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Married guy committed to staying with wife

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by callahac, Jan 9, 2012.

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  1. callahac

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    Jan 9, 2012
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    Hi. I am a gay man married to a woman. We have been together for 20 years, of which we have been married for 16 years. For years she suspected I was gay (in fact I later learned she knew I was when we first met), and then I finally came out to her a couple of years ago. Anyway after all the anger, and tears subsided we have been able ot talk about the situation rationally. We have had a tough life, and she also has seperation issues- her father died when she was a teenager and we lost a son when he was three months old. She is afraid of losing her husband. I assured her that I would not leave her, and continue to assure her. The problem is I really do not feel complete- I do know that I need to have gay sex, I fantasize and dream about it all the time. When I try to block the feelings it works for a while and then just comes back stronger. I have been dealing with my homosexuality since I was a teenager and was successful enough for a while to block the thoughts, fall in love with a woman, and get married. As I am getting older though, the need is getting stronger.

    So I do not know what to do. I am a man of my word, and I will not leave her, unless she asked me to. At the same time sex with her is difficult as I need to think of a man while in the act, so I try to avoid sex at all possible. She knows this and will tell me to fantasize about a guy to complete the act. But is this fair to either one of us? I also wonder how long I can keep this up. Eventually thinking about a man isn't going to do it, and I worry about the day when I can't stay aroused. The day that happens I know she will feel rejected and her self esteem will plummet.

    I love her to death, we are the best of friends, and she is my soul mate. Our life is perfect in every other regard, except that we both know that I am gay and that cannot change. I am really struggling with whether this was the right decision, and I feel like there are no good solutions. Has anyone made a mixed orientation marriage work here?
  2. MommaFrog

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    Oct 23, 2011
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    I think maybe you need to explore sex outside of the marriage. Both of you. Live together, sleep in the same bed at night, continue normally, and perhaps just... have someone on the side. I know that sounds hard and unthinkable at first, but it might save your sanity....
  3. callahac

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    Jan 9, 2012
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    Thanks, I have thought about it, and discussed it with her when I first came out. She said she couldn't live with it. I know it sounds selfish, but I don't know if I could live with her being with another man. Crazy right? After all she does deserve a man that can lust after her like the beautiful woman she is, but at them same time I can't picture it. As for me I desperately need to feel sex with a man again. Would love the idead of a buddy I could meet with. But she says absolutely never. She says it would destroy the marriage. Speaking of marriage I have two young kids that absolutely worship me. That is another thing that weighs on me.
  4. KneeDragger

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    Sep 8, 2009
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    My wife and I went through this a couple of years ago, but she didn't put any kind of demand on me as far as staying around. I went to a therapist to discuss the situation. The therapist agreed with me that I needed to divorce in order to complete my life. I wasn't doing her any favors by staying around. We were both very unhappy. Even though we aren't together any longer, we are actually happier and closer now than we were.

    I suggest you two speak to a therapist about this. Maybe you can work some sort of agreement out in order to stay together. Maybe not. Either way, the therapist will help you both through this. You each need to agree on what the ground rules will be. Continuing on as you have been is only going to make you more unhappy and that will cause her to be unhappy as well.
  5. callahac

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    Jan 9, 2012
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    Thanks for the reply. Food for thought. Thing is right now we are very happy. I'm pretty sure she is- but then you never know. And I am happy with everything, it's just I know in my heart I need to have time with a man.
  6. Lexington

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    Dec 20, 2007
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    Well, in a plain brown wrapper, here are your options.

    1. Stay with your wife and remain monogamous with her.
    2. Stay with your wife, and let her know you'll be seeing guys on the side.
    3. Stay with your wife, and don't let her know you'll be seeing guys on the side...while seeing guys on the side.
    4. Leave your wife.

    Right now, you're sticking with 1. And although you say you're happy, you also say you're going to need to have sex with a guy.

    You've decided you can't abide leaving her, and that she couldn't handle you getting divorced. That eliminates 4.

    You say you've discussed seeing guys on the side, but she says she couldn't bear that. That eliminates 2.

    That leaves 3.

  7. summersforecast

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    Dec 12, 2008
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    It might seem selfish, but it obvious to me that you have no choice but to divorce her. It doesn't mean that you have to cut ties, just give yourself a chance to explore romance with a man. You can still spend quality time with her and your children, but the current situation isn't fair to you. You need the opportunity to have the life that wasn't allotted to you in your younger days. If you don't grasp life, you won't have one. Sincerely,

    Selfish Carl
  8. JamesD

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    Jun 11, 2011
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    I was in a similar situation. I came out to my wife fIve years ago. We've been tOgether 17 years. We tried the whole "make it work" thing but I felt many of the similar things you seem to feel. Ultimately we dEcided to get a divorce - on very friendly terms. We're still good friends and available for support and companionship. But we're both entitled I think to have a mutually loving (emotional and physical) relationship with someone who is of the same orientation. It hurts. It's hard. But in the long run we decided a divorce was really the right thighs for us both.
    #8 JamesD, Jan 9, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2012
  9. Robert

    Robert Guest

    Jun 7, 2011
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    You're fooling yourself.

    Just a friendly warning.
  10. Bedroom Hymns

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    Dec 11, 2011
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    Lex is so good at giving advice :thumbsup:.
  11. nydtc

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    Mar 28, 2010
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    I think you doing each other a disservice. You want to be with men. She deserves passion and lust ( as do you) and get you can't fundamentally give each other what the other needs. Will it be painful - sure, but in the end you should both be able to live the lives you need and deserve.
    As to the separation issues - I am sorry but she is using past events to hold a gun to your head. Is it sad that her Dad died when she was young, yes so did mine ( and my mom) but you have to deal and move on with life.
    Best of luck
  12. insidehappy

    insidehappy Guest

    i have no experience on this but i would say her self esteem is really down internally anyway if she tells you to think of a man to complete the act. its clear you both love each other but it would be a different story if you had faint sexual attractions to men. it seems stronger than that.

    there are two schools of thought on this when it comes to marriage. some say, you took a vow, and that you should stick together no matter what and even if you were straight you would have attractions to other women but it wouldn't mean you should go out and have sex with them or leave your wife for someone else you may have become attracted to. for many people in this school of thought, there is no such thing as divorce unless its under some pretty extreme circumstances.

    the other school of thought says, that you married her and weren't truly honest with yourself of your real interests. now those interests have awaken and you would be doing yoruself and your wife a disservice to stay in teh marriage as it is because both parties aren't truly getting fulfilled, this school would advocate for you to separate before you cheat and release each other to live your own lives now as you may have wanted to live them.

    the other school of thoughts would suggest cousnelling: is this something you both can work through? this school recommends not burying the issues as tho it is not real, but face it head on with counseling so you can work through it. unfortunately or fortunately, you will not stop liking guys. so there's not really anything you can do about this.

    from what i have read on here. some marriages stick it out and either stop having sex or the sex is rekindled and still works. other marriages divorce. some people have an "open marriage" where they stay together for appearances and each party is allowed to have anotehr relationship outside the marriage. i say the best thing to do is really figure out what you want and what your wife wants and try to find a solution that works for your situation.
  13. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    Both of you are in a tough spot. Part of her issue is that the (not so great) present situation feels "safe" and going away from that and into an unknown future, particularly if she's suffered previous losses, probably seems pretty daunting and scary to her.

    But it really isn't reasonable (nor healthy for her) for her to be asking you to fantasize about a guy while having sex with her so you can have sex. That's got to be pretty humiliating for her at some level, whether she owns it or not, and it isn't healthy for you either.

    Likewise, as others have said, both of you deserve someone that you can each love and care for intimately. While you can be best of friends and continue to keep the strong connection you have with each other for a lifetime, both of you do deserve a more fulfilling life.

    My go-to-suggestion here is to get a copy of Joe Kort's amazing "Ten Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Find Real Love" which is out of print, but used copies are available on Bookfinder.com, and new large-print editions are still in print at Amazon. This book, is not really about finding real love, but about finding and understanding yourself. It has several chapters that discuss the problems of heterosexually married gay men and I think you will find it very helpful.

    I would also strongly suggest that you both seek counseling. Each of you would benefit from individual therapy, but it would also be helpful to have some sessions together. I think that once she gets past her fears and the issues in her past that contribute to the fear of abandonment, you'll both get to a place where you can amicably come to agreement about how to proceed in a way that's healthy for both of you.

    As Lex pointed out, the only other real option is to have hookups with guys and not tell her, and that would be both really harmful to her, and would put you out of integrity with yourself, and you don't want either of those, so that pretty much leaves one of the other alternatives.

    I know this is tough, but I also know that both of you can come out of it feeling OK and, as long as both of you work at it, can maintain the friendship and emotional bond you've developed over the years.
  14. callahac

    Regular Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Chip and Inside Happy you both make very good points that I have thought about. One, is I know she has self esteem issues, for one she has psorasis, and two she has gained some weight since having kids. To me I think she looks beautiful and couldn't imagine any man not desiring her, but she is constants upset with the way she looks. So I think to myself how does she truly feel about telling me to fantasize about men, to use a dildo on me to keep me aroused, and the fact that I have a treasure trove of gay porn on the PC and on DVD. She says she is comfortable with it, but my guy tells me it must be killing her inside.

    As for the loss issue. It is very strong, and I don't blame her. I've tried to tell her that death is a part of life and that she should just treasurethe memories instead of dwelling on the loss. Nevertheless she still dwells on the loss, and I know she is scared to death of lossing me either to death or another man.

    I do truly love her, and am willing to do what it takes, but I sense that deep down inside this is not what she wants. Althoug h do find it strange that she said she knew I was gay from the day she met me. If so, why the heck did she date me and then marry me?
  15. Tracker57

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    Nov 20, 2011
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    I left you a post on your wall. I am in a similar situation but because of a death in the family, I can't write in detail. I'm gay, married to my best friend, and plan to stay married. The sex issues are being worked out with the help of a counselor. More to come. Hang in there.
  16. callahac

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    Jan 9, 2012
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    Chip, I don't want to do this, although the urge to do so is overwelming at times, really overwelming....I've come close on a number of occasssions and stopped myself at the last minute. I think I would just feel like such a piece of garbage.
  17. nydtc

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    Mar 28, 2010
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    What about things other then sex??.. Could you find a way to met your sexual needs sure but what about your other needs?
    I get that both love each other as friends/ former spouses etc but you are denying yourself the chance to be 100 percent yourself with a partner that understand/ accepts and can Embrace the true you.
    Is it possible that you like to current set up becuase it doesn't change things for the general publics eyes?
  18. callahac

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    Jan 9, 2012
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    Yes, that is definitely part of it I think, I really am not up for all the tumult if we did break up and yes I do worry about what people would think, afterall everyone has always said we are the perfect couple. I don't think she is either. So yes we are comfortable with the current arrangement, because makes life easier, no doubt about it.

    To be honest, I also have never pictured myself living with another man. Maybe it is social conditioning from when I was a boy that men don't fall in love with one another. All I know is throughout my teens I fantasized about men. The times I had gay sex were awesome. In fact I often think my first time. It was so exciting that it still gives me a rush today when I think about it. So maybe I am nuts, but my emotional needs are being met right now, at least as far as I know they are.
  19. EM68

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    Jun 19, 2008
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    I think Chip's advice is spot on. I think you both need to see therapists. Even though right now both of you seem to be happy with your lives together, there seems to be the elephant in the room, that you are gay. The fact that your wife wants you to fantasize about men when you both have sex is not healthy for either one of you. When you have sex you should be just thinking of each other.

    I hate to say it but I think in the long run you both would be happier if you were separated. It won't be an easy process but its something that I think you two need to consider.
  20. callahac

    Regular Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I know it's not healthy. I can't help but think that it is killing her self esteem. I often wonder why she keeps doing it. I wonder if she loves me so much that she will do whatever it takes to please me or is she just doing it to keep me in the relationship, or is she jsut doing it so that I maintain my erection so she can jsut get off? I don't know, and we have never talked about it. But it eats at me. I am afraid of what is going ot happen when the dirty talk and the sex toys she has bought for me, i.e. dildos, won't help anymore. There have been a few instantance where I couldn't keep an erection, but thnakfully we had both been drinking so I was able to attribute it to that.One day I won't be so lucky.

    The other thing I should note is we only have sex once a month if that. Sometimes we have gone months. Young kids, stress and long hours at work are part of the problem, but I also use it as cover. I'm happy about it because it takes the pressure off me.

    ---------- Post added 10th Jan 2012 at 11:19 AM ----------


    I know that I am a bit of a mess
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