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New here, and still questioning. Getting pretty painful.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by localfwbguy, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. localfwbguy

    Regular Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    Hi, this is my first post. I am a 23 year old guy and I have lately become so obsessed with my sexuality, I believe it has become OCD or at least borderline. Smart phones are the worst, I am constantly googling and obsessing about my sexuality and have been seeking constant reassurance. Basically, I am questioning everything and it is really starting to hurt a lot, and take over my life. I suppose I.always felt straight, until actually this past year. Now, it may have been.denial or juat really didn't matter much because I was dealing with more pressing issues. I always had crushes on girls, even as a little kid. I always wanted a girlfriend but had super low self esteem issues. Well I developed a heretic identity naturally I didn't feel forced or anything or persecuted and felt ok around guys my age talking about hot girls because I knew they were hot or not and sex, etc. Well I had a friend when we were like 11 and we found his dads porn and jerked off together. It was then I felt very insecure about myself and my penis, he had pubes already and his penis was much larger. It kinda messed me up, and.the thought of a girl seeing it terrified me. Well I still developed crushes on girls but felt like they never took me seriously, like I was the nice guy, and the insecurity I had with my genitals. Well, at the age of 12 I basically began to drink and use drugs. I became an alcoholic and drug addict and needless to say did not date much. I did have a bad case of father hunger though, looked up to older men and found myself having sexual fantasies about older men. I still.had a heterosexual.identity and didn't worry about it. Well getting to it, I had a few experiences with these older men. The fantasy was much better than.the real deal. I found myself feeling repulsed by the deed, with a strong desire not to do it again. But I did several more times, I sought out older married "straight" and curious males. I didn't want a gay guy to develop feelings and be hurt because I didnt have any intention of being more than a safe nsa encounter. Well I sobered up through a 12 step program at 20, and with 18 months sober I met the most amazing girl. She was my age with over a year sober as well! We began dating, and we began having sex. I had slept with only one other girl and was drunk whenever we had sex. My new girl and I had sex a lot! I loved it, I was having sex with a beautiful girl, I was sober. And finally feeling normal. We moved in together and have been together nearly 2 years. I love her and she loves me, we are so comparable but I still was having some fantasies about older guys and I posted an.ad.on Craigslist which she found. I thought we were done, we were both devastated! I hit my knees and prayed for God not to take her from my life, I would do whatever it took to keep her. She forgave me, and has since acccepted that about me. I shared my fears of being bi/gay and she said her feelings had not changed. I felt so much love and emotion I cried. I am so lucky. I ended up meeting another old married guy and had another encounter. The guilt was awful, I had so much regret. Why did i do it? Why was I risking my relationship with my girl whom.I felt tremendous love for. I have since not acted out. But i guess where I'm at is, am.I gay? Will I ultimately always hurt her? Maybe I am just to messed up to be in a LTR with. Maybe I am not straight enough to be with a woman. The awful thing is, I can't see myself devoping emotions and love for one of the old married guys I was seeking and honestly, only old men fit my fantasy. I only have platonic feelings for 99% of men, and maybe 1% I get aroused. This guilt and confusion has killed my drive, its almost like i feel sex is so.dirty and I shouldnt do.something so.dirty to the woman I love. We have very intimate love making sessions about twice a month that i love when I can.get.out of my head! Today is my 3 year anniversary in recovery and i still feel very bad about myself. I wonder, am.i being selfish? Making my girl be with me, am.I gay? Will i fall in love with a guy someday? Can I ever figure out my sexuality? I am afraid of losing her and also afraid of selfishly keeping her if I will not be a good man for her. I feel fucked up, maybe its my disease. Thanks for reading, just helps to write and see all my sickness out in black and white. Thank yall, God bless.
  2. FemCasanova

    Full Member

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Firstly, congratulations with having followed your program! Dude, you have managed a great thing, be proud that you have come that far. Be fair to yourself!

    On your problem, I understand how difficult this must be for you. Cheating is not a nice thing to do, regardless of who one does it with. It is an awful thing to do, but that does not automatically make you an awful person, just one who has made mistakes. We all make them. What we can do is try to learn from them. Sometimes, when we make the same mistake over and over again, it is because we either have failed to learn from it, OR because there`s something we are not seeing about ourselves. Or not accepted.

    I think, honestly, that you are bisexual with an attraction to older men, and that it`s complicated for you. One one hand, you do love this girl. On the other hand, you have a need to be sexual with men. It`s a tough situation, but not an impossible one. The most important thing to accept first, is that you are not sick! Sexuality can be a complex thing, sometimes we have a hard time dealing with it. Thinking about it as a sickness, will only complicate it further and make you feel bad about yourself and your feelings.

    I think you could think of this as a step by step issue as well. Step 1 would be acceptance. In my opinion, and it is just that, you might want to look at alternate ways to satisfy your needs. For example, have you ever asked her if she`s interested in ever doing a threesome? Some men do that, in order to keep their relationship good. Then you can have sexual contact with another man, in a "legal" way.

    At some point, if you do not want the relationship to end in tears, you might want to tell her that you are bisexual. But not until you`ve considered it yourself. It is possible to be bisexual in the way that you are only attracted to older and unavailable men. Bisexual is a consept she could understand, that would make sense to her. I would then also say that even though you might be bisexual, you love her and you love having sex with her (if that is the truth). Then maybe give her some time to "swallow" that information. Maybe she doesn`t have a problem with that. It fair that she should know about it.

    I know a lot of people would probably disagree, but I don`t see the point of telling her you have cheated in the past. This is a difficult situation, and there isn`t a point in hurting her. What you do owe her, is trying to find a way to deal with this, so that you don`t end up continuing doing it. By telling her that you are bisexual, and letting her deal with that, it might open the possibility later, that the two of you could expand the sexual horisont in the relationship, with threesomes. Most straight women would rather have two men in bed, than indulge the straight man`s fantasy of a man and two women. So, it isn`t impossible that this could apply for her as well.

    What do you think about the things I`ve written up until now?
    #2 FemCasanova, Dec 10, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2012
  3. localfwbguy

    Regular Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    Hi, thank you for your reply, you had a lot of good stuff to share. I guess I have just become ashamed of that part of me and honestlt think I am giving it much more power over me than I should. I think that my mind has just kind of become obsessed about this deal because I have always had a tendency to see the negative in things right off the bat. An example would be worrying and analyzing about why I have a particular fantasy/attraction to males and what that means for my life. I will be forever in the dark and suffering! Yes, I can get over the top LOL. I'll get stuck focusing on that and basically forget about lots of good in my life, including my relationship with someone whom I love and who loves me. It can be hard for me to see "the beauty of the forest because I'm stuck looking at a few ugly trees". I learned that saying in the program. A lot rings true, I actually feel ok right now. I was feeling so scared that i was going to have to "martyr" myself and cut off a relationship that i really enjoy because I have alternative tastes. I have made mistakes and like you said, learn! I have been faithful for the better part of the year and I look for signs of "slips" now. I have takes to my girl about my potential bisexuality and she loves me just the same. She always tells me she ia fufilled but I guess I have a hard time believing someone could be happy with me. I still have a mind that wanta to kill me, and I work.on it. Thanks again, it helped me out.
  4. FemCasanova

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    Dec 6, 2012
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    I am glad it helped, and that your girlfriend is supportive :slight_smile:

    And I think you`ve got a point in that you might have in your mind made these urges into a big issue, one that you should be ashamed of, and in that way contributed to your own obsession and increased the chance of a slip up. If you simply accept that part of yourself, it might give you some peace of mind, and not have such power over your life. It could also reduce the chance of slip ups. If you try to shut it away, push it away and make a closet monster out of it, then it will simply grow more powerful as it piles into a big heap. Is she okay with porn? What about gay porn? That could help you out a little, if you satisfy that part of your urges by doing it in that way, so that it doesn`t all pile up into a knot. Either alone, or with her. Some straight girls like gay porn, a lot of lesbian girls do. It can spice up your sex, and you might feel more fulfilled. Also, I wouldn`t feel bad about every once in a while letting a fantasy play in your head while having sex with her. Everything that satisfies that part of your sexuality can help you stay faithful in the future :slight_smile:
  5. localfwbguy

    Regular Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    Hi, thanks again for your reply. You know this is kind of a rough time in my life. I have to admit that I spend about 90% of the day questioning myself and wondering if I'm doing the right thing, questioning myself, googling and seeking reassurance. I have been feeling really guilty for being with my girlfriend lately. I think all the negative thinking is kinda killing my positive outlook on life and all the good in it. I love my girlfriend, we have been together nearly 2 years and I love being with her. It just really sucks that I am also attracted to some men and I fear that what if I am.just totally gay and in denial about it. I mean I love my girl, and do not want to lose her but I feel sometimes like I should break up with her because she deserves a "normal" man. I mean, I don't want to be in a relationship with anyone else, male or female and I have no romantic interest in men or any desire to be in a "loving emotional" relationship with a man. I don't even think my mind works that way. Ive never had a fuzzy crush feeling on a guy, but i can tell if he is ot isnt attractive to me. I do not even want to have any gay encounters either. I guess i picture myself either with my gf or single and celibate. I just worry that I am wasting her time, thay I am not the marrying type or that we will have sexual problems. Our sex life has dwendled. Mostly due to me being so uncomfortable in my skin. It's hard to constantly worry about whether your gay, bi, in denial, abnormal, unworthy, being selfish, fearing the future, etc and then just get to sexual fun. I usually just want to cuddle and go to sleep! It's so exhausting, I just crave the reassurance that its ok and we are in love. Honestly I really wish I didn't have to worry anymore, I have read alot about HOCD and i often run into those pages when I'm on my googling kicks. I obsess constantly... I'm afraid I'm in a no where's land between gay and straight. My current relationship is so good accept for my constant worrying about the sex aspect and what I am... The thought of being bi hives me some comfort "like ok I'm bi, doesn't mean I have to act on gay thoughts or have to be in a gay relationship or live a gay lifestyle". Then I feel like "I'm just unfortunately gay and will just be alone. Then I feel straight again and the cycle just repeats. This was a rant I know, honestly just typing away my crazy thoughts brings some relief to my anxiety. Thanks! God bless! Don't forget the beauty of the forrest because of those few ugly ass trees!!
  6. Zaio

    Zaio Guest

    Not meant to be an attack or anything, but please use paragraphs, as wall of texts become very tedious to read.

    As for the questioning, the fact you question yourself so much seems to tell me that you already know what your sexual orientation is, but perhaps you're hoping the opposite.

    One thing is for sure: You're definitely not straight.

    Also, HOCD doesn't exist. People with OCD can obsess about their sexuality, but that's just coming from the OCD, not HOCD.

    All the best.
  7. Lad123

    Full Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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    This can't be right. Platonic means no sexual attraction so if you're sleeping around with older guys then you must have some degree of sexual attraction?

    Also, you have talked a lot about your attractions in older men but have not talked about your attractions to women. How do you feel? Are you sexually attracted to women or is it more of an emotional attraction?
  8. GDUSA

    GDUSA Guest

    Congrats man on getting back on track. It's cool you found right girl. maybe your bi? u can always be more attracted to women but you have that side that u have fantasies for older men. just follow your heart man.