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Advice/Experiences: Crush on a Straight Friend?

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by mina239, Sep 2, 2015.

  1. mina239

    Regular Member

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    Hi :slight_smile:

    Would love to hear experiences or thoughts on situations that you've possibly experienced like this? Or advice in general

    For starters I'm Bisexual but I haven't told anyone yet since I haven't found the right moment yet.

    I've been friends with this girl for just over 3 years now and she's one of my closest friends. I just don't know what to do, I'm so confused right now.
    Basically I've liked her since late last year and it still hasn't gone away even when I've tried to move on from her. (doesn't help that I see and talk to her every day).
    I am prettyyyy sure she is straight for a few good reasons but there have been things that happen between us that make me even more confused.

    There are times when i have like touched her (for example resting my chin on her shoulder) and she'll laugh and then say "That felt really intimate ahahaha". There have been other times when she's said stuff like that when I do those things (usually in a friendly way rather than intentionally romantic) whereas she won't say that when our other friends have contact with her like that. It's almost as if she's aware of this sort of tension between us when this happens so she feels uncomfortable? Like she feels like it's a "more than friends" gesture even though it wasn't intended to be? I'm not sure.

    But yeah, we are practically the same person, we have the exact same interests and we talk every day (at school and when we get home on messenger).
    It sucks because I know that if either of us were a guy, then we would have been dating already since we have this sort of connection/bond in our friendship that I feel is much more meaningful than with my other friends. I feel weirdly protective over her, when she has problems i'll take them fully seriously and try to sort them out with her and give advice etc.

    I know that this is impossible, and I know that telling her these feelings would ruin our amazing friendship... But I just have this small feeling that maybe she feels the same way.

    Sorry this is all over the place but I'll try and sum up my main questions:
    What should I do? How can I get over her? How would I know if she felt the same way without making things weird?

    Thanks :slight_smile:
  2. Connorcode

    Connorcode Guest

    Oh, I've got experience all right.

    If she isn't showing you any clear signs - constant touching, being intimate and involved with you - I'd leave it as a close friendship. She sounds like someone you could come out to, but whether that comes across as you expressing an interest in her (or not) is up to you.
    If you don't want to come out, try and spend more time with others so you aren't necessarily seeing her all the time but make sure you keep up this valuable and strong friendship you have with her.

    This is, of course, just advice, so take it or leave it as you will.
    Best of luck to you
  3. mina239

    Regular Member

    Oct 25, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Not out at all
    Thank you so much!
    This has helped a lot actually, I think that I might come out to her at some point and then see what happens from there.
  4. Superconffused

    Regular Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Oh yeah I've got an expirence. It was a while ago I was about 13 lol. I was at this soccer tournament. I was asked by the upper level team to play in this tournament. This boy who was barely younger than at 12 was pretty mature for his age but anyways. Well we made it to the hotel and immediately he befriended. When the team would go out he would always be next to me. Once we got more comfortable he. REALLY gave me signs of being gay. He was very much the jokester guy and he would get laughs but everyone thought he was gay for sure. He would touch everyone like grab their chest and comment on their bodies. But with me with was way different. He would say like say you love me. And I would be like no. He would say it out loud with my parents standing right there!! When we went bowling he would lay on my arm and grab my waist n shit. The one big indicator. Remember was we were in the jaccuzi and kinda secluted from the group but still there and he reached in my pants through the legs and asked me if I wanted him to keep going like the nervous game. I stupidly said stop when touched my pubes (should have let him feel the snake ). I was very much expirementing and curious at this time, bi now, and I thought he was really cute. He was like Latino and asian with a nice smile and big ass and had light skin!! But yeah I let it go on for the whole tournament, we won btw, and like a couple weeks after we got to text. We had texted often up until this point. The subject got to body parts and he was telling me how my arms were big asf and I had abs. I said you have good cavs. So I took it a bit further and said I'll send a picture of me arms for your cavs. We did it. Turned into the nervous game. You may be able to see where this is going. I ended up sending him a dick pic and he like freaked out I think?? He was like "whose dick is that bruh!!" I said I pulled it off the internet and he was like no cause u got your shorts in there and I was like yeah it's me. Don't remember much of the rest of the convo but yeah that probably killed the relationship. But what scared me is that I thought he would tell everyone about it but he didn't so he was trustworthy. We don't talk to this day and we never talked about it after it happen. He has a girlfriend of two year I think so good for him but I think he is bi lol. Looking back on it it's really really funny cause I swore I would never ever fall for another one of my friend I thought was straight but it happened and is happening as of right now . It's tough but I guess that's my type! If you want to read more about my current situation yo can go to my blog I wrote a lil something about it.