Should I go for it?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Azza, May 11, 2012.

  1. Azza

    Full Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    I'm having a bit of a guy problem at the moment, about a month ago me and this guy I liked had a sexual encounter at a party, that he initiated. I asked him if he wanted to talk about it and he said no "But is was nice". Anyway since then he's been pretty much ignoring me. He'll walk right past me in school and not even look at me, hell he's been pretty reclusive and has stopped talking to all my friends. Basically he is making quite a bit of effort to make zero contact with me :icon_sad: To be honest I was pretty annoyed about his unwillingness to talk about it and have not been talking to him much either. My friend convinced me to talk to him and he talked back but left pretty quickly and I don't like the idea of putting effort into someone who won't put any into me. He's definitely gay and both my friends agree with me on this but honestly I think he is quite a long way from accepting that.
    This isn't really a question of whether he likes me because based off past events he did, I do not know how much but he did. Now here's my problem I want to get over him because he's been pretty crappy towards me for the past month but I can't unless I know nothing could have ever happened between us. I am just wondering if I should just send him this message and see his response:

    "A, Ideally I'd do this in person but you're ignoring me and everything so I just need to say this to you. Stuff happened between us and you didn't want to talk about it so I backed off, that doesn't give you a licence to blank me, make me feel like rubbish and act like nothing ever happened between us. You made me feel like it was something I had done, that I wasn't good enough but I'm not the issue here you are. I have no idea how strong your feelings were for me but they were there and don't deny that although I guess now you probably don't give one. I just want you to know that for some reason I don't understand I still give a crap about you. Put simply I STILL like you. Don't know how'll you'll react to this and don't feel you have to, no need to start replying to the stuff I say now! I just had to say it or else I'd never get over you... anyways have a good life. :slight_smile:"

  2. super confused

    Full Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    Good for you. You deserve to get past it, and I feel like no one deserves to be treated like that.