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Am I working out hard enough/frequently enough?

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Fiender, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. Fiender

    Full Member

    Nov 25, 2007
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    Rochester, NY
    How much should I work out, if I want to increase my muscle-mass?

    Right now, I work out every-other day. Each work out I do :
    *30+ sit ups; I

    *lift 15lb weights with each arm about 10-20 times and I do

    *something called a 'shoulder press' that I heard about, where I lift my weights (same 15lb ones) straight up about 10 times before holding them up for about a minute.

    I try to eat as much protein as I can.
    BTW, this isn't a "I'vebeenworkingoutforfivedaysandimnotseeingresults" topic. I just want to know if this is enough.

    other health stuff:
    5' 10"
    155 lbs
  2. Janvier

    Full Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    You've got the basics : working out every other day - doing 8-12 reps - eating lots of protein.
    If you want to put on more mass faster I suggest you use heavier weights, I'm guessing you're using dumbells, I used (can't work out anymore :frowning2:) a barbell with up to 40kg (70-80lb ??) any I put on quite fast. Lighter weights are great for fitness but not bodybuilding.
    You should also alternate exercizes, working only on the same muscle (group) isn't the best technique.
    Like, if you gain mass on you biceps, don't forget your triceps, shoulders and lats; if you working on your abs, don't forget you're back, pecs and deltoids; if you work out on your upper-body, do not forget your legs :icon_wink
  3. sdc91

    Full Member

    Nov 17, 2007
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    The Castro, San Francisco, California
    Don't forget about pushups, pullups, crunches, and leg raises. They helped me a lot a year ago.
  4. BeautifulStranger

    Full Member

    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    Don't get frustrated if you don't see results though

    I worked out for over 2 years every other day for 2 hours at 5:30 before school, and I don't have much to show for it. Except now I can run long distances thanks to hours spent on a treadmill.
  5. Jim1454

    Full Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    There are SO many exercises you can do... and as mentioned above, variety is important. I only started to do that kind of workout recently, and I had my bf act as my trainer. It's important to do these right - otherwise you don't get any benefit from them, or worse, you can hurt yourself.

    So I'd recommend either joining a gym where someone could offer advice, or ask one of your friends who already works out if you could join them. It's way more fun to do it with someone else anyway.

    Good luck!
  6. EM68

    Full Member

    Jun 19, 2008
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    Stoughton, Massachusetts USA
    Everyone has give some great advise. One thing I would suggest is that you start off slow and stretch before and after you workout. That way you do not get hurt at all.
  7. KaraBulut

    Full Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    If your goal is to add mass, there are a few things you're going to need to do:

    1. You'll need to work on basic strength "core" exercises. Basic exercises (often called 'calesthenics') will help develop strength in your back, shoulders and abdomen. Don't underestimate the importance of core strength and flexibility. Strengthening these areas will help you lift more weight and will help prevent injury by strengthening the muscles around your spine, in your shoulders and trunk.
    2. You need to do more variety of exercises. Guys have a tendency to focus on their arms (bicep curls) or their chest (bench press). Muscle mass comes from resistance and challenging your muscles with variety and weight. So, if you want to add mass then you'll need to work different muscle groups on different days and you'll want to do a variety of exercises.
    3. Eat right. Most young guys can get away with eating just about anything but to develop mass, you need to eat quality food in more frequent meals. This means eating protein (meats, cheese, eggs, milk, etc) in 3 meals and with a snack between the meals (in other words, you eat 5-6 times per day). Avoid junk food and "empty calories".
    4. Educate yourself, join a gym and if you can- hire a trainer for a couple of sessions. Everybody has a slightly different body and metabolism. What works for someone else might not work for you. A trainer can give you objective advise about your strong points and help you find exercises that work your weak areas.
    5. Set goals. Guys who have good bodies at the gym can tell you why they're there- they go to the gym knowing what they want to work out and what they want to accomplish. It's very easy to get discouraged and setting goals for yourself will help avoid the boredom and procrastination that is everyone's enemy when it comes to working out.

    When I first started working out years ago, a friend recommended Bob Paris' book Flawless which is good. There are many other good books that are out there, like Body for Life or The Book of Muscle.
  8. Matty

    Full Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    New England, USA
    This is a great thread with advice, thank you everyone!

    I, like the original poster, am hoping to build muscle. I am healthy and slim, but I want to have a stronger body. Again thanks to everyone.