I am such a weird human being.

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by MayaBee, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. MayaBee

    Full Member

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Yes I am so weird. All this year I have been questioning myself and noticed some really stupid things.

    As for an example, when I walk down the streets and saw a female going by, I used to think "oh, if I was a boy, I'd find that girl attractive.". Apparently I knew you could be gay, but didnt know that I could find females attractive if I am one.

    Another example, when I saw that a male was bisexual (please dont take this as an offence!) I never understood why they were so. I mean, "if you have the chance to be with a female, why would you be with a male?" - me a year ago. Still didnt realize that it was the male that bothered me in that relationship and nothing else.

    For the last example, you need to know that all my life I have been a great supporter of LGBT+. But whenever my parents would want to talk with me about that topic, specifically about how they would not care if I was a lesbian(apparently they know I am not straight before I knew) I would get extremely uncomfortable. Like, I'd blush and nervously laugh and not answer anything else than 'mhm' when they talked. Why? Well, I didnt know.

    That's it, now you know several reasons why I was stupid.
    Does anyone of you have such stupid things too? Would love to hear them :slight_smile:
  2. questions4ever

    Full Member

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
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    Some people
    Yeah I get that. Like I was fine with lgbt until it was me and I never even considered that I could be a lesbian
  3. campervankid

    Full Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    That sounds exactly like me. :slight_smile: I always found women attractive and I knew what gay meant but never clicked that I must therefore be gay. I think that I just assumed I must be the same as everyone I knew because I didn't know any gay people.

    I also used to wonder why any man when they have the perfect opportunity to be with a woman and everyone be okay with that, would want to be with a man instead. But I think that is normal for most people, until we actual feel sexual attraction towards a gender it is probably difficult to understand why someone else does. Obviously I cant speak for them but maybe gay men think the same or thought the same abut lesbians when they were growing up like why wold we want a woman when we could be with a man.

    And both of my parents are fine with people who are gay but my dad only just found out recently that I was when I accepted that I was four years ago and I wasn't even going to tell him, it was by accident. My best friend is fine with it too but I get so awkward if she mentions it even just in conversation and if ther is like two women kissing on a tv program or something I will do everything to avoid watching it with her or with anyone.

    So I don't think you are stupid at all and if you are then so am I :slight_smile: so at least you are not alone.