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Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by Andeh, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Andeh

    Andeh Guest

    So, I've been cruising the youtubes, watching no/yes prop 8 vids TRYING to avert my attention from the death pit that is the comments section. ...I ended up reading them anyways, as I always do. I'll punch myself in the head as hard as I possibly can tomorrow, right now I have a headache.

    So, I run into all the "YES ON 8!!1!1ONE" bullshet, and people quoting the Bible, and people going as far as to quote Leviticus... So I dreamed up a a little piece, that I later decided not to post as my friend (who I was talking to on MSN) said it was melodramatics, and stooping to their level.

    If you really want to read it, I'd share, but I feel it would be kind of wrong just to post it in the opening part of the thread, and maybe wrong to post at all. Not that it says anything offensive, but is just melodramatics, and therefore, stooping to their level.

    I really just thought of it at the time as painting a picture for the emotional pain it puts people through who read and hear what these people are saying. I was aiming to get an emotional point across to them.

    So, if you value any hope for humanity you might have left, do NOT go onto youtube and read any comments anywhere. Seriously. Also; melodramatics; whut'chu think about these sort of, "shocker tactics" (as my friend on MSN put it)?

    ((This might be the wrong place to post this... x.X))
  2. Greggers

    Full Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    BC, Canada
    Oh. My. I totally know what you mean!

    I watched all the prop 8 videos when that was happening, and the comments were HORRIBLE. Really, its any pro (or anti) gay themed videos that have them. I would like to read it though, im interested :slight_smile:
  3. STK

    STK Guest

    Youtube is a haven for idiots. I just ignore comments.

    And they're not just idiots about LGBT issues. If i nwanna read comments I make it so i can't see the ones that have been thumbed down. Doesn't work for LGBT videos though.
    #3 STK, Feb 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2009