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Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by BelleLey, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. BelleLey

    BelleLey Guest

    I'm 23 and i've never been with anyone. I'm questioning wheter i'm gay or not. I know that sometimes when i see two women kissing in a movie i have butterflies. Also I check on women a lot lately. But other than that i don't know who i'm attracted to. I know that my family would be ok with me being a lesbian, the problem really is that i overthink everything. I have hard time goint out and socialize, and i'm scared that after 23 years without even being kissed i've become too shy to dare doing anything. I know I have to stop pressuring myself, all good things come in time, i guess.
    Hope you understood everything, english is not my native language.
  2. WhoAmI26

    Regular Member

    Jul 7, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:

    As someone at age 26 who is also questioning, I came in to say that you should not worry about "starting too late." Try opening yourself up to some friends and going out sometimes. If you're experiencing social anxiety, consider seeing a therapist that can help you overcome that. But please do not think that you are running out of time or harbor any thoughts of that nature, you have plenty of time to discover who you are and to build relationships with people!

    I overthink things a lot too, but you shouldn't discount any thoughts you have about women. Don't jump to any hard and fast conclusions, but rather indulge your curiosity and let yourself lead the way.
  3. BelleLey

    BelleLey Guest

    I'm going to try this summer to get out more and not think to much before i do anything because it certainly doens't help. Thanks for the reply WhoAmI26 !
  4. WhoAmI26

    Regular Member

    Jul 7, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    No problem. I also noticed that your mood is "depressed." When I've had bouts of anxiety and depression, getting out and doing something helps a lot because it's a distraction. It doesn't have to be with friends, but that helps a lot. Maybe take a walk somewhere, or grab a pair or rollerblades and skate, or something similar.
  5. BelleLey

    BelleLey Guest

    I just went for a walk and I do feel a little beller, thank you for the advice.
  6. WhoAmI26

    Regular Member

    Jul 7, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Cool! Check out what's going on in your area. There are probably groups or charity work nearby that will have like-minded individuals. More contact with people like that will both satisfy your desire to be a part of something and may help you explore your true attractions.
  7. volvo6x

    Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    Did you have crush on anybody? How are your feeling toward your friends?
    So if you're not experiencing any of these, it could turn out to be good for you, questioning too much just cause more confusion, overanalyzing and depression. Personally, I would not recommend you actively seek out or contemplate any answer for your question? Just live the life you felt comfortable and happy with, the answer would naturally revealed itself to you. :icon_bigg
  8. BelleLey

    BelleLey Guest

    Never really had a crush on anybody, don't have much friend i'm kind of a loner. Well i do have a BFF, a girl, but i've never felt anything but friendly feelings for her. I try to live my life without asking myself all these questions, it's hard though i am just like that, the smallest decision makes me think for hours ! I realize that i makes me depressed sometimes but i just can't help it.
  9. unknown17050

    Regular Member

    May 13, 2013
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Straight but curious
    You sound rather Asexual in my opinion, you never mentioned anything about sexual attraction towards any gender in particular and you say you have butterflies in your stomach if you see women kissing each other, that can mean 2 things really.

    1. You are excited a little and want to see more.

    2. You are uncomfortable and do not wish it to go further than it already has.

    You also mentioned the lack of crushes on anyone which makes me think you are either Demisexual or Aromantic, but more likely Demisexual as you seem to be interested in romantic relationships of some sort. Romantic orientation and sexual orientation are two whole different things and basically two sides of the same attraction coin. As for not having any at all you could just may have to put yourself out there, although; experimentation is always good and can be fun; although, it is in the end your choice altogether. There are ways of figuring out your orientations through pictures online, and mental images, look up on google pictures of naked men and women, then look up stories of romance and think about it from your perspective if you were in that situation, who do you envision yourself being, the man or the woman, also do you prefer lesbian romance or gay romance? Lastly, mental images, who do you see yourself with, sexually and emotionally?

    Anyways, I hope I helped as all this helped me figure my orientations out. If you do happen to figure it out though, tell us; we'll support you if you need it :slight_smile:
  10. BelleLey

    BelleLey Guest

    I'm not sure that i understand the differences between all these words, especially because i've never heard them in France. But i guess time will help me figures things out.