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OK, so there's some serious shit going on with my mom situation. CPS was called.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by AlexPatrickMorrissey, May 24, 2010.

  1. She's been in jail since the 10th (of this month), and she's getting out on the 3rd of June. This is good news, but I don't know if I will be able to move back in with her. Apparently, someone called CPS on me and I might be forced to live with my dad permanently. I love him and I know he wants the best for me, but I still kind of prefer living with my mom. I'm more independent over there. I almost never see her or talk to her when I'm over there. I'll go for a day or two without talking to her at all. It sounds selfish, but I prefer to be alone most of the time. I know that I'm safer from harm with my dad, but it's so hard to have to deal with this kind of bullshit. It's funny that CPS only cares now that I'm old enough to take care of myself and do a better job than my mom. I don't have a childhood anymore, so there's really nothing that they can help me with. I'll be seeing them at school tomorrow, so I have to be ready. When I was much younger, it was a very unsafe place to be. My sister and I would be locked in our rooms while my mom did drugs and then get beaten if we did anything "wrong". I would occasionally get bruises or bleed, but it was never anything life-threatening. Physically, anyway. I still have mental scars from my fucked-up childhood, but those will fade away some day. I don't want them to get involved with anything. They never helped me when I needed it, so I don't need them now. I'll deal with my own demons without their help. I've been taken away before, but I can barely remember that. I want to move on. I don't want to get into all of this legal shit. I know that my mom is an incompetent bitch who ruined my childhood, and I don't need to be taken away from her now. I just need to deal with her for another 3 1/2 years and then I can move out and cut her off from my life once and for all. She's a parasite, and I don't want to be infected by her hate and diseases. I want to deal with her myself. I won't let her hit me anymore. Last time she touched me, I shoved her into a brick wall. I'll do it again if I have to. I can protect myself now, and I don't need ANY FUCKING HELP from them!

  2. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    This is a tough call.

    You're probalby an exceptionally capable and mature 14 year old, but you're still 14... and so in most people's eyes, you do still need some help making good decisions and getting what you need. Obviously your mom is not in a position to provide that, and additionally, with her in jail, you're by yourself, so I can understand why someone might have contacted CPS on your behalf.

    My suggestion is to roll with it, agree to living with your dad to get CPS happy, and then make a deal with your dad. He obviously isn't that involved in your upbringing and caretaking, or he would never have let your mom have custody since she's obviously not a very fit parent. So perhaps he'll give you more leeway and freedom, or take responsibility on paper and then let you stay with your mom. The truth is, with the budget in most every state in disastrous condition, CPS doesn't have a lot of time to do follow-up checks, particularly if they think the situation is basically OK and they've solved it.

    But the other thing to consider is... having a parent that sets boundaries is actually healthy and helpful to teens. They rarely "get it" at tha time but if you have a parent that sets rules and establishes consequences for breaking them, it helps to establish good behavior patterns and healthy boundaries as an adult. So it wouldn't be all that bad to live in an environment with more structure.

    In any case, keep us informed about what happens.
  3. It's kind of hard to describe how I feel about living with my dad. I love him and know that he's a much better parent, but I still kinda feel a little too distanced from him. It's not his fault at all. I just have problems accepting authority. I respect him greatly, but I want to be more independent, so having all those rules is kinda shitty. I just want to be my own person, really. I don't like being 14. If I had my way, I would be 18 or 19 so I could move out and get my own place. I have a hard time dealing with family members. It really sucks that I can't be more thankful, though. My dad cares a lot, it's just that I'm a different person. I wish I could be more thankful, but I suck like that.
  4. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    In that case, as much as you don't want to hear it, it might be really, really good for you to live with your dad. Unless you work for yourself (and even then, in some circumstances), you're going to have to deal with authority figures in your work envoronment, and if you have the chance to address your issues with authority early in life (at this age) as opposed to when you're forced to at 18 or 19, it will be a lot easier for you.
  5. Eleanor Rigby

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    Feb 21, 2009
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    I can only agree with Chip. The fact you stated you have problems to accept authority means to me that it is exactly what you need.
    Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you're immature and I know you have been through a lot of painful things and had to take care of yourself. But this is something I have learned from being a teacher : children and teenagers needs authority. They need someone to set boundaries.
    First because, no matter how they dislike it, having someone who says "No, you can't do... whatever" is reassuring because it means someone care about what them. Second, because in society, they will have to deal with authority and boundaries, it is necessary, and so they have to learn deal with the frustration authority may imply when they're younger. Last but not least, teenagers build their personalities arround the rules their parents sets, wether it is by accepting them, or by trying to transgress them.
    For all these reasons, I think it will be good that you live with your dad under his roof and according to his rules. I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but I think it will be a lot more healthier for you to get back to a normal teenager's life and that you'll have someone who'll care about you.
    And I think that living with a parent you can rebuild a real relationship with would be way more healthier, not only for now but also for your future, than living with a parents you try to ignore and plan to cut every relationship with in a few years.
    Now, of course, you're the only one who can decide, but I think it would be a sign of maturity from your part to decide to live with your father for your own sake, even if you know that's not going to be easy, rather than sticking to your actual situation while you perfectly know it's not good for you, neither now nor for your future.
    Take care (*hug*), Cécile
  6. Sesshomaru

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    Sep 5, 2009
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    I can somewhat relate to what you're going through since I've been through hell with my mom as well and had CPS called out 3 times so far, but I've never had to go through any physical abuse so that's sorta out of my league.
    However from the times that I've had to deal with CPS I've learned that they normally don't do any follow-up checks unless the situation is extremely bad which would put it as far worse than your's. You shouldn't have any real problems with them during your meeting at school unless you're like covered in bruises/cuts.
    If living with your mom would make it easier for you but living with your dad would be safer, then that could be a somewhat hard decision to make. Living with him might give you some tolerance for authority but sometimes it just might not be the right time to deal with it. I think you should just follow your own path on this one since you're the person that has to ultimately deal with everything.
    Good luck with everything :slight_smile: (*hug*)
  7. Zumbro

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    Jan 2, 2010
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    Well, I have no experience at all with CPS, but here's what I think: You want to cut your mother out of your life, and CPS is giving you a chance. You can go live with your father and not have to worry about providing food or getting hit, and have a bit of your childhood back before it's gone. Yeah, you'll have to deal with rules, but that's how life is. If you can't follow rules, you'll end up in prison as well. CPS is offering you 3.5 years of safety where you don't have to worry about protecting yourself or your sister. Maybe you should give it a try and see how it goes.
  8. olides84

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    Jun 5, 2008
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    I understand that you want to be your own person, to be 18 and legal, because you've been having to live with that responsibility for awhile. But you've got decades and decades to come where you will care for yourself--why not enjoy a caring and nurturing environment for the years before HS ends, which you can only get with your Dad.