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Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by helloandwelcome, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. helloandwelcome

    Regular Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    My younger cousins (10-18 years old) have decided it's perfectly fine to mock gay men/joke about gay people not being able to have children. I just... try to change the subject. Not sure what else I can do because it's either keep my mouth shut or get cut off from them.

    So... those of you with less than accepting families, how do you deal/cope with the younger members saying homophobic things?
  2. Fortunately, my little siblings do not talk like that or believe things like that (although my parents do not accept me being gay, they believe in marriage equality). But in your case, I would suggest speaking up in some way. At least say you think that what they're saying could really hurt someone and that it isn't acceptable.
  3. BornInTexas

    Full Member

    Feb 8, 2013
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    Ignore them and wish that getting far away would come much quicker. In the household I live in, no one would take my side if I stuck up for others in the minority. They'd take the side of the fucker saying, "Queers should be lined up and shot."

    Sorry I can't give any other advice, but your cousins sound really young. The only way you could teach them that it is wrong is to show what kind of hurt it actually puts on people when others say homophobic things.

    Not knowing the rest of your family, if you try to show your cousins that they are wrong, they might team up and just continue with their homophobic remarks and may even drop them every time they get a chance because they know it ticks you off.

    I recommend just trying to ignore it. I'm sorry you have to put up with it, too. Be strong.
  4. helloandwelcome

    Regular Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    That's awful. I'm so sorry you're living in an environment like that. :icon_sad:

    I think the best option right now is just a blank stare when they say things like that. Gets across that it isn't funny but doesn't put me in a position to have to explain things to adults.
  5. earthlvr510

    Full Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    If its a safe enough space for you to say something, i say do it. Most people who make jokes like that dont really know how offensive they are being. There are some exceptions obviously, but going by what they are saying it sounds like jokes and not blatant hate. You can just say that "some people" would find that offensive, there's no reason to out yourself if you dont want to. But it takes the people on the other side of those jokes to stand up in order for them to stop. I had friends in highschool that would make jokes like that untill i told them they were being really offensive. They honestly didnt realize how hurtful what they were saying was and have since stopped. It doesnt always work that way, but I think its usually worth a shot. Unless your putting yourself at unnecessary risk but thats for you to judge. Im sorry BornInTexas that your living in a place like that. Ive had some experience with people threatening violence like that but never someone in my house. My extended family a little but thankfully i dont see them much. I hope you can get to a better environment soon.