't tell if my uncles ok with people being gay or not. On one hand when something comes on the news about some news reader in NZ being in a same sex reslationship he goes on about how its no big deal and who cares and don't they have any better news? But on the other hand he calls gay characters on tv 'bloody queers' and goes on about how some guy looks gay because of the way he claps or walks or whatever.

    So do you guys think hes ok with it or not he seems to be sending mixed messages and its getting me really confused.
  2. RaeofLite

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2009
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    *sigh* That's like my family. They know about you, yes? They probably still don't understand same sex attraction and don't know where else to vent their feelings but at the tv etc. It likely stems form their older traditions of men being with women, and that was that.

    When I told my parents, they stopped commenting when they heard gay issues on the news but still tried to "change me" for a bit, before realizing their attempts were wasted effort. Is it possible to get in touch with a PFLAG or gay organization in your city or area? They seem to work wonders. Either that or look at your library/bookstore or online for coming out books and write a little note for it, and sticky note it to the book and "leave it lying around" in plain sight where they always look.

    In your case your dad is probably dealing with "the death of you" since he was taught "queers" are bad people and that they should be poked fun of or worse. And now that he realizes his own daughter is one his beliefs are conflicting with his version of how things should be compiled with his love for you. I imagine it's a conflicting view for a parent.

    Maybe you could do something I suggested, or just pull him aside and ask if you could talk to him a moment. In a calm voice mention it to him. Tell him you love him, that you didn't make a "choice" to be this way and that you hope he'll understand and respect your happiness in time.
  3. Hidden Angel

    Hidden Angel Guest

    Ummm its my uncles not my dad, and he doesn't know I'm trying to figure out whether or not it would be ok to tell him and my auntie. I told my parents a year and a bit ago and it went really really badly so I'm really nervous about telling anyone else in my family and am just having trouble figuring out whether or not it might end up ok or not.
  4. RaeofLite

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2009
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    BC, Canada
    Oh my bad. Sorry about that.

    Hm, that changes things a bit then. It's possible he:
    A) doesn't know you're Gay and he was raised to think that Queer is bad...
    B) He knows you're gay and hopes you'll change if he verbally assaults the television and all things basically queer related. (Not physically assault it.. but you know what I mean).
    C) He is insecure about his own sexuality or perhaps insecure in his own love life with his wife?
    or D) is just a stressed out dude who doesn't know how else to take out his aggression.

    If you're in highschool still, I would recommend waiting till you're a bit older and can financially support yourself and/or college or whatever you plan on doing. I know it'll be hard but it'll be worth it in the long run. And you can tell them when you're ready.
  5. Alex19

    Full Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    New York
    just ask him. say "do u or dont u got a problem with it?"
  6. malachite

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    Apr 8, 2009
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    well, it sounds like is ok with it, but just not sensative about it. If that makes sense.

    He doesn't mind two guys/girls being together but he doesn't know calling something gay is offensive.
  7. The Paradigm

    Regular Member

    Jan 27, 2010
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    You can always just ask. :slight_smile:

    Even if it's direct or not, you'll get your answer most likely.