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Discussion in 'Entertainment and Technology' started by NoMercyMercury, Apr 16, 2014.


Which will be your house?

  1. Gryffindor

    3 vote(s)
  2. Hufflepuff

    2 vote(s)
  3. Slytherin

    3 vote(s)
  4. Ravenclaw

    6 vote(s)
  1. I got my acceptance letter from Hogwarts and I am seriously more excited right now than when I got my actual college acceptance letter.

    There is a website called Hogwarts is Here that is made by fans, for fans.

    First you must "enroll" into the school (sign up) and then they "send an owl with your acceptance letter" but if it's late, "please check back as they do send Errol from time to time." I won't ruin the surprise content of your letter, but there will be a link to follow to choose which house you would like to join. There are house points! There are also dorms, which are basically like a chat room for you and your fellow house members.

    Then you can open your "Gringotts" account. You begin with a set amount of galleons, sickles, and knuts equaling to a bit over $1,000 in muggle currency. The way you earn more is by doing well academically. Or you can cheat and add your own, actual, money- which also helps sponsor the site. You can use this to buy books- yes you will need books!

    Next comes enrolling in your classes. The rules are just as strict as if you were at Hogwarts itself! Also, there is actual "work" (if you want to call it that) involved if you ever plan on graduation or growing your bank account.

    Thus far, as a first year, I haven't gotten much done. Also, there has been a problem with the site today because news articles went viral earlier on today and caused a lot of traffic! The Hogwarts Express is hardly large enough for all the muggle-born students enrolling today, but give it time.

    I'm in Ravenclaw and enrolled in DADA. Do you plan to enroll? Which house are you going to choose? Which classes?