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My boyfriend is suicidal and refuses to get help no matter what I do

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by johnnyr860, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. johnnyr860

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    The relationship between us is going great and there have been no fights for us in the 3 months we have been dating. It's just he has a lot going on. He doesn't have a lot of friends and he is afraid to come out or even tell them about our relationship for fear of losing the very few friends he has.

    His mom supports gay people but he can't bring himself to tell her we are together because she will tell his dad and his dad will kick him out of the house. On top of that let's add the fact that he works full time while going to school full time so work and school give him plenty to stress out about.

    This morning I saw him with a cut on his arm. I asked about it and said you didn't have that cut when I saw you 2 days ago. He lied and told me he tripped and fell and I said please no one trips and falls and gets a cut or bruise that big so he admitted that he did in fact cut himself last night due to depression.

    The more I offer to help him or get him professional help the more he insists he is fine and not to worry but I worry everyday he is my life how could I not worry? He is always depressed about things especially being gay. What else do I do here? How am I supposed to help if he won't even let me? I love him but I can't help him if he refuses to let me I'm trying to be supportive.
  2. Nick07

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    Jul 28, 2013
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    Do you think moving out from his parents' house could help him? Does all the money he makes go to school fees? Do you know if moving out is possible?
  3. PatrickUK

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    Feb 25, 2014
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    The subject of your posting is that your boyfriend is suicidal, but you actually didn't mention that in what you wrote. You told us that he cut himself, but that's not the same as being suicidal (one doesn't necessarily lead to the other) so I'm just wondering where this has come from? Has your boyfriend actually mentioned suicidal thoughts or feelings, and if so, can you say what he has told you?

    When someone is so depressed it is very difficult to stand by and see them live, or exist, in that low place, but you are probably doing a lot more for him than you realise by just being there. You'd be surprised how much of a difference it can make. Even so, you do need to consider your own feelings as you can't soak up all of this stress on your own. It's good to be supportive, but if he refuses to seek help, you can't deal with this alone. Do what you can for him, but do take care of yourself. If it gets too much for you, you may need to draw back a little.
  4. johnnyr860

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    I would try it he knows that if he gets kicked out he is more then welcome to come here and stay with me and I told him I would never let him stay on the streets I would never let that happen to him I would have him stay with me if he couldn't find a place and he was kicked out. I did mention it once before but his money goes to mostly paying for school tuition here so it is tough but I will be sure to mention it again.

    ---------- Post added 31st Mar 2014 at 02:54 PM ----------

    Sorry I should have been more clear with my details let me explain what happened. He took a bottle of his moms wine and a bunch of pills and swallowed the pills and drank the wine at the same time. He passed out and they ended up pumping his stomach at the hospital to save his life. This happened a while back.

    He has told me before that he suffers depression and cries himself to sleep every night and he has cut himself before and threatened to end his life just not in a really long time so I figured he was doing better but I should never have assumed such a thing without knowing for sure.

    As for where all this is coming from well it started with the usual stress of living at home that whole "you live under our house our rules" type of thing is parents do so he gets stressed and can't take it. Then he also got and(although he denies it I believe he still) gets bullied for being gay so it is difficult.

    Some people at school found out and started being mean to him. One guy even pushed him down the stairs at school while saying anti gay things to his face. Another guy shoved him in a locker and told him he should kiss up to me cause not even I could save him since I am not there. It is a tough situation and since he is defenseless then he is pushed around so much here.
  5. PatrickUK

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    Okay, so there are two things here. Self harm (which is a coping mechanism for some people in serious distress) and suicide (which is a desire to end everything, because the pain is too much). Many people who self harm also experience suicidal thoughts and feelings, but they use self harm to take back control. I know that sounds strange, but self harm is actually the lesser of two evils and can reduce the feelings of distress, albeit, in a rather destructive way. It's hard for you, but try to understand that cutting may be helping him to cope right now, without it, he could get back to that much darker place of suicidal ideation. If he has only just started cutting though, it really would be good to seek help and support now, before he gets too caught up in the cycle. It may be possible to find a less destructive way of coping.

    From what you tell us, the feelings of stress and depression seem to be intricately connected to his home life and issues at school. It sounds like a lot of situational stress, but there may be deeper underlying problems. If he could find a way to eliminate some of the stress from his situation it may help a lot.

    Be supportive but don't expose yourself to very high levels of stress in the process. You can only help him if you remain strong. If it helps to share things with us, keep talking.

    Wish you both well.
  6. WhiteShadows

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    I think if he can move in with you, or at least have that option readily available, he might feel better. I also think he needs professional help. Please, try and convince him to see a psychologist or perhaps a doctor. He might need medication if it's as bad as it sounds.
    Tell him to see a professional for YOU, because you love him and you're worried about him.

    Other than that, lots of hugs, lots of positive talking, lots of distractions (try to get him out of the house, even with other friends, play sport, watch a film, anything) and lots of love will help him get through this.