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Someone to talk to :(

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by massimo, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. massimo

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    Jan 22, 2015
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    Hi, everyone i just need someone to hear me out :help: i really need any advice.
    No one knows my big heavy secret i'm still able to pull off the perfect act that i'm "straight", gods knows how much courage it took me just to make this account and talk about it .
    I was prepared to live my life alone from the moment that i knew i was gay because i don't want to disappoint my parents and to be gay in my culture let's put this way "It's Bad"..

    long story short everything in my life was ok i have friends, i graduate from collage and i'm looking for a job, and than i meet this guy which he had the same interests as me (video games,anime,..... nerd stuff) and obviously he's straight.
    after knowing him for 8 month i didn't have any feelings for him he was jut my best friend one day i invited him for a party, he came to my house and he was dressed very will when i saw him my life was cursed from that day on "i fell for him"....

    it's been 4 month now i can't take him off my head, i'm feeling depressed nearly all the time, when he is around my mood swings from good to bad very quickly and he noticed that... he asked couples of times what's wrong i invented a stupid story and he never asked again. i'm trying to fix this problem i consider myself a logical person i put all the facts in front of me to convince myself that it's not going to work no matter what.

    sometimes i feel great but when the depression comes back i get this suicidal ideas i don't eat well or sleep and i'm loosing weight i can't afford a psychiatrist at the moment but i'm my fighting my emotions with all my power :bang: ..

    i'm really sry for my english and for the long post i just wanted to take off some of this weight from my chest... so any advice :confused:
  2. Gravity

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    To be honest, it sounds like you're dealing with a lot of stress from a lot of different directions. So, a few ways you might approach this:

    If you think your friend would be respectful of you being gay, then come out to him. You don't have to tell him you've fallen for him, or at least not yet, but after you've had a chance to come out to him and he's processed that, you could tell him you like him, too. Now, I don't suggest this from the angle of trying to "convert" him or sweep him off his feet, but if you can express your feelings to him and have it confirmed that he is straight, he likes you as a friend but isn't into you, etc., it could help give you a lot of closure and move on from this.

    Losing weight and having trouble sleeping sounds concerning. If you can make time to get some good rest, however much time you need, I would recommend that - and if you can keep yourself on anything like a regular eating schedule, even just some soup or something if that's all you can handle, it could help a lot.

    Or, in line with my first suggestion - you mention "fighting your emotions." This could be a big part of why you're having trouble - fighting them isn't healthy. Confronting them, coming to terms with them, accepting them and giving yourself permission to feel the way you're feeling - these things would be healthy. Maybe you don't have to tell your friend, but it would be nice if you could find someone to tell. Of course, coming to EC is a start, so if you feel like it's helping, by all means, keep posting. :slight_smile:
  3. kai397

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    Jan 24, 2015
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    come out to him then try and come out to your most trusted friends
  4. PatrickUK

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    I'm pleased you created this account and you really don't need courage to bring your worries and concerns here. We are all in the same situation as you, or we have been there. While you are struggling with all of these feelings return here for help, support and conversation. It's a place where you can be the real you, without fear.

    You said your cultutre considers it "bad" to be gay, but what do you think? Do you think it's bad? Can you say exactly why it might be so bad? It's really important to ask yourself these questions and consider your answers very carefully. Come back and let us know, if you can.

    From all you've told us, the depression and suicidal feelings seem intricately connected to your sexuality and feelings for your friend. You said you want to fix the problem and you've told yourself that it's not going to work with your friend - no matter what. Whilst that may be true, it's not really the most logical way to set about "fixing" everything. If you are a logical person you need to look at the deeper issue and that's not actually your friend - it's your sexuality. It means following the advice from Gravity:

    I'm sure it feels very scary to even contemplate the idea of confronting your feelings, but you are not alone on that journey. This forum exists for people like you and the many other members who are in exactly the same position as you. Sharing our experiences gives us strength and inspiration. Don't struggle with this alone.
  5. massimo

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    Jan 22, 2015
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    thank you guys for replying so quickly.


    coming out to him it will be very hard but i'm planing to do so but i will be waiting for the right moment, just today he asked me what's wrong and i answered:
    "that there's a heavy burden that is hurting me for the past 4 months"
    he replied:
    "you must talk about it, don't hold it in with time it will hurt you more and maybe that problem that you are dealing with it's not a big deal".
    i didn't expect this kind of an answer from him.

    for the part that i said "i'm fighting my feelings" the thing is when i get jealous or when i miss him or feeling angry cuz he's ignoring me sometimes or feeling protective (he got really sick once) those are the feelings that i'm trying to fight and eventually making me ask myself why did i fall for him why do i have to suffer all of this, but to tell you the truth you really opened my eyes, you made me ask myself:
    why do i have to fight those feelings?
    you made me look at my problem from a different perspective i will try to accept them and see how can i get better by doing this.

    i don't consider being gay is a "bad" thing because i think god made this way.
    why do i have to hate it? or consider it a bad thing.
    i come from a religious family and i was taught from when i was little kid that being gay is a sin and there is a sever punishment for it.

    this problem is making wonder if someday i will be loved by someone?
  6. PatrickUK

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    Feb 25, 2014
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    Religion often clouds the issue of coming out Massimo and if we have grown up with very specific messages about right/wrong it takes time and effort to change perspective and look at things from a very different angle. I'm pleased you don't see being gay as "bad", but I can understand how difficult it is if you have heard these messages throughout your life.

    It's not all doom and gloom though. Across the world, long held views about same sex relationships are changing -- the old order is crumbling and giving way to new ideas and fresh thinking. Even staunchly Catholic nations like Spain and Portugal have legalised same sex marriage and the current Pope is trying to change ideas within the worldwide church. The tide is turning in our favour.

    You have opened up to your friend a little and he has been kind in his response. Don't rush into things, but have a think about telling him the truth. You don't have to disclose your feelings for him immediately, but if you could come out to him it may life a huge weight.

    Thinking ahead, do you have any future plans? Have you ever considered the possibility of relocating for work and to find love?

    Try to stay positive and don't fall into the trap of thinking that love is beyond your capability. A negative outlook can drag us down to a much darker place.

    Stay with us and keep talking.
  7. massimo

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    Jan 22, 2015
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    i can say that talking to you guys made things a bit easier :grin: , today was relaxing :slight_smile: .
    you have my thanks and my respect.

    actually i didn't think about relocating but who knows what the future holds, i hope in that future will include the person that would love me :icon_redf ..

    i will be always checking this forum from now on :wink: and i know now that i'm not alone (*hug*) .
  8. llamahoox

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    Dec 25, 2014
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    HI Massimo. You are not alone in the way you are feeling and the way that you are worried and concerned about things. Trust me whn I say that I could have typed your original post almost word for word with my own experieinces :slight_smile: I too struggled with my sexuality and stayed firmly in teh closet until I was 41 and then I made friends with a gay guy who I felt coming out to and he suggested i tell just a few trusted friends who could help and supprt me, which I did and then I made the decision that I had to tell my parents and my siblings. Telling my mum was teh hardest thing ive ever had to do but I just KNEW i had to tell her and buck up the courage. And lucky for me she was and still is 100% supportive, as is teh rest of my famliy.

    Like you, I too was brought up in a religion where homosexuality is considered one of the worst possible sins, second only to murder. But slowly over the period of the last few years I have come to realise that religion and God are not the same thing. Religion may not approve of gay people, but god certainly does. God doesnt judge us for who we love or who we are attracted to ..God loves us no matter who we love. That is what God really is :slight_smile:

    After I came out I really really sufferd very badly with depression because finally stepping out the closet and facing that long pent up feeling suddenly allowed everything else from my life to come to the surface and be forced to face and cope with too....so teh depression and suicidal feelings ensued. Added to that I fell in love with the gay friend tha tI first came out to and eventually told him how I felt about him ..he siad he already knew but he and I talked about it and we both realise that we both mean too much to each other and our very close bond and friendship we have is far too special and precious to bith of us for us to ruin it with anything sexual. Apart from that he has finally come to reallise tha the is in fact more asexual than homosexual anyway. We are still very close now as we ever were.....so it is possible to tell a friend how you feel and for things to still be good between you afterwards :slight_smile:
    I am telling you all this because my story is not so different from your own..just wanted you to know that you need never feel you are the oly one suffering things like this :slight_smile:

    I too wonder if anyone will ever love me, just as you do :slight_smile: for what it is worth, I have never been with a man in any way, shape or form...no kisses, no holding hands..nothing....so I too wonder if anyone out there wil ever want to do those loving and intimate things with me too :slight_smile:

    You are not alone :slight_smile: xx
  9. massimo

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    Jan 22, 2015
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    coming out to my family would be the hardest thing ever to do :frowning2: i really don't want them to hate me for being gay , and they are always talking to me about marriage and that i have to find me a girl before i get to old :S, i end up avoiding this subject.

    for me before i fell for my friend i think i would have lasted for the rest of my life by myself, but even tasting the dark and bitter side of loving someone made me want to be loved in return. i can tell you i have never been with a man of any kind too, and i don't want to stay alone anymore:dry:.
  10. NewKid87

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    Jan 20, 2015
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    Hi Massimo, and welcome to EC! :smilewave

    I'm about the same age as you and I come from a similar environment (I grew up in Milano). I can tell you I know exactly how you feel. I've just begun to come out and it's not easy, but this forum is a phenomenal resource. Just being able to read about other people's coming out experiences and knowing that there are many, many people who can relate to what I'm going through has done wonders for me.

    I suggest you read as many of the threads and resources on this forum as you can. They've helped me a lot along the way to self-acceptance.

    And you'll definitely find someone to talk to here :slight_smile:
  11. massimo

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    Jan 22, 2015
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    i'm always reading posts here everyday gods help me and everyone who's having a hard time dealing with their life.

    can you tell me guys how to pull my spirit up from the sadness that i'm in, i try to listen to music i try to dance when i'm alone just to feel a little bit refiled from it. what do you do guys if you're feeling sad?
  12. llamahoox

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    I suffer badly from depression to from time to time. I do similar things to you..listen to music and dance in my room..sometimes singing hels as well. Ot go for a walk...especially along the beach. I often spend a lot of time listening to clips on youtube that uplift me....inspirational people like Loiuse Hay and Abraham Hicks :slight_smile:
  13. Michael

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    I look for the stuff I love : Computers, books, ideas, some friends (which share my stuff of course)...

    ... Or I go out and try to distract myself by observing whatever is around me. This would be easy for you, there is lots of beauty where you live... I have deep envy right now...

    Music is also good. And laugh. You need to have a good laugh, at least once a day. It keeps the doctors away :wink:
  14. NewKid87

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    Jan 20, 2015
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    When I'm sad I like to watch funny movies and TV shows. I also get my frustrations out by dancing to fun music and playing video games. A long walk around town is good for clearing my head.

    Usually what works best though is going out with friends for great food and drinks. (But always drink responsibly! :slight_smile: )
  15. massimo

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    Jan 22, 2015
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    sry guys i have been away for a while cuz nothing is going well lately, i was afraid of harming myself so i asked for help from a friend i didn't tell her anything about my story beside that i'm struggling with a problem that is driving me crazy, she led me to place where you can meet with a psychiatrist, on my first appointment i told her everything and in the end she told me that i need more sessions with her to get pass of all the emotions/conflicts that i'm having :frowning2: life is just unfair.
  16. Filip

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    Honestly, while it may seem like life sucks right now, you did the right thing. When faced with the prospect of harming yourself, you opened up to at least one person! And see: the sky didn't fall. People didn't give you a bad time!

    It'll take time getting over this. Falling for the first time for a straight guy is painful. When it first happened to me, it felt like the worst disaster ever. He was the only guy I wanted. I wanted it more than anything I ever wanted in my life. And yet I couldn't have him.

    But: now, years later, it is also something that I can look at and realise it made me grow. It was one of the things that got me out of the closet. Which led to being closer with my other friends, and meeting new friends, who were actually gay. Eventually, I even met a guy I clicked with! Sometimes the night is just the darkest before the new day begins!

    So: I know it doesn't feel like it, but it isn't a disaster. It's the start of something new!
    And don't forget that many of us have been through similar things, and all of us are here to talk to!
  17. massimo

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    Jan 22, 2015
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    ok i just have to say this, it feels like the world the destiny wants to hurt me, i just finished my session with my psychiatrist we were talking about the things that i'm doing and out of nowhere she throw the name of my best friend that i'm in love with out of F****** nowhere and she says i think it's him right :| out all the people that could help me i got the one that knows him and she started to describe him his eyes and so on i'm just incredibly jinxed :|
  18. Filip

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    Well, that's kind of an odd turn of events...
    Were you aware that he had any psychiatrist friends? Is he some kind of psych student himself? It sounds vaguely unprofessional to use that kind of information like that.

    But still. Maybe this is for the best! Instead of helping you get over just any guy, she might be able to help you get over this specific guy!
    I'm guessing she didn't just send you home after that, though? What was the outcome of that conversation? Anything she told you to do about it?
  19. massimo

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    Jan 22, 2015
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    she knew him from a meeting, he presented a project to a group of psychiatrists and she is the vice president of the group, the goal of the meeting is asking for funding for our project.

    when i was talking to her i said the things about the project because the work involved helped me to be productive, and she was ok i understand i know him, and she said his name and she was like "he is the one right?"
    i don't know her i met her today :| and she met him just that one time, she assured me that that everything would be our secret and that by law she can't share anything with anyone.
    after that she told me that in time i must have the courage to confront him with my feelings, but i was so panicked after knowing that she knew him, she calmed me down and gave me another appointment .

    OH! yeah on top of that when i was waiting to meet her another psychiatrist past by me he looked at me and he said "you have the look of someone in love" i swear to you this day is the most strange day everrrr.
  20. m e l v i n

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    Jan 24, 2015
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    i know the feeling :lol: being in the closet, scared of the social pressures (well, not really scared, but i think things are better this way), and then suddenly you'd fall for a straight guy? oh man, i know how scary that feels :/ i am just so thankful that things go well over time :icon_redf with your situation though, i agree with what the other posters are saying,..if you trust him, maybe you could tell him at least even just about your sexuality, and maybe about your feelings for him some other time.. but if you don't plan to do that soon, please know that you're not the only one going through this, nor is it because of your sexuality.. in fact, it's quite a common thing, even straight boys or girls get this feeling of "impossible love", and don't let this bring you down (*hug*) just stay positive about things :wink: i suggest spend more time with friends because it is therapeutic in itself, maybe even better than any therapist that you could pay :lol: so if you need someone to talk to, or you just someone to listen to your stories, we're just here buddy (&&&)

    anyway, whatever you do, i hope you stay friends with him :slight_smile: i wish you the best Massimo (*hug*)
