I Can't Tell What She Wants...

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by Carebear11, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Carebear11

    Regular Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    So i've know this girl for about 2 months. When we first become friends we had an instant connection. She is gay and has been in a relationship with her gf for about 5 months. She tells me she is so in love with her and she is the love of her life and she wants to marry her.

    So I have recently become really close friends with this girl. We have the same interests, and just love hanging out with each other. We have discussed it and it feels like we have known each other for years already.

    The thing is, I can't help but notice subtle and sometimes not so subtle hints that she likes me. For example, at a party (when her gf wasn't there) we played a games where someone said "drink if you want to kiss someone around this table", to which she looked directly into my eyes, smiled, and took a sip. She also will randomly throw in quick comments... like when we were at a festival and it was noisy, she said "I think you should kiss me" (to which I pretended not to hear since I don't want her to cheat on her gf). We've also danced together at the club (like really sexually) and afterwards I was extremely turned on... which I think she wanted. She has met my family and hangs out with us often. Our friends say that their is so much sexual tension between us, and suspect something has happened (which it hasn't). Also the one night we had a get-together at her place and I slept over because I was too drunk to drive, and we ended up cuddling the whole night.

    Im just so confused because she is supposed to be in love with this other girl... so why is she hinting at me? I know she has had some issues with her gf's family not liking her and not accepting their relationship... but she says she is still in love.

    What is going on here? :confused: