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How should I deal with these friends?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by vipco3, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. vipco3

    Regular Member

    Apr 19, 2015
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    New Hampshire
    Sexual Orientation:
    Okay so I have these 2 friends I thought I could trust with info. Both are now my exes but we are friends... sorta.. still till I came out. Okay so here's the situation.
    Ex #1: I told him after we broke up...(we didn't date long... just over a month... i know silly but we were really good friends for 2 years. Like REALLY good friends. That's why it didn't work out... we were better off as friends.) Anyways back to the point... I told him my sexuality because I thought he should know. And he flips utter shit, like he goes off on this tangent saying 'What the fuck, you freak. So while we were dating... you were looking at other girls!? What is wrong with you. I can't talk to you right now...' I got really angry at this injustice and it turned into me lecturing him and actually swearing, and mind you I don't swear all that often less I feel reason to. Anyways now he's been blocking me out of his life little by little... and then said I was faking being a Bi. Then just said I was doing it for attention. Now this situation I tell to Ex #2 who already knew and encouraged me to tell ex #1 for who knows what reason. So I tell ex #2 what happened and he plainly states his hatred for the first one. Now me and ex #2 are much better friends then the first. He is always there for me and we were together about 6ish months. And we were VERY close like we need everything about each other and the only reason it was broken off was because of me meeting somebody else in person. It was a long distance one I didn't see working out with ex #2 so I just told him I loved him but found live from a different person.

    Anyways ex #2 said some stingy things this same day and goes off about threesomes and cuz I'm bi I should have no reason not to be into it. Then he says without any sensisitivity 'how do you feel about god thinking you are damned and going to hell?' This got to me, because I mean I'm athiest but all my family is religious and he is too. So I had a realization maybe everybody thinks I'm just trash now. He then goes off about how I could be a bad person, I get angry, and he tries to apologize but I don't know how I should be dealing with these things. Do I let people walk on me too much? Should I just move on and find better people instead of clinging to these people? Maybe they just make mistakes like the rest of us. I don't know. How do you feel about this?
  2. resu

    Advisor Full Member

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Oklahoma City
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    Out Status:
    Some people
    So you have the blind man and the one eyed man, lol. Not everyone thinks your trash. Just ignorant people. Remember these guys are your exes for a reason! Actually, I don't know why you still talk to them if they treat you so badly. Don't cling to them. Other people make mistakes, but they know how to avoid gross mistakes like these.

    I think you know by just posting this thread you deserve more respect than these two guys are giving you. Hanging out with people who respect you (and who may be LGBT themselves - unfortunately even some homosexuals are ignorant about bisexuality) is a very beneficial thing for your wellbeing.