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kinda gross t.m.i

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by flyinhernikes, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. i know its gross, but yeah. if youre not a woman then prob good not to read anymore.

    okay, its about discharge.
    i know gross lol but idk what to do.

    i know every woman is different. mine its quite heavy, like it never used to be only about 2 years ago i started noticing it more because it felt horrid like i was constantly on my period, you know that feeling like youre peeing because of whats coming away yeah well that but with discharge :|

    i use pads and when im not on i dont want to have to wear liners because i want to be able to breathe if you get me? i have used liners before for a few weeks but it started rubbing against me and making me sore i think because i was constantly having something underneath me.... aswell as using pads when i was on.

    anyone have any suggestions of what i can use/do?
    any suggestions for something soft on your skin that doesnt irritate it.
    awkward and gross, sorry :|
  2. PurpleCrab

    Full Member

    Mar 10, 2012
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    Sherbrooke, QC Canada
    It's not awkward or gross, to me, anyway. I guess having a kid and going to the gyn so much had me desensitized to that topic.

    Maybe you haven't yet found the type of pads/liners that don't irritate you? Try different types? Look for adjectives of the boxes that describes it being soft, for sensitive skin.
    Also, eventually your skin will get used to the liners and you will not notice it anymore.
    Maybe it's your type of underwear that's not quite right? When you walk, does it rub on you? Because it shouldn't. It should just be laying there, snug against your body without being too tight.

    ALSO I've seen a new type of underwear sold in a drugstore in my area, not sure where else they sell it; the underpart is made of soft cotton and is tick enough that it works as a liner. You just put it to wash at the end of your day.

    I also need to add that if you suddenly have a major change in your discharges you should go get it checked out just in case (by a doctor).
  3. Eleanor Rigby

    Full Member

    Feb 21, 2009
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    Hi there,

    well, the first thing to do would probably check with your doctor or your gynecologist that everything is fine. When vaginal discharge is changing of aspect, that's sometimes because of a yeast infection (the discharge can get thicker, white or yellowish, with the consistency of cottage cheese, and smells).
    Yeast infections sometimes itch like hell but sometimes don't (according to the kind of yeast infection it is), so it's always better to check with your doctor and eventually to get a smear test to be sure there isn't anything wrong going on.
    But some women also have very important discharge without having any problems at all (me for instance).
    I know very well this feeling of being constantly wet and it's very not a nice feeling. The first thing I would suggest is to wear cotton underwear instead of underwear made in synthetic fiber. It would let your genitals "breathe" more (so to speak) and would prevent you from developing yeast infection that flourish in moisture.
    An other thing you can do is to buy menstrual cups (or even better, disposable menstrual cups). If you don't know what a menstrual cup is and how it works, I'm attaching a diagram. Basically, a menstrual cup is a soft container made of medical silicone that you're introducing up to your vagina during your period to catch the blood flow. Every 4 hours or so depending on your blood flow) you take out the cup, empty it, clean it and put it back in place. A disposable cup works the same except that you have to change it regularly when a menstrual cup can be used several years.
    I know it looks scary at first, but it's very simple to use. Personally, I even use a small menstrual cup when I'm not on my period to catch the discharge. Before that, I used to put a small cotton ball inside my vagina, but that wasn't as effective and sometimes uncomfortable.
    It's a bit restrictive, but for me it works better than wearing a panty liner (or use a cotton ball) and more comfortable than doing nothing.
    Still, talk about it to your doctor first. They may have better ideas than I do.

    Take care, Cécile

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