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The letter

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by stumble along, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    I drafted a letter, to be sent to my dad after they all visit me this Sunday, after he leaves on a trip, so he cant be inclined to show up unannounced on campus.

    Dear Dad,

    I hope work is going well, or at least less stressful, and everything at home is good other than the fish tanks, I think we both knew that they would decline a little bit now that we are both away. I’m emailing you because the email you sent me about not calling you really struck a chord with me. The things I read in it, really bothered me. Now you have to make me a promise, that no matter what I say, you will read this entire letter, and message me back as soon as you can to talk about it. Alright? Good.
    First off, you have no idea how much I appreciate what you and mom have done for me and J(younger brother), as much as I may not seem to care, I do. And while that you said that I have decided to avoid talking to you, I really mean it when I said that it was not intentional, I do not have an amazing habit of checking my email on my computer , since it was so readily available on my phone. That being said, I honestly do not look forward to the calls and text messages I get from you guys. The reason is that I feel it’s being a little fake since we were never really all that close to begin with. I really want to fix that, and this next part is going to be really hard for me to type out, its making me nervous right now, and it won’t be at least another 6 days before I even send it, I don’t even want to think about that.
    The number one, honest to god, one hundred percent real reason as to why we are not as close as we should be and why I don’t look forward to family time is because I am bisexual. I know this is probably a big blow for you and I get that, I really do, it took me a really long time for me to come to terms with it, and I don’t expect you to be 100% on board with it either all in one day. I really want you to know that absolutely nothing has changed about my personality, I am still the same person, albeit, if you are okay with this, I’m going to be the happiest person in the whole universe and a lot of walls are going to come down and I am going to trust you and mom a lot more and basically everything is going to get better, maybe not a lot at first, but it will. The only thing that won’t change for the better is me telling you about my love life or pointing out who I think looks good, I have a hard enough time with that already with my friends.
    And I know they say that this is only a facet of who I am as a person, but if the facets are on a diamond, one dirty, clouded facet, is going to darken the diamond as a whole, and it won’t be able to be at its peak potential. Jewelry references aside, this is true. This is why I would have on and off years grade wise in high school, why I get very nervous during social situations, more than I should. I was always afraid of this part of me coming out (ha) and ruining everyone’s lives, I never realized until now that the one life I am destroying the most was my own. I always thought I had no future because of this, and it was why I was never really interested in growing up and getting my license and looking into colleges. The email you sent me along with a game I played, made me realize this, and made me want to tell you.
    Now I’m going to try and address any concerns you may have, and if I miss anything you can ask me, if you are still here. With religion I am not too concerned about, the bible clearly states that there is nothing wrong with this, and I’m still going to go wherever the good people go when they die, I am also not religious, at all. I am not atheist, I still think aliens are out there somewhere, I am more spiritual. I know all the stereotypes and everything about being part of this demographic, and I understand the elevated risk. Lucky for you, I am not as inclined to that behavior as most people. Bisexual being an umbrella term, my closest description would be a pan romantic demi sexual, meaning I love who I want and don’t care what they have in their pants, in fact I don’t really care what’s on them or not, I love a person for being who they are (and a cute face). I have known I was different since 6th grade maybe, I knew something was definitely up by sophomore year, because I would get attracted to both girls and guys. Since college, I’ve kissed a girl and I liked it, she might have had cherry chapstick. I also kissed a boy, and it felt weird at first, but it was okay (he didn’t really know what he was doing.) as far as marriage goes, I really want kids, and lots of pets, and hopefully a large enough house back in California to do that, and I know you said that you don’t like the idea of two guys getting married, but in the end I don’t know who I’ll fall for, and I hope you’re okay with that, or willing to come to terms with it. as for that quite, shy kid you knew as I grew up, I’m not tossing him completely out the window, but if you and mom take this well I am definitely going to be more out there and spontaneous, this has held me back from doing things I’ve always wanted to try, and if you guys are accepting, the rest of the world can go screw itself if they like me or not.
    That being said, there is still a large chance that you may not accept me, maybe you are getting really mad right now, I hope not. I am laying my entire being out right now, completely and horribly unprotected and exposed. I know the risks I’m taking by telling this to you while I am in such a vulnerable position, I don’t know if I will be able to get back up if this backfires, this is my one chance, my only hope, if I wait any longer I am going to go insane. I’m telling this to you first because I know mom and I but heads a lot, and she is a lot more volatile than you are. So please, if you do accept me, don’t tell her, I’ll do it myself. I will probably message J myself if you accept me.
    As for future contact right now, don’t come visit me anymore until after spring break, I will come home then, best to get all the talking out in a controlled environment. I hope to see you then, preferably with a big hug, and maybe some tears, I have apparently lost the ability to cry of sadness, not joy though.
    All the best
  2. Chrissouth53

    Full Member

    Jul 9, 2012
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    Boston USA
    So he sent you a note about not calling and you then lay a whole barrage of personal info on him? I'm not sure I'd do that. If there are other issues he brought up in his note, you should tell us. But it just sounds like you are overreacting a bit.

    Why not just address his issue... not calling. Contact him every 4-7 days to say hi. Talk about school, etc... Get back to a normal level with him. Don't tell him that anything in your relationship with him is "fake". Don't attack or belittle any efforts he makes unless you want the same reaction from him.

    When you have established that level, then you should discuss your sexuality. Don't get technical on him. He won't know what "pan romantic demi sexual" is. "Bisexual" is as far as you should take it.
  3. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    I just want to be honest, and it wasnt a "hey you havent called in a while"
    more of a
    "okay fucker since you're not going to respond I'm canceling your credit card and taking all the money in your account along with the car, have a nice day"

    while a nice way of getting someones attention, that's no way to talk to someone you 'love'

    if i can find a way to embed a link to the thread that discuss this further i would, but isince no one read the last one and im highly doubting this one will be read as well, i will abstain from that until necessary.
  4. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    "Hello you,

    I don't know if you remember me, but just in case I am your father, the one that pays your studies and everything else. I am writing to let you know since you have decided to avoid us, I am canceling the credit card and moving the money out of your ATM account tomorrow. I am trying to understand what we have done to you for us to deserve this kind of treatment. If your phone still not working you could have let us know to get it fix since I am paying for the insurance on it. If it is working and you are not taking our calls then you are a worse son that I could have ever imaging. your mother wanted to go see you this weekend and you didn't answer her if today or tomorrow was a good day. I will be back next weekend and I am coming to take the car back home, I am tire of delay with your crap.

    Anyway hope you are doing good and that you at least are getting good grades this semester.

    Your Father"

    there's the email he sent me, that way i don't put a bias on it or anything, Ill take out the part you said about the extended label, i was iffy on it so i wrote it just in case.
  5. J9ah

    Regular Member

    Dec 5, 2012
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Hi there, I strongly disagree with the advice from the above poster. You are 18 years old and coming to terms with your sexuality, he is your father and an adult. You have the unmitigated right to be honest with your father because honesty as in all relationships are a foundation for the future. Only you know the relationship with your father, so follow your conscience and do what you must. I applaud you, you are very brave, well done.
  6. newgirl31

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Central Florida
    Hmm.. I am no expert and could be totally wrong. But this sounds similar to something my parents would have done to me in college...or when they were still paying for my life later on. To me there seems a big risk that must be considered ...that your dad might truly cut you off. He had sort of already set that path up. Financially could you be okay if he did? Emotionally are you in an okay space if both parents cut you off?

    I am not saying it is good to be dishonest but knowing what you can handle right at this moment is important to consider. There were times I didn't "call home" and my parents were very upset and said harsh things they probably only exaggerated in anger or sadness.

    I think it might be okay to just apologize for not being in touch and explain that you are going through some intense emotions and not specifically explain that you are bisexual or pan romantic demisexual. Maybe I am wrong but typical dad's usually don't have the capacity to look at any emotional response from their son's without thinking they know better or tuning it out to avoid too many of their own feelings. That is how my stepdad is.

    A response I would have expected from my stepdad while in college or later still getting financial support from him, "whatever! I don't want to hear these personal issues. I said I would help you out while you were furthering your education but I'll be damned if I am going to pay for you to sleep around and party to supposedly figure yourself out! I don't know where you are getting these ideas from but I am not going to participate in this selfish behavior of yours" or something similarly hurtful.

    Again, I could be wrong but he sounds mad and there is a little bit of hostility in your letter to him. I get why you are upset that you don't have th honest relationship you want with him and your family...and how that held you back in the past. But there are ways to find happy new honest relationships that are fulfilling through LGBTQ support groups on campus or other social groups. So biting your tongue and giving a simple apology to your dad for not calling with a sincere plan to just keep in touch, no matter how shallow the conversations are...might give you time to still have some sort of support and connection with your parents at the same time building a support system outside of them just in case down the road when you do come out to your parents, it doesn't go so well.

    I am sure just writing the letter to him helped you so much! I use letters like diaries or journals sometimes.

    And truly I am going through a similar thing...at a way later age so props to you of figuring out things so early that will lead to such a happy fulfilling life!
  7. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Thank you for your response newgirl, I know the risks of doing this so early than i had planned, but this is literally killing me. I know that if things go sour they will cut me off, it isn't the emotional support i get from them, like my letter says, we aren't close at all. what im worried about is if he takes all the money away, im left broke and will have to drop out next year, with no cell phone or car or money.
    my overall emotional support is not where i want it to be either, i tried contacting my friends, letting them know the situation, as of now it looks like I'm on my own.

    my parents do tend to exaggerate, but the line blurs every so often, usually involving unnecessary violence and threats.

    i would like to be able to just say sorry and keep going, but i can't its getting to the point of hurting and being to depressed to do stuff i need to do. my grades will be worse off if i don't do this as soon as i am willing, and this is the first time i have been weighing this option.

    that's something i can hear my dad saying, which is why im asking for help here, this is my one shot, or it feels like it is. and i need to do it as perfect as i can get it.

    if you can, point out the hostile parts in my letter and see what options come up

    i have the feeling i am not destined to have a happy, stable social life. people completely ignore me way too often for it to be a coincidence.

    i know for certain that if things turn for the worse, its not going to be a happy ending. if somehow my dad goes into denial or refuses to discuss the letter, its a halfway point. if my dad is accepting, everything in theory should be fine and things will improve.
  8. newgirl31

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Central Florida
    SORRY! I didn't see this until a little bit ago.

    You know if you are ready to handle what might happen then this could be amazing. I was thinking that worst case maybe this will put you in a better place to be self sufficient.... but I just really worry for you if this turns into one of those horrible instances where you end up homeless and having to quit school. I am not the best advice giver as I am so new to the community and haven't come out myself because of these exacts fears holding me back. I am a bit impulsive too so I could see sending this because I just felt like I had to or else I would feel like my world would end. The more safe approach I might not consider, which I guess would be to really have lined up a job, saved a little money, etc so if he immediately takes away all financial aid then I wouldn't have to quit school. Or if there was no money and then I had to quit school maybe just having the option lined up of who I could move in with in the family if that person existed.

    It is funny I wrote a version of what my letter would be and then re-read yours and it is so similar! There aren't too many parts where you sound negative but a few sections you could prob edit to just stick to the point he can understand. Like I would possibly even say nothing about what bisexual has meant for you. And the part about telling your mom you could possibly word it to just show how you are telling him because it is so important that he understand where you are coming form and then you hope he might let you tell your mom. But chances of him not telling her are probably slim. She is probably his support system in some way and he will run to her first. So I just highlighted the sections I think you could consider reworking or taking out. I again, am not the best person to be saying what anyone should do so maybe you could PM Chip!

    Dear Dad,

    I hope work is going well, or at least less stressful, and everything at home is good other than the fish tanks, I think we both knew that they would decline a little bit now that we are both away. I’m emailing you because the email you sent me about not calling you really struck a chord with me. The things I read in it, really bothered me. Now you have to make me a promise, that no matter what I say, you will read this entire letter, and message me back as soon as you can to talk about it. Alright? Good.

    First off, you have no idea how much I appreciate what you and mom have done for me and J(younger brother), as much as I may not seem to care, I do. And while that you said that I have decided to avoid talking to you, I really mean it when I said that it was not intentional, I do not have an amazing habit of checking my email on my computer , since it was so readily available on my phone. That being said, I honestly do not look forward to the calls and text messages I get from you guys. The reason is that I feel it’s being a little fake since we were never really all that close to begin with. I really want to fix that, and this next part is going to be really hard for me to type out, its making me nervous right now, and it won’t be at least another 6 days before I even send it, I don’t even want to think about that.

    The number one, honest to god, one hundred percent real reason as to why we are not as close as we should be and why I don’t look forward to family time is because I am bisexual. I know this is probably a big blow for you and I get that, I really do, it took me a really long time for me to come to terms with it, and I don’t expect you to be 100% on board with it either all in one day. I really want you to know that absolutely nothing has changed about my personality, I am still the same person, albeit, if you are okay with this, I’m going to be the happiest person in the whole universe and a lot of walls are going to come down and I am going to trust you and mom a lot more and basically everything is going to get better, maybe not a lot at first, but it will. The only thing that won’t change for the better is me telling you about my love life or pointing out who I think looks good, I have a hard enough time with that already with my friends.

    And I know they say that this is only a facet of who I am as a person, but if the facets are on a diamond, one dirty, clouded facet, is going to darken the diamond as a whole, and it won’t be able to be at its peak potential. Jewelry references aside, this is true. This is why I would have on and off years grade wise in high school, why I get very nervous during social situations, more than I should. I was always afraid of this part of me coming out (ha) and ruining everyone’s lives, I never realized until now that the one life I am destroying the most was my own. I always thought I had no future because of this, and it was why I was never really interested in growing up and getting my license and looking into colleges. The email you sent me along with a game I played, made me realize this, and made me want to tell you.

    Now I’m going to try and address any concerns you may have, and if I miss anything you can ask me, if you are still here. With religion I am not too concerned about, the bible clearly states that there is nothing wrong with this, and I’m still going to go wherever the good people go when they die, I am also not religious, at all. I am not atheist, I still think aliens are out there somewhere, I am more spiritual. I know all the stereotypes and everything about being part of this demographic, and I understand the elevated risk. Lucky for you, I am not as inclined to that behavior as most people. Bisexual being an umbrella term, my closest description would be a pan romantic demi sexual, meaning I love who I want and don’t care what they have in their pants, in fact I don’t really care what’s on them or not, I love a person for being who they are (and a cute face). I have known I was different since 6th grade maybe, I knew something was definitely up by sophomore year, because I would get attracted to both girls and guys. Since college, I’ve kissed a girl and I liked it, she might have had cherry chapstick. I also kissed a boy, and it felt weird at first, but it was okay (he didn’t really know what he was doing.) as far as marriage goes, I really want kids, and lots of pets, and hopefully a large enough house back in California to do that, and I know you said that you don’t like the idea of two guys getting married, but in the end I don’t know who I’ll fall for, and I hope you’re okay with that, or willing to come to terms with it. as for that quite, shy kid you knew as I grew up, I’m not tossing him completely out the window, but if you and mom take this well I am definitely going to be more out there and spontaneous, this has held me back from doing things I’ve always wanted to try, and if you guys are accepting, the rest of the world can go screw itself if they like me or not.

    That being said, there is still a large chance that you may not accept me, maybe you are getting really mad right now, I hope not. I am laying my entire being out right now, completely and horribly unprotected and exposed. I know the risks I’m taking by telling this to you while I am in such a vulnerable position, I don’t know if I will be able to get back up if this backfires, this is my one chance, my only hope, if I wait any longer I am going to go insane. I’m telling this to you first because I know mom and I but heads a lot, and she is a lot more volatile than you are. So please, if you do accept me, don’t tell her, I’ll do it myself. I will probably message J myself if you accept me.

    As for future contact right now, don’t come visit me anymore until after spring break, I will come home then, best to get all the talking out in a controlled environment. I hope to see you then, preferably with a big hug, and maybe some tears, I have apparently lost the ability to cry of sadness, not joy though.
    All the best

    The part about you being able to do things you have always wanted I could see my dad being like..wtf? So I am giving you license to get your freak on! Hell no! So just saying how happy you could be in some way might be better. Like you will feel more confident in your studies. And the part telling them not to come see you sounds weird to me as they might get offended. Saying something about how great it would be to see them at blah blah time might be better.

    I really hope this is being helpful and not bossy! And thanks for giving me the courage to write my letter..though I will definitely be waiting until I am out of their house to send it. Living with my dad after it goes bad or good would be just too weird for me personally. This is very brave of you and you are an amazing guy. Whether you send it or not you are an amazing guy and very compassionate. :thumbsup:
  9. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    thanks again, and dont worry about quality advice, I think you're giving some pretty good advice to me right now, and i thank you for that.

    my one question is why you highlighted to take out the diamond reference?

    ill submit a revision tonight or tomorrow, probably tonight.
  10. newgirl31

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Central Florida
    I think it is awesome and a great analogy from one creative person to another :wink: but if your dad is like mine it goes over his head and might confuse him...but then again it might totally explain to him how you feel and why. You know him best and sorry if I am offending you! I totally get it and it is again a beautiful analogy. I am an art director by trade and my dad is a business guy so my whole life that alone has been a struggle to communicate clearly with him. "You lost me" could be his catchphrase with me haha :wink:
  11. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Dear Dad,

    I hope work is going well, or at least less stressful, and everything at home is good other than the fish tanks, I think we both knew that they would decline a little bit now that we are both away. I’m emailing you because the email you sent me about not calling you really struck a chord with me. The things I read in it, really bothered me. Now you have to make me a promise, that no matter what I say, you will read this entire letter, and message me back as soon as you can to talk about it. Alright? Good.
    First off, you have no idea how much I appreciate what you and mom have done for me and J, as much as I may not seem to care, I do. And while that you said that I have decided to avoid talking to you, I really mean it when I said that it was not intentional, I do not have an amazing habit of checking my email on my computer , since it was so readily available on my phone. That being said, and among other things, there is something I need to tell you.
    The number one, honest to god, one hundred percent real reason as to why we are not as close as we should be is because I am bisexual. I know this is probably a big blow for you and I get that, I really do, it took me a really long time for me to come to terms with it, and I don’t expect you to be 100% on board with it either all in one day. I really want you to know that absolutely nothing has changed about my personality, I am still the same person, albeit, if you are okay with this, I’m going to be the happiest person in the whole universe and a lot of walls are going to come down and I am going to trust you and mom a lot more and basically everything is going to get better, maybe not a lot at first, but it will. The only thing that won’t change for the better is me telling you about my love life or pointing out who I think looks good, I have a hard enough time with that already with my friends.
    This is why I would have on and off years grade wise in high school, why I get very nervous during social situations, more than I should. I was always afraid of this part of me coming out (ha) and ruining everyone’s lives, I never realized until now that the one life I am destroying the most was my own. I always thought I had no future because of this, and it was why I was never really interested in growing up and getting my license and looking into colleges. The email you sent me along with a game I played, made me realize this, and made me want to tell you.
    Now I’m going to try and address any concerns you may have, and if I miss anything you can ask me, if you are still here. With religion I am not too concerned about, the bible clearly states that there is nothing wrong with this, and I’m still going to go wherever the good people go when they die, I am also not religious, at all. I am not atheist, I still think aliens are out there somewhere, I am more spiritual. I know all the stereotypes and everything about being part of this demographic, and I understand the elevated risk. Lucky for you, I am not as inclined to that behavior as most people. I have known I was different since 6th grade maybe, I knew something was definitely up by sophomore year, because I would get attracted to both girls and guys.
    Now, there is still a large chance that you may not accept me, maybe you are getting really mad right now, I hope not. I am laying my entire being out right now, completely and horribly unprotected and exposed. I know the risks I’m taking by telling this to you while I am in such a vulnerable position, I don’t know if I will be able to get back up if this backfires, this is my one chance, my only hope, if I wait any longer I am going to go insane.
    As for future contact right now, I guess I’ll see you during spring break, I have studies and it’s not far away anyway. I hope to see you then, preferably with a big hug, and maybe some tears, I have apparently lost the ability to cry of sadness, not joy though. You have no idea how happy I would be if this turns out for the better. And as for telling anyone else, I really hope you will let me tell (or not tell) others in our family at my own will. And if you were wondering why I’m telling you first, is because back in California when you picked me up and told me mom went on my phone’s internet and saw a gay website (which it really wasn’t my fault my friends back then did it, I was too much of a mess to even look into it) you kept your cool. I hope you do so now.
    All the best

    i think ill try and use something esle for the same analogy, but he might get it, he deals with architects and engineers so ill definitely consider it
  12. Lexington

    Full Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Let me ask a couple quick questions. Answer in a sentence or two.

    1. What do YOU hope to achieve by writing/having written this letter?

    2. What do you hope your father's reaction will be?

    3. What do you expect his reaction to be?

    And the clincher question:

    4. Is your letter, as written, the best way to make the answer to Q3 match the answer in Q2?

    I don't know your father. I don't know how he responds to things. Maybe your letter is perfect for him. My personal thought is that it's kind of lengthy, and seems to cover some unnecessary ground. But again, maybe this is how your father writes letters, or likes letters to be written. That'll be your call. :slight_smile:

  13. newgirl31

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Central Florida
    Yay I think this sounds true to yourself but might get through to him as well. Maybe the part about the one thing that won't improve is me telling you about my love life. I get you are probably trying to allay his fears but I don't think you need to point hat out.

    As you said you might wait a little longer before sending...maybe see what a few others say! Sunday afternoon might be a good time to reach him anyhow...or later in the week if you think he can wait to hear from you after that sort of explosive last message.

    I hope you are proud of the emotions you are able to express so well. No matter what you decide or how it goes things will get better and you have support here.
    #13 newgirl31, Feb 23, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2013
  14. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    I do get lengthy when i try to talk about things that mean a lot to me, if that hasnt been noticeable by my history here. so please, i want to get the message across as well as i can with as little junk data as possible. so point out where i can do so.

    the letter does not get sent until monday at earliest.

    and newgirl, i was thinking the same thing, ill take that out.
  15. newgirl31

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Central Florida
    Haha it is like engineers and architects speak here own languages! I have friends that are both. But if you are condensing maybe the diamond part can be cut down. Maybe the part bout religion and risky behavior can be cut down too. Like you could just say "if you are worried about religious concerns and health issues then I hope you know I have put a lot of thought into it and I can talk more in detail to you about it."

    I hope Lex or Chip can give you more feedback! Maybe PM them the next version just so they both will be aware what you end up doing and are setup for support.

    I didn't see Lex's comments til I wrote the last post... And he prob has a ton of experience with several guys coming out processes.

    Hang in there dude! I am sure you are so anxious while in limbo about sending. (*hug*)
  16. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    ill definitely think about it, I want to be as open as i can without ruffling too many feathers.

    so my family came to visit today, everything was good, except for when we were at the verizon store trying to fix my phone. there was a possibly gay guy there that I think my mom noticed and called him the offensive slang term in spanish. but im really hoping i just heard something wrong.

    If my dad is behind me though she'll just have to deal with it. ill try and make as smooth of a transition as possible but it'll be tough
  17. newgirl31

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Central Florida
    Well that is good you saw them so it probably helped lessen their angst about not hearing from ya! And I do think you being open will set the tone for being open later.

    Deep down I think all parents know but they can bein denial too. I think it is Chip who always talks about the stages denial, anger, bargaining, grief acceptance I think it goes.
  18. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    It's still nerve wracking, at least i have till wednesday
  19. stumble along

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Dear Dad,

    I hope work is going well, or at least less stressful, and everything at home is good other than the fish tanks, I think we both knew that they would decline a little bit now that we are both away. I’m emailing you because the email you sent me about not calling you really struck a chord with me. The things I read in it, really bothered me. Now you have to make me a promise, that no matter what I say, you will read this entire letter, and message me back as soon as you can to talk about it. Alright? Good.
    First off, you have no idea how much I appreciate what you and mom have done for me and J, as much as I may not seem to care, I do. And while that you said that I have decided to avoid talking to you, I really mean it when I said that it was not intentional, I do not have an amazing habit of checking my email on my computer , since it was so readily available on my phone. That being said, and among other things, there is something I need to tell you.
    The number one, honest to god, one hundred percent real reason as to why we are not as close as we should be is because I am bisexual. I know this is probably a big blow for you and I get that, I really do, it took me a really long time for me to come to terms with it, and I don’t expect you to be 100% on board with it either all in one day. I really want you to know that absolutely nothing has changed about my personality, I am still the same person, albeit, if you are okay with this, I’m going to be the happiest person in the whole universe and a lot of walls are going to come down and I am going to trust you and mom a lot more and basically everything is going to get better, maybe not a lot at first, but it will.
    This is why I would have on and off years grade wise in high school, why I get very nervous during social situations, more than I should. I was always afraid of this part of me coming out (ha) and ruining everyone’s lives, I never realized until now that the one life I am destroying the most was my own. I always thought I had no future because of this, and it was why I was never really interested in growing up and getting my license and looking into colleges. The email you sent me along with a game I played, made me realize this, and made me want to tell you.
    Now I’m going to try and address any concerns you may have, and if I miss anything you can ask me, if you are still here. Over the years I have done a tremendous amount of research to try and figure this all out, I know all the stereotypes and everything about being part of this demographic, and I understand the elevated risk, threats, concerns, and dangers. Lucky for you, I am not as inclined to extremely risky behavior as most people.as for actually knowing, I have known I was different since 6th grade maybe, and I knew something was definitely up by sophomore year.
    Now, there is still a large chance that you may not accept me, maybe you are getting really mad right now, I hope not. I am laying my entire being out right now, completely and horribly unprotected and exposed. I know the risks I’m taking by telling this to you while I am in such a vulnerable position, I don’t know if I will be able to get back up if this backfires, this is my one chance, my only hope, if I wait any longer I am going to go insane.
    As for future contact right now, I guess I’ll see you during spring break, I have studies and it’s not far away anyway. I hope to see you then, preferably with a big hug, and maybe some tears.You have no idea how happy I would be if this turns out for the better. And as for telling anyone else, I really hope you will let me tell (or not tell) others in our family at my own will. And if you were wondering why I’m telling you first, is because back in California when you picked me up and told me mom went on my phone’s internet and saw a gay website (which it really wasn’t my fault my friends back then did it, I was too much of a mess to even look into it) you kept your cool. I hope you do so now.
    All the best

    here is the current revised version
  20. Ianthe

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    I think it would be a good idea to say explicitly, at some point, that you love him. And to make it more readable, insert blank lines between the paragraphs. Also, I think "All the best" is an oddly distant way to sign off. "Love," or "Your Son," would be better, in my opinion.

    Other than that, I think it's pretty much good to go. :slight_smile: