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Chess game

Discussion in 'Fun and Games' started by Minnie, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. Minnie

    Regular Member

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Scotland, UK
    Best played if you have a chess board to hand.
    Each post is the next move of the game, regardless of which colour is to play. For example, if I played as black then the next person to post must play as white, and the person after them must play black etc.
    A problem with this game is that if it kicks off it will end up very long and so people posting later in the game won't know at a glance the set-up of the board. That's why every once in a while someone might want to use this template at the end of their move. The legend is:

    Piece White Black
    Rook r R
    Knight h H
    Bishop b B
    King k K
    Queen q Q
    Pawn p P

    Empty spaces are marked with *
    Here's the template:

    |P|P |P|P|P |P|P|P|
    |*|* |*|*|* |*|*|*|
    |*|* |*|*|* |*|*|*|
    |*|* |*|*|* |*|*|*|
    |*|* |*|*|* |*|*|*|
    |p|p |p|p|p |p|p|p|
    |r|h |b|q|k |b|h|r |

    An example of a move would be knight B1 to C3. You should also state when a king is in check (CHECK), a piece has been taken (eg Rook C3 takes Queen C6), when you castle (Castle, King to ..., Rook to ...) and when you promote a pawn (eg PROMOTE PAWN TO QUEEN).
    #1 Minnie, Dec 29, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014