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omg. x 1000000

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Alex19, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. Alex19

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    Feb 12, 2009
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    the strangest thing happened to me tonight. ill start when my friend texted me...

    apparently, a friend of hers had his first 'gay' experience when he was at a party. he and this mystery guy started making out and eventually went down on eachother. as a str8 man, this left him kinda confused with himself. he tried calling this guy back for a 2cd round (i guess to try it sober this time, he said) but didnt get a responce. so, he contacts my friend and she refers him to me for help. well...

    we friend eachother on facebook, and im giving him some advise and whatnot, then he drops a bomb shell on me. he, a str8 man, wants to hook up with me. i, have no issue with this. however, he does have a girlfriend. i really wanna hook up with him, cause its not everyday someone offers themselves to me- especially now that im desperate, but i told him that i dont wanna cause trouble for their relationship. which, it obviously would. so im torn. do i take the moral highroad and tell him to move along? or do i do what i want and have this one time hook up (just kissing btw- tho he did say he may give me a bj should he feel like it) and please my desperate/carnal desires? it doesnt help either that hes str8. it makes me want him all the more.

    so, what do u think? o- and as for whether or not hes in an open relationship i have no idea. but he did say this was gonna b kept a secret from her. what should i do??!!:bang:
  2. Shevanel

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    Dec 4, 2008
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    Moral Highground would get my vote.
  3. Mirko

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    Apr 26, 2008
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    Hi there! If I were you, I would take the moral highroad. Just because he has 'offered' doesn't mean that you have to follow suit and agree. Even if he wouldn't have a girlfriend, I wouldn't do it.

    If you are desperate, why not try to get to know someone for a date and than take it from there. I think this would be a lot safer than hopping into bed with a stranger for the sake of getting over the feelings of being desperate. After everything is said and done, guess how you are going to feel again? Do you want to go down that road?

    Why not try to get to know someone instead and perhaps try to build something a bit more meaningful? Just a thought....
  4. Alex19

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    Feb 12, 2009
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    both of u have good points... even though joeys was more of a short statement lol but idk. its not that im TOTALLY desperate, its just that i have REALLY bad luck when it comes to finding a potential bf. and we wouldnt b having sex. just mayb oral. but mostly just kissing. not that im justifying it
  5. Spectre

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    Mar 2, 2010
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    Hey, hey. This was the question of the day a while ago... it isn't today!

    It's a horrible thing to say, but it's all dependant on your own morals. But since you already said you don't want to cause trouble with their relationship, and you're doing it out of desperation, the answer is pretty obvious here: you'd feel guilty. So based on that alone I can echo what Mirko and Shevanel have said.

    Oh, and he's using his girlfriend as a safety net incase he finds out he doesn't like guys as much as he thought. That's weak.
  6. Mirko

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    Apr 26, 2008
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    Keep looking for a potential boyfriend. Yeah it can take a while, but if you do try it, it will work at some point. Join some activities, LGBT social events or a LGBT support group. All of that will help you.

    Even if you would just be kissing, he would still be cheating on his girlfriend.
  7. Chip

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    May 9, 2008
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    In one of my favorite books on gay relationships, there's a chapter about open relationships, and how they can be made to work successfully.

    One of the core issues to having something like that be successful is being in integrity with oneself. For your friend, this means not doing something behind his girlfriend's back. For you, it means thinking about the role you want to play.

    The simplest way to look at it is to put yourself in the shoes of his girlfriend. How would you feel if, for example, this guy was with you and decided to fool around on the side with a girl? How would you feel about the girl who did that, and about your boyfriend who cheated on you? If you would not want someone else to treat you that way, then the best choice is probably to act with the sort of integrity you'd like to see other people have.

    The second issue is... I'm guessing this guy isn't really straight. He's likely realizing that he's at least bi, if not in the process of coming out. Again, if he's just starting to explore his feelings, it would be really easy for you to end up hurt in the deal, or for him to get even more confused. Perhaps having a conversation with him about what he's feeling, and maybe, without comparing yourself to his situation, talk about when you were questioning and see if he takes the ball and runs with it.

    And the last issue is... if you're even remotely thinking, way down the road, about him as possible boyfriend material, think very carefully. If he is just starting to crack the closet door, and is willing to lie to and cheat on his girlfriend, it doesn't bode well for his being in a relationship with someone. He will probably want to play the field for a while, and you don't want to end up having happen to you what he's trying to have happen to his current girlfriend.

    So for all those reasons, it's probably best to suggest that he either talk honestly to his girlfriend and discuss being open with her, and getting an understanding from her before being with you, or that, if this is something he wants to pursue, that he break it off with her. He really can't have it both ways.

    As for you... if you are having bad luck finding a boyfriend, the solution to the problem is NOT to hookup with some allegedly straight guy who wants you on the side. What kind of message does that send to your unconscious? It says "I don't deserve someone who will have integrity and give me their full attention, I have to settle for someone who is unwilling to commit." So this would be a great time to give a little thought about what you deserve in a boyfriend, and start changing your outlook; instead of saying "I have really bad luck", start thinking "I'm changing the way I look at myself, and I deserve a really great guy who will love me fully and unconditionally,"

    Of course, sometimes you have to work on sending that message for a while to get unconscious to take it up. But sometimes just setting that intention for yoruself can make a world of difference in how you attract people, and who you find yourself attracted to.
  8. Nitro

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    Feb 27, 2008
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    My there are a lot of puritanical sorts on the site; time for a dissenting opinion:

    Let us consider - He kissed a man and liked it. The girlfriend may be a crutch to support a false straight guy identity. Aiding someone to cheat that is in a relationship based on a solid lie, a relationship that must end eventually, really is a minor charge. Do you know this girlfriend? Does anything bad happen to you if your little indulgence becomes known to her? If "no" then his proposition deserves further merit.

    When individuals begin to admit the scope of their same sex attractions they can often feel vulnerable. I suspect you feel that if you were to go through with this deed, you would later feel like you were taking advantage of this man's vulnerability. This would not reflect well on your character and your perception of your character (all that subconscious stuff Chip was writing about). He could, on later reflection, take these early first encounters with gay men to assume the whole realm of gay to be as cold and inebriated/manipulative as his first experiences.

    So, what to do? Let us not forget he is offering something rather nice.

    You wrote that you were offering him advice over Facebook. Good for you, he could use someone to talk to who has seen the road ahead. He needs to understand what he is getting into with regards to his relationship with his girlfriend (the cheating) and that kissing another man and liking the sensation does not automatically make him part of the queer alphabet soup. He also needs to know that understanding his own nature can be done with inner reflection rather than slutty experimentation. He also needs a second opinion, lest he later mistrust your counsel as that of someone just looking to get into his pants. EC perhaps?

    As long as he is going into this eyes open, I feel that this could be a rewarding experience for the both of you. Play safe.

    Addendum: After kissing this fellow a bit (maybe a bit more) he will be making his own decisions as to who he pursues next. Being a guinea pig can have such a bad reputation these days, but how do you feel about the matter?
    #8 Nitro, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2010
  9. Beachboi92

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    Jul 26, 2009
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    1) regardless he is in a relationship and anything you do to compromise that relationship would be wrong

    HOWEVER this guy is confused and i think that it could be beneficial to him for you to help him work his way through it as a "str8" guy that wants male hookups really isn't str8 now are they :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:, those would be the right thing to do and maybe even result in what you are looking for coming out of it :slight_smile: If you don't know him that well get to know him, i personally am not a fan of the idea of hooking up with someone you barely know cause i think it is a bad start :x

    I mean also the bad side of me would say hang out don't do anything and if he chases you let him, maybe he will discover what he wants wether it is a guy or a girl or a guy this time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: idk just rambling now i guess xD
  10. Beachboi92

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    Jul 26, 2009
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    oh also, You lucky bastard
  11. Chip

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    There is nothing puritanical about treating others the way you would want to be treated.

    If Alex19's own integrity allows him to participate in an act that would in all likelihood cause great hurt to someone else, then it's certainly his perogative to do that; lots and lots and lots of people do that.

    The ethical argument that somehow the cheating is less serious because the relationship with the girlfriend is based on an untruth is flawed; they are two entirely separate issues, both with ethical implications. But alex19 has no say or jurisdiction on the relationship between the guy and his girlfriend.

    Further, while a relationship between a gay man (if he is that) and a straight woman will probably not work in the long term, the idea that cheating is OK because the relationship will end is also a pretty flawed argument; under that theory, you could justify murdering someone with a terminal illness, because they're going to die anyway.

    It all comes down to intent, and common courtesy. If the guy doesn't really know he's gay or is just coming to terms, he can't be faulted for getting into a relationship with a girl. If he feels like he wants to experiment, then he needs to either get permission from his gf, or end the relationship. Otherwise, he's cheating on her.

    The problem here is that people often don't want to do the ethical thing because it's a lot harder; it's easier to just lie and hope no one is the wiser.

    Integrity is easy when there's no cost to it. Where the rubber hits the road is when you make a choice that hurts (emotionally, financially, etc) because it's the right thing to do. And that's where most people's integrity falls by the wayside.
  12. L|L

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    Sorry, it's he who needs to choose the moral high-ground. Not you.

    You're doing nothing wrong. He's already cheated with one other person.

    You wanna shag him and he want to shag you. I'd go for it.
  13. Alex19

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    Feb 12, 2009
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    i might have to talk to him further on this.

    i am NOT looking for him to be my potential bf- i know this is purely for his own "self exploration purposes."

    as for me being desperate, im def over dramatizing it so its not really my motivational factor

    and i am gonna consult some more ppls opinions. if he didnt have a gf or if it were def an open relationship, this would b so much easier.

    o and did i mention hes in the army? i have no idea what to do
  14. malachite

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    if this guy is straight and has a girl friend,, why is he suddenly looking to hook up with a guy. u need to concider what is going on in his head.

    plus because the oppertunity is there doesn't mean u should take it.
  15. Beachboi92

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    Jul 26, 2009
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    "str8" and in the army oh damn when do i get to have this luck xD, but i stand by my decision to keep it clean till you know a little more about the whole situation and maybe spend more time talking/hanging out with this mystery "str8" man :x
  16. gaz83

    gaz83 Guest

    you can do much better for yourself i say. i wouldnt wanna be with someone that clearly doesnt think enough of the people they are with. this guy sounds a rite twat. guess if he happens to leave this girl and then asks you again you could consider it haah.
  17. Lexington

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    Some random thoughts.

    When "straight" guys (especially in relationships) start making moves on a guy, it tends to follow a certain path. For one thing, he'll probably have VERY specific lines he doesn't want to cross. Many gay guys do, too, but he'll have the additional fear of going beyond them because "then it'd be gay". Also, he'll probably be very paranoid about anybody finding out that something is going on, and as such, he'll probably be keeping you at arm's length (or greater) when you're not actually getting physical. Thirdly, two common results are that he decides it wasn't for him (post-orgasm) and completely cuts contact, or he wants to keep meeting up. But when that second one happens, it'll be extremely discretely, and on HIS schedule, not yours.

    So keep that in mind. The best you can hope for is some (possibly) hot sex, based on his schedule, which he won't want anybody to know about. If that's still appealing to you, play safe, and go have fun. :slight_smile:

  18. Spectre

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    Mar 2, 2010
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    No matter what the argument is, you can never justify this action ethically.

    I'm sorry Chip, but using a theory to justify cheating as a theory to justify murder is flawed. Cheating does not equate to murder. And the ending of a relationship and the ending of a life is fundamentally different, but you know this.

    I hate to be devil's advocate here, but consider this: he's going to cheat on her again anyways. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but it's probably inevitable (unless he knows himself very well). What if it happened while he was married? What if he had children? Would you say that would be a better time for him to experiment? Yes it's a poor rationale - "oh I'm going to steal this item because someone else will steal it anyways" - but it's worth consideration.

    Or, what if he goes out to a bathhouse to experiment. What if he does so in an unsafe manner? What if by having sex with a stranger he contracts some STD, which he then passes onto his girlfriend? Is it not better to try to avoid that scenario, and allow him to experiment in a safer environment with someone that knows how to "play safe"?

    Then there's the girlfriend. Would it be better for her to invest all this time in him, and then him later coming forward and saying "Sorry hun, this isn't going to work, I'm gay!" Or is it better to help him figure it out (either emotionally, or physically) and potentially cut that relationship short so that she can find someone else to fulfill her life? Do you think she would be more hurt over a one-off experimentation, or a repeated string of affairs with multiple people behind her back over the course of years? Granted, either way she'll be hurt if she found out, but unfortunately the former would seem to be the lesser of two evils.

    In an ideal world, the girlfriend would give him permission to experiment. But we do not live in that world. Is it wrong ethically, yes. Does it lack integrity if he chooses to do so? Perhaps. But there are far more considerations to this seemingly simple "yes or no" situation. It's really easy to say "just take the moral highground," and if presented with the same situation I personally would, but like I said in my last post:
  19. Chip

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    I think we're seeing a generational thing here. No sense in my arguing with people who don't share my ethics or values.

    Alex, do what your heart tells you to do. But if you believe in karma, think about that as well.
  20. Spectre

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    Mar 2, 2010
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    I'm sorry Chip, but that's really an unfair generalization. I didn't realize raising some other points of consideration meant we don't have any shared ethics or values. Should we instead show Alex only one side of the coin and repeat en masse "cheating is bad, don't do it"? Doing that could almost be considered unethical.