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Ok things might stat to get crazy for me....

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by Foxywolf, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. Foxywolf

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    New York State, near Rochester
    Well things are happening and I'm not sure if I'm ready for them to happen, but happen they shall.
    Well the first thing that happened was that my mom (who, if any of you read my other thread, might have suspected I really am gay) confirmed to me that she did not completely believe my un-coming out. We were watching a preview for this transgendered thing on Lisa Ling's Our America. She then basically asked me if I ever wanted to be a boy. Of coarse I said no, cuz I am not transgendered, but then she went on to say, 'ok that's good, I don't need to worry about that, you just think you're gay.' I said 'yea' and that was the end of the conversation. She did encourage me to watch the rest of the show (it was on at eleven or something) because she said they might have some gay people on there who might be going through what I am going through. She said it might help me. (Sadly I could not actually find the channel it was on, because I am not an avid TV watcher and forgot what channel it was supposed to be on.)

    ANYWAY I wanted to give her some resources because no doubt she is probably struggling to accept that I am gay. She is a bit religious, so I also wanted to show her what I believe (that being gay is not bad in god's eyes and such - and possibly show her how the bible was actually mistranslated and such.) Should I wait a bit and e-mail her some links or something, I'm not sure how to go about this.

    ALSO today I am having my one friend over. She, along with my other friend who I already came out to, is very pro gay rights and I wanted to come out to her today. I made myself a promise that I would come out to her this week. So any suggestions on how I should come out to her? We are making cookies/cake and then watching a movie. I am confident that she will be completely supportive, but I am still nervous about telling her.

    So any suggestions on my situations?
  2. maverick

    Full Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Alabama *cue banjos*
    I dunno, it really doesn't sound like you have that much to be nervous about if your friend is pro gay rights. If she's your friend AND pro gay rights, she'll probably doubly be supportive of your rights just because you're her friend first.

    Go for it, I say! :thumbsup:

    As far as your mom goes, she might be religious, but she actually sounds pretty cool with you, and encouraging. I'd go ahead and give her some resources though so she has something to fall back on.

    Good luck!
  3. Foxywolf

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    New York State, near Rochester
    Ok so I came out to my friend last night and it went AWESOME! Haha, I feel giddy now! When I come out I seem to have difficulties saying I'm gay straight out, like with my first friend, I made her guess what I was going to tell her. Well with this friend I almost did that, but I took a little bit of a different route. I gave her this book to read called "The Bermudez Triangle" a while ago and she actually hasn't read it the whole way through but basically knew the characters. Anyway there is one character in it who is gay, Mel. Well I had been going through a rough time and was a bit sad, so first I said to her, so do you want to know what has been bothering me? She said yes, and then went on to say how she did not want me to feel alone or anything, (which I actually had been feeling) and then I said that I had been feeling alone, but there was something else, I said, "Well, I am kind of like the character, Mel, from the book I gave you." She says, "The pretty one," I nod and say, "The gay one," and she quires, "Is that you?" and I say, "Yes."

    Haha it was the best, she actually got excited to have a gay friend, she was like, "I know this is bad, but I've always wanted to have a gay friend, and I am just so excited!" It made me so happy!
    We talked about a lot of stuff, we talked about how gays are discriminated against, we talked about how it is stupid that people think of their friends differently once they come out as gay. We talked about proposition 8 and Portia and Ellen. Haha she even said to me that she really wants me to get married, she said , "It would just be so amazing, I want to be up there with you, ahh, you have to get married!" Haha it made me laugh, she was so cute and good about everything, I felt so free and open talking to her, I am so glad to have a friend like her! I also told her that I was not sure if I was going to come out to any of my other friends, just because I was not sure how they would react, I said I wasn't going to hide it, but I wasn't going to tell them straight out. Haha best day EVER!

    Anyway I just wanted to share my amazing coming out experience, it really went better than planned.
  4. TheDarkerPoet

    Full Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    New York
    Hey, that's awesome! Congrats :grin: