I feel like a bad person - warning sexual content

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by MommaFrog, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. MommaFrog

    Full Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Lake City, Fl
    So I have a male friend who is VERY attracted to me. I think he's nice and a sweet guy, but I don't think I have that type of feelings for him. So, we hang out when we can, and we usually video game.

    Today we were watching a movie (Repo! The Genetic Opera) because he had never seen it. This movie, for those that have not seen it, it is NOT a romantic movie... gore, blood, violence... not sexy...

    So, in the middle of the movie, he kissed me. I didn't stop him. I kinda just let him kiss me and it progressed... long story short, we had sex. :eusa_doh:

    I haven't had sex in sooo long... I'm in the middle of a bad divorce, my daughter was born May 22nd, and I hadn't had sex since before then. So my body was kinda craving the attention. I didn't really get turned on by HIM, like his appearance or his body... more the way he was touching me... the attention... the tenderness and appreciation...:icon_redf

    Now that its over I feel very bad... I feel like a horrid person... I kinda feel like a whore...:bang:

    What's wrong with me? I'm just proving me ex right, that I'm a whore... I just.... I don't know anymore... I feel so bad... I don't know what to do anymore.... :help:

    Also, my family has no idea I'm even hanging out with this friend... I don't want them freaking out about me hanging out with a guy...:eusa_liar I feel like a liar :eusa_liar

    Help? Anyone....:tears:
  2. No One

    Full Member

    Oct 2, 2008
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    While it probably wasnt the best thing to do, I dont think it makes you a whore or a terrible person. We are all human, and as humans we have cravings and urges. Unless you were leading him on and making him think that the sex was going to lead to a relationship, I dont think it makes you a bad person.
  3. Aielar

    Full Member

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Vancouver Island
    Nah, that doesn't make you a bad person. It just means you are human and you need love and affection, just like everyone else. There's nothing wrong with wanting affection or love in my opinion. I believe that your next step should be telling him how you are feeling about having sex with him, and how you feel about him. There's a possibility that he will be hurt by what you should tell him, but letting him believe there's a chance for a relationship and then telling him otherwise down the road will hurt him more, most likely.

    As for your family, you're 21 and therefore able to choose who you hang out with, not your family's decision. They shouldn't be trying to decide your social group for you anymore: you're more than old enough to figure who to spend time with. Hope this helps, and best of luck :3
  4. MommaFrog

    Full Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Lake City, Fl
    Here's the issue with that. I'm a full time student, and since me and my exhusband seperated I've been living here rent free, and they help me with my daughter. they take me to school, the dr, everywhere I need to go... they pay all my bills.... basically, they are my only means of support at the moment. They don't tell me I CANT go hang out with people, but they guilt me into doing what they want. like "If -ex's name' catches you out with -male friend- he's going to tell the judge your dating people already without being divorced yet... and the judge is gonna take Lily from you!" or "You're too worried about hanging out with -friend- and not about Lily..."
  5. Aeon

    Regular Member

    Jan 12, 2011
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    one bad decision will never define who you are :wink:
  6. Daisy1

    Full Member

    Aug 23, 2011
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    East Coast
    MammaFrog, you're a great person. Seriously, you give wonderful advice and sleeping with someone does not change that. Don't freak out. Everyone does things they're not proud of, and we're all better than our worst decisions. Relax, tell him you appreciate him as a friend, and don't beat yourself up.
  7. Tracker57

    Full Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Tampa, Florida
    Soon-to-be-ex anythings will tell you all kinds of things: it doesn't mean they're true. In fact it is usually a lie they are trying to get you to believe about yourself. You almost bought into his lie.

    Listen to Daisy. Everyone has gotten caught up in the moment and made bad decisions or let their body make the decision for them. You weren't the only one involved in this deal, either. He has some responsibility. You may not want to tell him it's over right now...but at least wait until after the divorce is done. That way he'll keep quiet and your ex won't have that as ammo.

    But relax. You're not a whore. Don't buy into other people's lies.
  8. Hana Solo

    Full Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Not even a dot on the Australian map
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    All but family
    I can't add much more than the others have said except to say that your ex sounds like a jerk and you deserve way better (*hug*)