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Discussion in 'Entertainment and Technology' started by BudderMC, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. BudderMC

    Full Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Ontario, Canada
    My housemates want me to learn to play Halo. I've never played console shooters before (only PC), so I'm waaaay used to a mouse. And the only shooter I've played recently is Borderlands (which, I assume, isn't exactly similar).

    Anyone got tips? Suggestions? I think Reach is what I'd be learning on, if that makes a difference.
  2. Zaio

    Zaio Guest

    Well first off all as you start you will want the camera settings so you don't turn too fast, the slower the better as you can aim your shots, then as time goes on you can increase the speed.

    Try and practise headshots, in halo head-shots with rifles and snipers are crucial to playing well.

    Try not to stay still for long, and try to alternate your moving pattern, if you're moving in a random pattern it will be harder for an enemy to predict where you will be for things like grenades or a very easy sniper shot.

    Good luck :slight_smile:
  3. vyvance

    Full Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    Inverted y-axis helps me when playing console fps/tps. You might want to try that out.

    I'll take a mouse/keyboard over a pad any day though.
  4. BudderMC

    Full Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Ontario, Canada
    I've only done campaign so far, and it's not too bad. I'm probably very noob, but I've only died once I think :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

    Is there any real way to get more ammo besides finding a new weapon that has ammo? I find I'm always running out just as I start to like a weapon :/

    Oh, and any tips for grenades? I never used them in Borderlands (because I never felt there was a need), so what are they good for besides hordes of enemies?
  5. vyvance

    Full Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    While less true against ai, in multi-player you can use grenades to control space or enemy movement. Things like sticky grenades on doorways to prevent someone going through it for a few seconds. Works good as anti vehicle as well.

    Of course, this may all have changed. I don't own an x-box, so all my knowledge of Halo comes from 1 & 2 on pc.
  6. Mogenar

    Regular Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    In a galaxy far far away.
    Plasma grenade (the sticky ones) i find are better against vehicles. Frags, which have a slightly larger last radius and bounce, are better against infantry, though it frnakly depends on the rage. Frags are longer-range grenades, plasmas are short range grenades, though no grenades should be used in close quarters unless using an armor ability that can get you away from the blast radius in time (you'll have about three seconds to escape). Plasma also are instant kills if they stick. Frags can sometimes kill with the impact damage. I assume you're playing Reach when I give you this information, by the way.

    ---------- Post added 11th Apr 2012 at 09:35 AM ----------

    Oh! And if someone lunges at you with an Energy Sword, you can partially negate the damage with a well-timed melee attack from most weapons. Energy sword parrys in such a manner totally negate damage to health, but your shields will be fried.

    As for ammo, there is no way to get more ammo except to pick up a different wepaon or find another of the same one.

    Health, however, is different. for Spartans, health regenerates to the nearest third (33, 66, or 100%). To fully heal, a Spartan must use a health pack, which can be usually found on walls or on floors. THey fully heal your health from any amount, so it's advised you try to hold out as long as possible without using them.

    For Elites, health regenerates up to maximum from any amount, but as a result Elites cannot pick up health packs to heal instantly. Elites' health regenerates more quickly, bu they cannnot take as much damage to health as Spartans can. Spartans also have faster recharge speeds for their energy shields. They can't move as fast, however, or jump as high. They ARE smaller targets, though. Both races have the exact same abilities, otherwise.
  7. BudderMC

    Full Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Ontario, Canada
    Thanks again for the advice guys. I think I'm getting minimally better with grenades (though I can't seem to use plasmas worth anything...); I actually got a couple kills with them :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    My friend made me play online with him. I think my first game I went -14 or something absolutely terrible like that. I am learning that I should stick with sniping though too; less in the fray and more precise killing, like I'm decent at. I can't handle being up close... usually I'll die in a shootout like that, probably because of lack of experience.

    My next question is about needler vs. assault rifle, and needle rifle vs. DMR, since they seem to be relatively equivalent weapons for Covenant/Spartans. I get that the needle weps cause explosions if you stick enough needles in the enemy without shields... but around how many is that? The way I'm seeing it so far is that the DMR is better, since if you're going for headshots they should be dying in much fewer shots than the amount needed to proc the explosion. But on the other hand, the needler is better because it heat-seeks (minimally it seems) and you're unloading tons of rounds, making an explosion more likely. Am I thinking about this properly?

    Also, plasma pistol. When does it shine? I know it's for stunning vehicles and wiping shields, but in the heat of the battle I find there isn't really opportunity to charge it... and it fires too slowly to be useful at a long range. :/
  8. vyvance

    Full Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    For the plasma pistol, you can try to charge it before going into battle, have the charge ready before you go around that corner. Then swap weapons as soon as you fire it to shoot them asap when it hits.