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My Classes

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Rainbow Girl, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Rainbow Girl

    Full Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    So this is mostly a rant which I feel badly for doing on here but I just need to get this out.

    Today in my last period class, some students from another class came do a presentation for the class for marks about a topic that they felt was important and effecting our society. The topic was homophobia and the presentation was good, but some problems came up.

    As the were talking about experiences that LGBT people go through and trying get us to understand what that's like I felt like people were staring at me, which they almost certainly weren't since I'm not about, but it still made me nervous. I felt like if I reacted in anyway I'd give myself away.

    After that did an exercise where the gave us four words one at a time and texted in what came to our minds about those words. What we texted would show on the screen about it was anonymous and the words got bigger the more people sent the same word in. I personally choice not to send anything because I was uncomfortable with the exercise. The biggest word (by far) was "weird". Also on the list were "gross", "choice", "decisions", "bad", "awful", "popular" and "blond" (seriously, why blond over any other hair colour?). To fair, we were also asked to provide what thought about hate crimes but most of the words were up before and most of the class didn't know what a hate crime was so I don't think too many of the bad words weren't about that. There was a fair bit of positive stuff up there but it was mostly negative, which one of the girls pointed out and said disappoint her.

    It got worse after the presenters left when our class was talking about what we liked and didn't like about the presentation. One guy said "I don't think the were clear about with the instructions for the texting 'cause they didn't say how appropriate we had to be. I didn't text anything because the things I wanted to say weren't things that you could write on a school screen and I didn't want to get in trouble. And then when that girl was complaining about it being negative I was thinking 'it could be so much more negative so why are your complaining?'"

    The teacher didn't really address that comment enough, in my opinion, she just said to think about what our lists would be if lists our own, would be mostly positive or negative and if the answer was negative or things we couldn't write in school to think about why.

    I've been made fun of a lot in that class for reasons totally non-related to this but I'm really concerned about this class now. Even though I'm not out, I feel like this isn't environment for me. I'm also terrified of coming out at school someday now.

    I'm sorry for the long rant, I just needed to get that off my chest. If anybody has any advice that would be helpful.
  2. Holdingb

    Holdingb Guest

    Uhh, yeah I always get like that in my classes whenever a topic concerning LGBT comes up. I'm sorry but your peers don't seem to be the most educated... if at all, those responses were awful XD

    If it is the students in the class and not the class itself, although it is late in the school year, you can always ask to get your schedule arranged so you do not have to see those specific students that cause you to be uncomfortable. If it is the class in general, then just think about how the school year is almost over :3