
Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Danny19, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Danny19

    Full Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Los Angeles
    ok so since i got out of school i havent been motivated to do anything. I used to go to the gym 4 times a week and now i go like once. and this is making me feel bad. I was doing good in getting in shape and i would feel good. now i just feel like shit and its a pain to even get dressed to get to the gym.. Im starting to gain weight and i dont wanna get any fatter. Im just starting to feel more uncomfortable with my body. I feel like everything i wear looks bad. i have a lot of clothes that are starting to not fit so thats bad..anyways my question is how the heck can i get motivated to go to the gym. i really wanna go again and start out fresh 5 times a week. What do you guys recommend?

    also i need to start eating healthy. Before i had will power to say no to junk food and soda. and i drank 2 liters of water every day. now i hardly drink 500ml in a day which is really bad. and i eat watever. do you guys have any tips?? i really need to get into shape by the end of the year. not all sexy abs status, but like lose around 20-30 by the end of this year. help porfavooooor!!!!! :bang::help:
  2. Colosses

    Colosses Guest

    Jun 12, 2011
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    san antonio Tx
    Sexual Orientation:
    hm will i wood eat froot insted of junck food but i cant do that all the time b/c most of my family r fat assis iso we dont eat froot oftin so it macks it hard to not be kind of fat :icon_sad: i wood also have a prob:icon_sad: going to the gym so what i wood do is just keep going and it will son be a day to day rutten. good luck:thumbsup:
  3. Gumtree

    Full Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Sydney - Australia
    There's no motivator like weight gain!

    Every act is a direct decision, so when it comes down to it, stop and think about them more, try not to let your immediate emotions get in the way.

    Laziness is a chronic disease I suffer from I'm sure, but I've found the best way to overcome it is to try and rationalise my decisions.

    When I'm laying in bed and it's midday, and I'm making the decision to stay in bed because I'm 'tired', I stop, breath, then ask myself "Am I going to regret this decision tomorrow, and do I actually want to do something else more, or just want to not go to the gym".
  4. Rikudo

    Full Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Actually it's fine that you have slip ups from time to time it just means your human. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    Sounds like you already know what you need to do. Now you simply have take the dive and once you get into the habit of going to gym and eating healthy it'll become second nature.

    Good luck.
  5. Tracy Lord

    Full Member

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Having a work out partner makes it easier. If you don't have a work out partner, message boards are great motivation; I used to frequent one several years ago when I was first trying to get back into shape after a back injury. You post your work outs and what not. Having that made me feel a bit more accountable.

    It would be cool if we could do that here....
  6. Kidd

    Kidd Guest

    Just do it. If you do the work and bear the pain and everything else you will get the results you want eventually. I run three times a week in the mornings before work and I know how you feel but I don't even give myself the option of not going. It's something I HAVE to do. Everything else that I want to do I won't let myself do until after my run. It's that simple, really. You have to make it a priority. Google some thinspiration and look at it occasionally.

    As far as eating healthy goes, it isn't that hard either. Don't eat junk food and if you do, measure out the portions in a paper cup or something so you don't overeat. Eat fruit, vegetables, and lean meats, and take a multi-vitamin too.

    Eventually it will become second nature and you won't have to worry about it anymore.
  7. TheEdend

    TheEdend Guest

    I think the main problem here is that you are giving yourself too big of a goal to start with and then when you can't accomplish it your self-esteem takes a hit and then you start doing it even less.

    Same thing happens to me with multiple things and the best way to get around it is to brake your final goal (to lose weight) into smaller goals.

    For example, instead of saying "I'm going to go to the gym every single day from now on" try smaller goals like "I'm going to go to the gym every tues and friday at a set time for 2 weeks straight." Then from there you take it to another step and you add a third day. That way you start reaching your final goal, you build your confidence each time you complete a small goal and you are more likely to reach your end goal.

    At least that's what works for me. Good luck! :slight_smile:
  8. Danny19

    Full Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Los Angeles
    Thank you all for taking the time to answer this.. i think all of you have some pretty good answers and tips that i should definitely try..

    and this...
    thanks however thats how i started. i have been working out since march and i started like this. 2 days then 3 and then 4, but since i got out of school i havent added any or even gone.. its depressing..uugh
  9. Nat3

    Nat3 Guest

    Go with a friend and motivate each other? Get one of ur bossy friends. They are the worst on "get ur ass moving".=P
  10. TheEdend

    TheEdend Guest

    Then start all over again if you have to. You already know that you can do it since you have done it already and now its only a matter of forcing yourself to do it :slight_smile: Don't wait until you get the motivation. Just force yourself.

    If you are a procrastinator, like myself, then it will be that much more harder to force yourself to do something, but keep it it. If you think procrastinating is a hard problem then I would suggest you get a book to help you stop little by little.