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Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by darkcheesse, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. darkcheesse

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    May 12, 2010
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    i fear weed is taking over my life, all i do most of the day is watching tv, its also burning a whole in my pocket too. i've done a bit of sniff here and there but nothinh as habitual as weed, today is the first day in 5 weeks that ive been sober for longer than 2 hours, earlier in the year i got deppresed skipped colledge for a month to get stoned, what i do i get deppresed i get stoned, so i dont have to face it, i fear i just use weed as an escape from my problems, recently i think i might be going mad and few friends agree with me, ive been doing stuff ,like stalking my friends at five A.M just to try and freak them out, also ever since this long term intoxication, i have developed a, dont know how quite to describe it but, feel really awkward and uncomfertable with people touching me even slightly, i can handel people ome milimeter away from me but touching me just makes me feel really uncomfertable, alot of things my friends do, make me feel this way but, ive never felt its my place to complain, when i feel akward and uncomfertable i just sort of try to put up with it and not complain, and end up smoking more weed, then i tend to feel fine, its like a crutch.

    i wouldn't say im addicted, cause i can quit at any time(i'ver done it a few tom), but when i do its useally because im skint, and tend to become dead emotional and a recluse from the world, instead of hanging out with them i just sit at home and tend to cry and be very deppresive, i dont really tell anyone that i feel this way, because they'll ask questions, and the whole issue is closly tied in with being in the closet, and how im really scared to let people know that im gay, ive only told 12 people and i could only tell two sober, and they happen to be the only people i can bare to be around sober, but i never like them to see me the wacky backy, i just around them tend to feel slightly ashamed of being high. i know they dont like it but they dont have a problem with it, i just feel so aweful when i am around them high. i dont know if my smoking weed is a problem, ironic that it makes me more active than when sober.

    without the drugs im an emotional wreck who hides from the world most days due to fear and worry of other peoples opinions, but when stoned, drunk, or on somit else i can do anything i want do, i have all the confidance i need, but im down to me last hundred quid and im dreading returning to be sober by the end of the week, when i go sober i do it for months on end, the most productive things i do sober is find more and more ways to hate my self. its why i dread being sober because i become ths pit of self loathing and hatred. when im sober the main thing that i hate about myself is about how much i am a massive whimp i am.
  2. Revan

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    Bud, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are addicted. There are many things in your explanation that tell me this.

    This to me is saying you put your life on hold, such as with college, just to get high. This is unhealthy because weed is going to take you absolutely nowhere. School on the other hand most likely will.

    If your emotions have been effected by weed, you have definitely overused it. Another way of saying your addicted. Another reason you're addicted is think of it this way. If you keep going back to it to "regain your emotions" I think it's clear you have an addiction here.

    I really think you need to see your doctor or better yet, an addictions counselor. You just need to seek some professional help.
  3. Jiggles

    Jiggles Guest

  4. Chip

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    May 9, 2008
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    You're definitely addicted, you're just in denial about it (as are most addicts.)

    People mistakenly believe that weed is not addictive. It isn't in the sense that you build up strong tolerance and have to smoke more and more of it to get the same high, but it is in that your body grows dependent on it physically and psychologically.

    Dr. Drew Pinksky (Dr. Drew from Loveline and Celebrity Rehab) who was one of the world's first addiction medicine specialists, says that marijuana addiction is one of the more frustrating addictions he has to treat because the effects from withdrawal can take quite a while to get over. But getting past the addiction is a lot better than remaining addicted and losing motivation and an interest in life.

    It's clear that you're using weed to stay away from your feelings, and it's the self-hatred that's driving the addiction. You need to get off of the weed, and you need therapy to deal with your feelings of self-hatred.

    The good news is, because of the physiology behind the way weed intereacts, quitting it won't be all that bad, and staying clean also isn't all that bad once you're over the initial hump. And once you are sober and work through your problems, you will have a completely different view of the world.

    I do agree that it's something you should put your energy into dealing with now, because your studies in school will be a lot more meaningful and valuable to you if you're sober.
  5. Lexington

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    Yeah, I'm afraid I'm going to agree with everybody else here. Pot can be used recreationally - I know many people who do - but if you need it to function, if you need it to feel at all "normal", then you're leaning on it way too much.

    All of us periodically have to don some (metaphorical) armor and go fight some personal demons. Demons are those things in our psyche that hold us back. You know, all those voices that tell us we suck, everybody hates us, we're doomed to fail and be alone, all that. And so long as we let those demons stick around, they keep us from operating at peak capacity. And the longer they stick around, the bigger they seem. And soon, they keep us from operating at ANY capacity.

    Various drugs - alcohol and pot - can keep those demons at bay temporarily. But it doesn't keep them down. It just keeps them a bit quiet while you're under the influence, and they come back stronger once the buzz wears off. And now, you've got what sounds like a herd of huge dragons outside your door. Not surprisingly, you're choosing to metaphorically plug your ears and retreat to the safety of the bong.

    But you can only do that for so long. Eventually, you've got to throw on that armor and go face those demons. And completely fuck them up. Because only once you defeat them will you be able to really get out there and kick ass at life. No, you won't succeed at everything or anything. But you'll regain that self-respect you've lost and can only find at the end of a joint or bottom of a bong. You'll be you again.

    And I think the fact that you posted this suggests you might be ready. So let us know if you need help putting on your armor. :slight_smile:

  6. VampConspiracy

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    Jun 23, 2010
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    Drugs. Actually, I have an unfortunately-vagrant friend who, at one point (read: not now), did do drugs. I have plenty of demons myself, and while I can say I've been on "drugs" technically, I would rather punch a psychiatrist in the face than go back to Prozac. Anyway, from what I have read, I must echo that you are addicted, at least psychologically, to pot.

    Please get help. Besides, pushing back the demons with drugs does not help in the long run and can actually make things worse. Much worse.
  7. GoinStag

    In Loving Memory

    May 28, 2010
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    I'm not a genius, and I'm only 16, but I'll just give you my take on this. There are a few things that show you're obviously addicted. In this thread, you come off like you feel the need to quit. If you weren't addicted you wouldn't feel the need to quit or even make this thread. So that alone is kinda like proof. And if buying weed is burning a hole in your pocket, you obviously feel the need to keep buying weed even if it is costing you a lot of money.

    Here's the thing with addiction: ANYONE can quit. But it's one thing to "quit", and another thing to actually stick to it. I agree with you, you can quit any time you want, but from what I read I think you'd have the urge to smoke weed within a day of "quitting".

    I'm not gonna give you that bullshit speech about "add up the money you use to buy weed and you could go on cruise". Honestly things can only go down hill for a lot of people who smoke weed. My Uncle started smoking weed in high school. He's 50 now and lives in a fucking swamp. Don't let yourself become dependent on that shit, because if there's someone out there who depends on you and weed gets in the way, chances are that person's gonna hate you for a long time. And that goes for anyone who is addicted to anything.

    To be completely honest I hate alcohol and drugs. I'm not gonna act like I haven't tried either but I don't do either on a regular basis. It's fucking pathetic. Don't get me wrong I feel bad for addicts but I feel worse for the people who have to put up with their shit. I also totally look down on people who drink/do drugs who are my age. Most of the time they're just people who have such normal/easy lives that they feel the need to do stupid shit just so they can have a "story".

    You just need to be realistic with yourself. What is weed doing for you? In reality nothing changes when you're high. Your life is still as fucked up as it was when you were sober. You just need to find a way to confront your problems without burning a whole in your pocket bro.
  8. zzzero

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    Nov 15, 2009
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    I smoke weed too, I do it fairly frequently as well. I understand the problems you're going through right now and it really sucks. It can be really hard to stop once you've started doing it too too frequently because it becomes what you do when you're bored.

    The way to beat this and move on isnt going to be easy at first. You have to find something to replace your need to smoke when you're bored or depressed. I suggest replacing that with exercising since that it rarely a bad thing (unless you do it to the point where you hurt yourself) but also it releases enzymes that will help with the depression. I wont lie, it's not going to be a walk in the park. You're going to have to force yourself to do something different every time you want to smoke.

    The first thing you should do is delete your dealer's number from your phone.
    The second thing, knock it off with the late night stalking. That's weird, and it shouldnt be that hard NOT to do it. How about you just go to bed? (No way can I stay up till 5 when I smoke lol)

    Plenty of people on here will act like you're doing the worst thing ever or something. You're not. It's okay to smoke if that's what you want to do, just dont let it take over your life and dont use it to prevent hard times, because it can't prevent them, just put them off till later. And know that I'v had the problems you're talking about (well most of them) and I'v been able to replace the need with something healthier and I still smoke on occasion as well. An addiction to marijuana is not that hard to overcome, and it's not like being an alcoholic where one drink could send you back into alcoholism once you've been sober a while.

    Don't stress about it, just work on changing it.
  9. darkcheesse

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    May 12, 2010
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    to day is the day i stop smoking weed relentlessly, as college is about to start again, in a few week i thought i may aswell sober up, but i don't know if its even worth sobering up , due to being off my face to much i missed an important day of college, i didn't even know about it. so wether im even going to college this year i don't even know. but i put that down to just my ussual level of ignorance. i know i have the will power to drop smoking weed, but the motivation is a diffrent story, like when i quit smoking cigs i decided on one day to drop it and i did. although i really gave it up because a friend really didn't like it so i gave it up for him. so i know i can drop weed, but with how shit i feel today, i fear i will be buying it by the end of the day

    im not stoned so now, the last big i had was yesterday, i feel like shit, i walked down stairs and just stared randomly crying for no reason, it lasted for a good ten minutes. and it really frightens me that i cry for no reason. i don't even really know what to say about it just scares the living shit out of me. its happens to me alot now im just concerned, i never used to cry for emotional reasons, i'd always bottle them up like i do now. its only within the last six months i've ever really had problems with my emotions, i used to be able to distract myself from them and go on with day to day life. now though ive become obessed, they wont let me ignore them when im sober. its how ive always delt with problems ignore them till either they go away or become irrelevant. i know its not the best solution but it worked till now. as this day is progressing im just starting to feel worse and worse. all i want to do is cry. why is it sober is the only time i have to hate myself, not hate me completely, just hate the lie i choose to live and my inability to do what i truly want.i hate myself because i hide im gay and who i truly am to most of my friends. i just hate myself for having to create a facade, a false personality to keep people for geussing. i don't even know many people who have a problem with it, i just don't want them to know.

    im now considering getting more today i can either remain sober, and be deppresed and miserable, or get stoned and live blissfully in denial. and i fear i gonna end up taking the easy way out
  10. Lexington

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    Hang in there.

    Ignoring problems might work if when you're a kid, or maybe a teenager. But a huge part of adulthood is tackling problems. Not always successfully, of course, but giving it a shot. And the reason most of us old folks can do with a fair degree of confidence is simply through practice. We've been dealing with problems, large and small, for decades now. And although not everything works out ideally, we've learned to handle the stress, the uncertainty, and the ramifications of making "wrong" decisions.

    It sounds like you might still be at the beginning there. And if so, so be it. You might be starting later than others, but better late than never. And yeah, it's going to be scary and painful at the outset. It's when people learn to ride bikes that they fall off and scrape their knees from time to time. The more they master it, the less it happens.

    And it's not surprising that you're crying a lot, either. You've bottled up a lot of emotions over the years, and there's probably a lot of grief and pain and other shit in there that needs to get out. It sounds like you're at a point where even the pot is having trouble keeping it all in. Which is why I think, even more so now, that you need to start taking those steps towards growing out of it.

    So what to do?

    First off, make it as difficult to fall back on weed as possible. Keep the guy(s) you buy from at as great a distance as you can. Carry as little cash with you as you can. Get rid of all the paraphernalia at your place - give away your bongs, burn up your papers, throw out your tray, get rid of the lighters. If there are friends who always partake when you get together, you might want to keep them at bay for awhile.

    Next, build up your support network. If you have any friends that don't partake, or at least those who would understand your desire/need to get clean, bring them aboard. Let them know what you're trying to do, and why. Tell them you might need some moral support from time to time, and ask if they can help provide that. If you don't have any friends you think can do that, then you'll have to rely on us here. :slight_smile: Feel free to post as much as you need to, or send me (or Chip, or any of the other staff members) a private message if you want to talk more one-on-one.

    Feel free to cry. Cry all you want. Cry ten buckets of tears. Get that shit out. Feel free to feel scared and worthless and helpless...but then get back out there and do what you gotta do. Because we don't get over being scared BEFORE doing things. We get over it BY doing things. Our first time doing it can be nerve-wracking. But the next one is less so, and then even less so.

    You can do this.

    Let's get your armor on. You've got demon-ass to kick. :slight_smile:

  11. Chip

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    Lex gave you some great practical information.

    Let me enlighten you a little on the psychological responses you're having.

    Marijuana alters brain chemistry affecting mood, and over time, if you smoke it regularly, the brain chemistry adapts somewhat to the expectation that the chemicals will be there. So when you stop, your brain chemistry is now deficient in the neurotransmitters that mediate your mood. That's part of the reason why you feel the need to cry, and/or feel depression. Those are the side effects Dr. Drew was talking about.

    Additionally, at least to an extent, you are crying because you are starting to feel all of the pent-up emotions that the marijuana was essentially keeping blocked. So, as Lex said, you need to let that out. The fact that they're coming up over the past 6 months means that your unconscious has gotten to a place where it feels safe to begin to let this stuff up and process it, and that's a good thing :slight_smile:

    Ultimately, as you process and release the pain you are feeling, you'll feel better, and more clear, and happier. If you can stay away from the weed for about 6 months, you'll notice a really significant change in your mood, in the way you look at the world. The way people I've worked with have described it is that in a week, they feel a little better. In a month, they feel very different. And at about the 6th month, a veil sort of lifts and they feel completely different, much more alive and whole.

    So you have lots of good things to look forward to. Just stick with it. Don't stress about quitting, just use the AA/NA mantra... "Just for today..." Getting clean and staying clean happens one day at a time.
  12. darkcheesse

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    May 12, 2010
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    In the end I feel pathetic because I went out and got stoned. I feel worthless I can't even bare to be sober for half a day. I hate how wimpy I am that I cannot even bare reality. I don't even know why my only solution to a problem is to run away from it. I've notice latly that a lot of my issue's stem from the fear(or in my opinion the reality) I'm will end up alone.

    The other day when I sobered up I had a breakdown to a friend, she had a go at me for trying to push her away as she was trying to help me. I just felt that I didn't want to drag her in to my pit of dispear. That all I am is bad news to everyone I meet, well to be honest its how most people I know treat me. I have a reputaion for being weird, to be fair I am but that dosn't mean I deserve people I don't even know giving me crap. Most of the time when they do I want to run home and crym but I never do I just put up with it. I would have a go back but I don't want to cause a fuss.
  13. Lexington

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    >>>In the end I feel pathetic because I went out and got stoned. I feel worthless I can't even bare to be sober for half a day. I hate how wimpy I am that I cannot even bare reality. I don't even know why my only solution to a problem is to run away from it. I've notice latly that a lot of my issue's stem from the fear(or in my opinion the reality) I'm will end up alone.

    Your fear isn't an uncommon one. However, it's one of those demons that you need to face. You either need to come to grips with the fact that you're destined to be alone (which really isn't the case, necessarily), or you need to actively make some moves to ensure that you don't end up alone. And the additional problem is - the sort of things you're doing to escape that feeling are the sort of things that result in people ending up alone.

    Re: being weird. Weird's a datum. It's actually kinda neutral. There are weird folks that people shun like a leper, and there are weird folks that people go out of their way to befriend. The main difference between the two seems to be 1. OWN your weirdness, and 2. make it clear that your weirdness doesn't preclude you befriending others. That might be tough to do in your current state, though. You've got walls up to prevent you being hurt, and you're continually drawing away when things don't go as planned. And it's behavior like that that shifts folks from the "weird but cool" category to the "weird, no thanks" category.

    It sounds like you might be in over your head here. Between your lack of coping skills (non-pot-related), your social problems, and your core issues you've been avoiding, it sounds like you've got a ton on your plate. In which case it might be time to call in some help. Not that we mind advising from this site, but you probably would do much better with somebody close by who can work with you one-on-one. Does the college have a counseling department? Is there somebody there you can talk to?

  14. Synth177

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    I suggest taking a T break for a couple weeks. The first days will be pretty hard though. After the time is up you should then decide if you want to stay sober or smoke occasionally.
  15. Chip

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    A couple weeks won't be long enough for a daily, constant user of pot. The half-life and the fact that THC is stored in fatty cells, combined with his level of use... he'll need probably 6 weeks to even begin to let his body begin to reset itself to give him an idea of what it's like to be weed-free, 4 to 6 months to really know.
  16. blairSW

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    Jun 20, 2009
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    I read your story Darkcheese, and I can see why choosing weed is easier then dealing with emotions, because they often do not make much sense. It seems to me that you are struggling to understand your underlying emotions. You must be terrified at the notion that you might be going "mad." I am sure being in the closet and the pressure of living with that secret must be really challenging.

    Some made mention that self-hatred might be leading to your drug use? Does that fit with your own understanding? Internalized homophobia can impact our well-being significantly. It might be just that you are overwhelmed with insecurity, anxiety, and fears about how your sexual orientation will be received? Or, not having the tools to manage your feelings.

    I encourage you not to feel guilty about your drug use - guilt doesn't really help us feel better, more empowered, or stronger. Healing as I am sure you know, takes time and with every step forward, we can take several steps back as well. It's a tug of war, when dealing with our feelings.

    I use to have this really disparaging feeling, as if I had a black whole eating way at me on the inside and anyone that came near me would fall in it as well. It is easier to remain in a space that is familiar and the venture outward. It seems that you struggle with trust and vulnerability and for this reason you've been insular for a long time. It's known, and oddly there is a comfort it in.

    I wish you all the best,
    #16 blairSW, Aug 22, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
  17. Revan

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    If it continues this way dark I really think you need to go seek professional help.
  18. darkcheesse

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    i can't seek help for two reasons, one i have severe trust issue's, so some days i don't even trust my friends, which always make me feel like a terrible person that i can't even trust the people closest to me, and al the last psycatrist i had put me on ritalin, and that really messed me up. plus i hate feeling vunerable, or people even seeing me when im in a vunerable state. i've always lived with philosphy thier called my problems for a reason thier mine not yours. so times i fear that if i tell people my problems that they might try and use them against me, or they might think might consider my problems to be trivial and think less of me in some way.

    i will admit i do hate myself alot, alot of the time. i don't hate myself for being gay, im not honestly botherd by that in the least, its how people will react and treat me after they found out. that why i think i only can come out to people when im stoned, because i dont have enough braincells working to think of all the bad ways people can react to it. i also hate the fact i put on act round people who don't know so they won't geuss, i hate that im so scared of what people i know might think i hide who i am, i don't like having to lie to my friends half the time, to try and fit in with the group.

    ive noticed recently that my confidence in my self abilty is almost gone, half the time i dont partake in activities, is because i believe i will fail, and i would rather not try than fail. also i tend to avoid risk, just anything that will have a negative outcome. most the insecurities i have are about how other people think of me. i always presume that people have a bad opinion of me, i don't even know why i care what people think about me, i never used to.

    any adicve would be much appreciated.
    #18 darkcheesse, Aug 22, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
  19. Lexington

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    Well, let's break everything down as simply as we can.

    You seem to realize that the path you're on is a dead end. You need pot to function, and even then, you don't seem to be progressing much. Pot makes basic survival seem easier, but you're not really moving forward in any way shape or form.

    So you'll need to get off that road. Which means giving up the pot. Or at least curtailing it a lot. And you need to work on a bunch of issues. Social interactions. Problem solving. Getting so you're not so afraid of failure that you'll at least make the attempt.

    You can either attempt to do this with the help of others.
    Or you can attempt to do it alone.

    You're saying you can't ask for help. That's your choice. But know that it's going to be MUCH harder to do this alone. We can offer some suggestions and support from behind our avatars, but no matter how much urging or cheerleading we do, everything's still going to come down to you. YOU will have to be the one who makes the moves. YOU will have to take all the steps forward. No matter how lethargic and hopeless you might feel. YOU are the one who will have to find the fortitude and the balls to get up and do what you have to do.

    Are you willing to do this?

  20. darkcheesse

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    to be honest even i don't know if i can, i want to quit taking weed in the amount i do. i want it to be the way it was where i'd buy it once every month or so. i want it not to control my life, but still to be a small part of it. i know that if i just give up weed im going to probably try to fill the void with somthing else. i want to be responsible with it, so if i have it, its not going to cause a problem in my life. i would give it up but then i'd be sober for all the parties my friends go to. i not fan of drinking, after living in three pubs and see what it dose to people no thanks! i want to be able to trust myself around the substance. like i can with harder drugs, ive done speed, ketamine, coke, mcat or meow meow(whatever you want to call it) salvia, tbh i might do speed randomly in the future but i can't see myself ever doing any of the others again. before you start i know speed and ketamine is really bad and all ive done it twice once last summer and this one, which i don't see to be much of a problem. the summers over so and due to the fact on these you need a few days to recover afterward i won't do them during term time as i know it will interfere too much with colledge, where as you with weed i can do it on a friday night and ill be fine for monday. at the moment with weed im try to first cut it down to weekends only, and then to random parties, which tend not be often.

    i started smoking cigs again today(now the habit is just the same as when i was a few months ago) , because i just felt proper awefull after my sister came round.(were like oil and fire dosn't mix well) i felt aweful after she started making jokes about me and few of my friends being gay as one of them gave me stuffed toy after they'ed been on holiday. the worst part was when my dad joined in, they only started making jokes like this after i'd had a few friends round who are gay. now she automaticly assumes i am, which pisses me of not that she thinks im gay just why she thinks im gay. i won't tell her or my family yet because im not ready, i know when i tell them, they will treat me different. i know they dont have problem with gays, i just cant stand them making gay jokes about me or my friends. see i would tell them to stop but they might figure that i am.

    although i think ill find tomorow easier my aunt from america goes back home which means nobody treating me like im two any more yay. i'm feeling nervous about going back to college in a few weeks, i dont even know why(i always find feeling somthing and not know why to be the worst) just thinking about college just makes me feel sad, i don't know why. i know im gonna hate being the only person to retake english gcse twice. i failed it school because i hated my teacher so i was rarly in lesson, and at college i got kick off the course because i had a complete and uter breakdown, where i was completly deppresed, and hid my self from the world as i wanted know one to know i was feeling that way.

    I geuss i kinda rambling from one thing to another any advice would be much apriciated