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What to do? What am I?

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by XingSarangBi, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. XingSarangBi

    XingSarangBi Guest

    Please help...
    I'm only 15...and have never had any relationships...until very recently... I've always thought the first person I'd date would be a guy...but I stand corrected. I have a friend whom I love...We're not exactly dating but it's basically the same thing...except of course we can't show our affection at school...or home...or anywhere not private. She's not exactly a homosexual either she might be a bisexual I don't know because she won't accept jt... Anywho, all I know is I might or do like guys as well but can'tvbe sure as I have not experienced anything yet...but I know for sure I love her and she says she loves me too. It's hard for me to accept it but...and one more thing is I've never been attracted to girls except her so if she leaves me that may not even happen again...so am I a bisexual? Or what...? I don't know... I don't care that MUCH about the label but if I were to be a bisexual I don't think I would EVER tell my parents...and I only have a year and 8 or so months with this friend that I'm in love with...I don't kniw what to think. Anymore.... Help anyone? :':slight_smile:tears:
  2. XingSarangBi

    XingSarangBi Guest

    Sorry...wrong forum... I don't even know how to delete it. *new member*