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"Coming Out" Parts 1, 2, and 3

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by HarryIsCute, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. HarryIsCute

    Regular Member

    Oct 9, 2013
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    So this is the story of how I came out three different times. First off for those of you that don't know the Kinsey Scale is a way of giving a number to how straight/gay/bi you are. 0 is straight 6 is gay and 3 is equally bi. I'm mostly inclined to men and when I'm hanging with my female friends that I'm comfortable with that is how I act.

    Part 1: My Best Friends

    Like most people the first person I came out to was my two very best friends with about a month in between the two. The first one I came out to was my male best friend, Cullen, who I have only known for a year but I already call him a brother. I told him via text and basically started out with that one line "I'm bi." and before sending I wrote enough to break it up into three texts basically explaining that I could love a guy as equally as a woman and if I found the right guy or girl I would be more than happy to settle down with them regardless of gender. He was SO cool and supportive about it! He said it didn't change how he saw me and that he completely understood that I wanted to be happy and he didn't care who I was happy with! So thank you Cullen! (*hug*)

    The second best friend was the female one, Sam! She is so much fun and I haven't really known her that long either but I love her a ton! I told her very simply through skype, we were on a video chat and she said that one of the guy friends in the room was cute through chat so I said "Lol, yeah," and she asks "you think so?" This is when I told her quite simply: "Well, I've known this for awhile, but only like really knew it recently, only one of my close friends knows and a few online friends(I won't tell you those coming out stories), but yeah I'm bi." Her response, which I can't forget, was "ohhhhhh, cool."

    Part 2: The Great Friend and Good Friends

    This next group was sorta mixed, there were three of them so I will explain my relationship with all three. The first one, the great friend, I have actually known longer than my best friends and she is also bi, equally bi I think. The other two friends I didn't know all that well but they are my friends non the less, both straight, one male, one female.

    So now for the story. We were all sitting around one day at a weekend long event and we got to looking at photos on "theChive." I forget how it came to this but the straight guy ended up asking if I was gay, I said no. Then the bi female (who I was crushing on earlier that day and she knows it) asked if I was bi, my response was the truthful one, yes.

    Everyone was accepting and then we just continued to sit around and look at photos of girls in revealing clothing for awhile...

    Part 3: The Ex-Girlfriend (Aka: Best Friend)

    This is yet another one of my Skype stories and it is short except for the build up. Last year, around April, this girl and I started dating; it was a long distance relationship in which we say each other only about once a month but video chatted every day. We loved each other, but me being the romantic I am said "Elena, I know this is something that I would prefer to say in person but I really can't go on waiting, I need to tell you now. I will only use the first word of this three word sentence: 'I.' You can figure out the rest because you know that I..." She started crying tears of joy. Skip forward a month and now we have been dating for three months. It is July 4th, America's independence day. After walking home from my town's parade I get on Facebook and she messages me asking "can I call you?" I already know that this is going to end badly, she calls and I pick up and start walking to my bedroom from the living room where my computer is. I can't even get three yards before she says "I think we should see other people." I freeze, breathless in place. The girl that I love, just broke my heart, but I can tell that she is heart broken too. "I can't tell you why but I'm sorry." We talk for the next few minutes and she is crying and I'm trying to stay strong for her; figuring that is must be her dad forcing her to break up with me I just console her. Once we both hang up I'm left sitting silently on my bed, I put my head in my hands and begin to weep.

    We have talked a little bit since our break up but now just recently we started video chatting more and more. One day on the video chat she says she has to tell me something, she tells me that at one point in her life she was bi. We don't discuss it much more until the next day. When she comes online I send her a chat message saying I was glad she told me that she was bi because it pathways great into my next topic: "I'm bi."

    We talk for a few more minutes about it and then we are just back to normal best friends as we promised each other we would be after the break up.


    Thanks everyone who read, I hope you all have great coming out stories to share as well! As you know I love ALL of you so much and hope you all get to come out nice and smoothly if you haven't already, and if you didn't have a smooth coming out story don't be afraid to tell that too! We are each other's support team!

    Again, I love you all equally and don't be afraid to message me with any questions or anything at all that you want to talk with someone about! (*hug*)
  2. Heun

    Full Member

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Thanks for sharing these stories; great to hear that you've had good success and supportive people!
  3. HarryIsCute

    Regular Member

    Oct 9, 2013
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    Thank you for your service Heun! And yeah it has been a great experience so far!
