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Coming Out

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by Exey, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. Exey

    Regular Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    I'm not sure if this is entirely the correct place to post this, if I need to delete and move the post, I would be happy to do so. It's just as much a coming out story as it's a short biography. It's been about four years since I've come out of the closet, but I feel like I need to get my story off of my chest. I've been diagnosed with C-PTSD, and part of the recovery process is apparently opening myself up to people and talking about my experiences.

    I came from a small farm town, highly conservative and highly fundamentalist in religious belief-- my family was no exception to this. I spent four years of my life in the public school system from kindergarten to the third grade. My behavior, apparently, was unusual for a boy and I was harassed most days-- "faggot," "homo," "queer," were words that I was far too familiar with for my age. I was physically assaulted on more than one occasion by my peers and all too often teachers would turn a blind eye, "kids will be kids," they would tell me. If I defended myself? I was punished.

    At the start of my third grade year, my parents had a radical transition in their religious beliefs and my father concluded that he was called to be a minister. I was removed from the public school system and home-schooled throughout high-school. It was during this time that my grandfather, a WWII victim had a mental break down and I saw the worst of my family's religion. He would roll in the floor, tossing and turning, asking me all of seven years old at the time to put him out of his misery. My family concluded that this was demonic influence and proceeded to perform violent ritual like acts that badly resembled the portrayal of exorcisms that you see in some modern media. He passed away when I eleven years old-- violently on a stormy night while my family held me back forcing me to watch. There was no consolation or explanation that followed.

    From the anxiety that had built over the years, both from these events and coming to terms with my sexuality-- I began having severe episodes of detachment as well as fainting spells. My family interpreted this as demonic possession and proceeded to isolate me from all outside contact and proceeded to perform the same acts on me that I had witnessed from my grandfather years earlier. I spent the thirteenth year of my life nearly completely silent, speaking only unless spoken to. I was not to have friends. I was not to talk about anything that happened. I was alone.

    My sixteenth birthday came, and I was required to get a job. Given that I was home-schooled, my employer treated me like an adult and forced me to work full-time with overtime. I would suppose that I was perceived to be gay, given that I was forced to work unpaid overtime, sometimes upwards of 50 hours a week, openly harassed by managers and crew and was threatened with termination should I try to call in sick-- regardless of whether or not I possessed a doctor's excuse. I was bullied, harassed and screamed at. All factors that did not seem to apply to my peers.

    I suffered a severe back injury on my job. A massively herniated disc. Work refused to file a claim, threatened to fire me. My family would not allow me to pursue medical help. It was demon influence, of course. The pain was debilitating-- by the end, I could barely walk. Once I left home and looked into treatment, neither vicodin nor morphine would stop the pain. It required surgery and I have arthritis in my back because I was forced to neglect it's treatment for such a long period of time.

    On my 18th birthday, I met my boyfriend, now soon to be husband, online. I had a laptop computer that I had bought with savings from my work and was stealing wifi from the neighbors without the knowledge of my parents. We quickly fell in love, and through the utmost secrecy, I planned my escape. In a fly by night affair, I took my things and left-- and in the best and perhaps luckiest moment of my life, my partner and I found ourselves living together shortly after.

    He is the light of my life, to wake up each morning and see him smiling-- it's the strongest living testament that I have to say: "It gets better." Everything that I went through, it was worth it, having found the happiness that I have now. We recently celebrated our four year anniversary, and we plan to marry, buy a home, and hopefully adopt soon.

    I was forced out of the closet by a "friend" that I had made at work. From that day forward, I couldn't leave work, go grocery shopping or really do much of anything without having bigoted hicks stalking me screaming profanity. In a flashback to my childhood, I was physically assaulted on more than one occasion and the police turned a blind eye.

    Suffice to say. We left. We moved to a very metropolitan area, and things have never been better since. We've never had a major issue since we've moved here.

    There was a brief period where my family and I began speaking again. It was finally time to face the truth, so to speak. After years of listening to my father exclaim that "all the fags should be taken and shot"-- there were few more terrifying moments in my life. "I'm gay." They disowned me. We haven't spoken in two years. I'm not hopeful that any member of my family will fully accept me for who I am, but that is the price I've paid for my dignity, my self-respect, and I have no regrets.
  2. Mr.Pushover

    Full Member

    Nov 2, 2010
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    Wow. If someone thought THEY'D been through a lot.

  3. Clowder

    Regular Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    It has been nothing short of an honor to be able to watch you overcome your adversaries and adversities. I think i will always be deeply moved by being able to help you on that night that you ran from your home of horrors into a better life. Your strength and courage are inspirational to me all the years i have known you.

    Thank you for being my friend and an example to me to help me overcome my own trials.
  4. Eleanor Rigby

    Full Member

    Feb 21, 2009
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    I am speechless ! What you have been through in your childhood and when you were a teenager is absolutly horrible ! I am glad that you found love and the strenght to run from that place. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I wish you all the happiness in the world.
    Take care, (*hug*) Cécile
  5. Ethan

    Full Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    Metro Detroit, Michigan
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    Out to everyone
    This is the best story I have read in a while. So very inspirational! You could totally be a motivational speaker. I'm sorry you had to take so much crap to find happiness.
  6. DougieBoy

    DougieBoy Guest

    Im sitting here crying! What has happened to you is just heart breaking, and im so happy that you escaped and are doing well! I wish i could give you a hug, you are such an inspiration and i would love to be your friend on here, if you let me of course.
  7. Lotty

    Regular Member

    Dec 4, 2010
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    Holy shit. That is... Holy shit. And I thought my life was hard. Well, I can see now, I'm very lucky. But that thought doesn't make me feel good right now, because I feel so sorry for you. I'm glad you're doing better now.
  8. Holliepop

    Regular Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Wiltshire, UK.
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    I am ... speechless. O_O

    You brave BRAVE guy. Seriously, I would have not been able to endure all of that. It goes to show you are pretty amazing. :grin: Congratulations on finding love and moving to an area which sounds miles better than that small town. Though tbh, anywhere sounds better.

  9. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    northern CA
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    Out to everyone
    I'm really touched by your story, and more so that you felt comfortable enough to share it here.

    If you haven't already, in time it would be good to process the feelings and experiences you've had with a therapist, as what you've been through can't help but create a lot of anger and frustration and other unhealthy things. But at the same time, it seems clear that you're an incredibly resilient person, as many people would have simply been crushed, or harmed themselves, in a situation like yours.

    It's incredibly unfortunate that your parents are so narrow minded that they are unwilling to accept you for who you are... but eventually they will either come around, or else it will be their loss.

    I am really glad you've joined our community and I hope that you stick around!
  10. Exey

    Regular Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Thank you very much everyone, your responses mean a great deal.

    Sure, I would be happy to. Thank you!

    Yes, I am currently seeing a therapist for the PTSD and general anxiety disorder-- I plan to continue with the treatment in the future. I appreciate the advice and I strongly agree.

    Yes, I plan to stick around around. I think the conversation would be therapeutic in it's own right. To be honest, it was a huge relief to get that much of the story off my chest. Thank you.
  11. Zontar

    Full Member

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Binghampton, NY
    I'm really beginning to question whether or not the benefits of organized religion outweigh the damage it does to some lives. Your story is truly one of great misfortune, and I can't help but wonder how much things could have been better if your parents had favored rationality over religious supersticion.
  12. malachite

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    Apr 8, 2009
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    Out to everyone
    :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap
  13. alexi12

    alexi12 Guest

    This is a very good story, obviously sad, but I must give you major credit for being able to overcome all of this. I am happy that you are with someone you love now though :slight_smile: And you can always feel free to post how you feel here! We're all here to help eachother :slight_smile: