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On the Verge of being Overweight

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Kr4d105s1, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Kr4d105s1

    Regular Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I’ve stayed the same 123Ibs ± 2Ibs for over a year and I want to lose weight. I am a 16 and 10 months old female currently attending high school. I’m Chinese and 5’1”.

    Over the course of a year I’ve reduced my portion sizes, stopped drinking juices and flavored drinks, and started to watch what I eat by avoiding processed foods. However, I am still the same weight. According to BMI I am on the border of being overweight. Last year my doctor mentioned that we might have to discuss my diet if I gain any more weight. We never talked about my weight afterwards, but this made me very concerned about my body image and I feel like I should discuss my weight with my doctor. In addition, there are several people who differentiate between my identical twin and me by marking me the bulkier one. I know that I am fatter, but I am also more muscular. I want to increase my muscle mass so I am visually stronger instead of just being fatter. I understand that I’ll need to lower my body fat percentage and gain muscle for this to happen. I’ve researched online and read articles on bodybuilding.com, but it would help to get advice from real, living people.

    Rather than advice on what not to eat, I want to know what I should be eating. For example, is unsweetened oatmeal a good breakfast or should I eat a banana instead?
    There are several threads that deal with exercise, fat loss, and muscle gain; however, I’ve yet to find any information here or anywhere else that deals with Asian diets. I’m Chinese and our staple is white rice. Is anyone experienced in suggesting alternative types of rice? I feel wrong trying to change my entire family’s diet to accommodate myself. I also need help telling my mom to stop buying snacks and empty carbs. She likes her snacks, but it makes me eat unnecessary calories. Another difficulty is I don’t seem to be getting lean protein. Pork, fish and chicken thigh are the three main types of meat my mom cooks. It is a main part of Chinese cuisine, but how I do I recommend leaner meats? Do I not say anything and simply avoid eating it? I don’t feel right changing my family’s diet.

    My goal is to lose weight, lose fat, and gain muscle. I currently play varsity badminton and I’m in a strength and conditioning class at school. This is all the exercise I get in one day and I don’t have time or access to a gym outside of school. I don’t know how to gain muscle. I fear overworking during class and not being able to function normally at badminton training and competition due to sore muscles. Should I just focus on losing my fat first? But, muscle will increase my metabolism and that is what I want. I could also just run and do cardio. Is this a better choice? I am looking to minimize my hips, strengthen my arms and lose fat on my stomach, butt and thighs. I never understood why some girls fear working out will make them ‘bulky’. There’s a reason why I’m looking to build muscle.

    If you read and understood my disorganized writing, I congratulate you and thank you for any advice you can give.
